Game on July 17, 2021 at 17:52, 4 players
1. 47 pts HHHHHH1112
2. 41 pts moonmonkey
3. 22 pts sicilianc5
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 76 76 


G7 24 100 


3E 25 125 


F6 37 162 


2B 49 211 


1F 83 294 


4A 23 317 


A4 36 353 


11C 72 425 


D6 94 519 


13B 70 589 


10B 28 617 


L1 72 689 


14F 36 725 


8J 36 761 


15H 47 808 


M7 81 889 


15A 54 943 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1. -
HHHHHH1112 1 1:56 -896 47 1.7666 moonmonkey 0 2:52 -902 41
moonmonkey 0 2:52 -902 41 2.7593 sicilianc5 0 1:13 -921 22
sicilianc5 0 1:13 -921 22 3.7596 queen66 0 1:26 -921 22
queen66 0 1:26 -921 22 Group: not rated
1. - HHHHHH1112 1 1:56 -896 47
On 1st draw, VARIO(L)E H4 76 --- VARIOLE a small fovea [n]
Other tops: AVOI(D)ER H3 76, AVO(D)IRE H3 76, OVARIE(S) H3 76
Other moves: AVOI(D)ER H2 70, AVOI(D)ER H4 70, AVOI(D)ER H6 70, AVOI(D)ER H7 70, AVO(D)IRE H2 70
On 2nd draw, HIE G7 24 --- HIE to hurry [v]
Other tops: HUTIA G5 24
Other moves: AAH G5 23, AHI G6 23, THAE G7 21, THAE I7 21, AH G6 20
On 3rd draw, REBOP 3E 25 --- REBOP a type of music [n]
Other moves: BOP 3G 23, PROBE 3F 23, REP I5 23, AEROBE 3E 22, BOEP 3G 22
On 4th draw, JAG F6 37 --- JAG to cut unevenly [v]
Other moves: JA F6 31, AJEE F1 27, JEAT F2 27, JETE F2 27, GAJO 2B 26
On 5th draw, AGLEY 2B 49 --- AGLEY with a turn or twist to one side [adv]
Other moves: GLEY 2C 31, GOEY 2C 31, GAY 2D 30, GEY 2D 30, G*YGOY 2D 30
On 6th draw, ORGONES 1F 83 --- ORGONE a postulated energy pervading the universe [n]
Other tops: OROGENS 1F 83
Other moves: ORGONES 11B 77, OROGENS 11B 77, ORGONES 2I 74, OROGENS 2I 74, OVERGO 4G 28
On 7th draw, MARON 4A 23 --- MARON a freshwater crustacean [n]
Other tops: BARON 4A 23, BORNA 4A 23, MANOR 4A 23
Other moves: BOAR 4C 22, GRANNOM C2 22, OBA 1A 22, AMBO E8 21, *B*ABO 3A 20
On 8th draw, MIKED A4 36 --- MIKE to amplify or record by use of a microphone [v]
Other moves: KISTED 11F 33, MIKES A4 33, SKEED I8 33, SKITED 11H 33, SKEET I8 32
On 9th draw, TENNI(S)T 11C 72 --- TENNIST a tennis player [n]
Other tops: INTENT(S) 11B 72
Other moves: INTENT(S) B8 69, (A)NTIENT B8 68, (S)ENTIENT 10G 67, SENTI(E)NT L1 66, ST(A)NNITE L1 66
On 10th draw, BEDIZENS D6 94 --- BEDIZEN to dress gaudily [v]
Other moves: ZINEBS D8 54, ZEIN 12A 52, ZINEB D8 52, ZINEBS J6 50, ZINES D8 48
On 11th draw, INSTATES 13B 70 --- INSTATE to install in office [v]
Other tops: NASTIEST 13B 70
Other moves: SATINET J3 69, ANTSIEST 13A 68, INSTATE 12I 68, INSTATE J9 68, SATINETS L1 68
On 12th draw, FUZE 10B 28 --- FUZE to equip with a detonating device [v]
Other moves: FES C7 26, FET C7 26, FIT C7 26, FEZ 10B 25, FIZ 10B 25
On 13th draw, SUITCASE L1 72 --- SUITCASE a piece of luggage for transporting possessions [n]
Other tops: SAUCIEST L1 72
Other moves: ENIACS F10 35, ENIAC F10 34, EVICTS 4G 30, VACUIST 4H 28, NASTIC J1 26
On 14th draw, WADI 14F 36 --- WADI the bed of a usually dry watercourse [n]
Other tops: WADT 14F 36
Other moves: WAD 14F 33, WAT 14F 31, WIT 14F 31, WOT 14F 31, AW 14E 28
On 15th draw, OVERLY 8J 36 --- OVERLY to an excessive degree [adv]
Other moves: VEERY 8K 33, VEILY 8K 33, YE B6 32, OY 2I 31, LIVERY M8 28
On 16th draw, HM 15H 47 --- HM used to express thoughtful consideration [interj]
Other moves: DAHL M3 33, DAH M3 29, HIM 9C 27, HIP 9C 27, HUMID 2K 27
HM 15H 47 HHHHHH1112
On 17th draw, TROPICAL M7 81 --- TROPIC either of two circles of the celestial sphere on each side of the equator [adj] --- TROPICAL a tropical place [n] --- TROPICAL pertaining to the tropics [adj]
Other moves: COPITA 15A 39, OPTICAL N2 34, TOPICAL N2 34, CITOLA 15A 33, COITAL 15A 33
CIT 9C 19 moonmonkey
On 18th draw, WOEFUL 15A 54 --- WOEFUL full of grief [adj]
Other moves: DEFOUL 15A 39, FLUE 1A 32, WOF N13 27, OWE C6 26, UFO 14A 24
FE 14B 22 moonmonkey, sicilianc5, queen66
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