Game on July 19, 2021 at 20:07, 4 players
1. 306 pts Mycophot
2. 127 pts queen66
3. 127 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 42 42 


5E 106 148 


6C 87 235 


4L 32 267 


8A 107 374 


4A 35 409 


3I 31 440 


9H 64 504 


2J 52 556 


K8 80 636 


M6 74 710 


A8 89 799 


14J 38 837 


1K 46 883 


12D 70 953 


2N 33 986 


O6 42 1028 


B10 30 1058 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Mycophot 2 10:20 -752 306 1.7822 Mycophot 2 10:20 -752 306
queen66 0 4:15 -931 127 2.7714 queen66 0 4:15 -931 127
moonmonkey 0 5:10 -931 127 3.7732 moonmonkey 0 5:10 -931 127
4. -
HHHHHH1112 0 1:58 -1018 40 Group: not rated
1. - HHHHHH1112 0 1:58 -1018 40
On 1st draw, KYTHES H4 42 --- KYTHE to make known [v]
Other moves: ASHKEY H7 40, KYTHE H4 40, KYTHES H3 40, HYKES H4 38, SHAKY H8 38
On 2nd draw, GAMYNESS 5E 106 --- GAMYNESS the quality of being gamy [n]
Other moves: MAGNESES 8D 64, MAGNESES 8B 63, GAMENESS 8C 62, GAMENESS 8E 62, GAMESY 5C 24
MANGY 5D 22 moonmonkey, queen66
On 3rd draw, PROBATE(S) 6C 87 --- PROBATE to establish the validity of a will [v]
Other tops: PROBATE(D) 6C 87
Other moves: OPERAB(L)E 8A 86, ROPEAB(L)E 8A 86, SAPROBE(S) L5 74, PARABO(L)E F2 73, SAPROBE(S) K5 72
BOEP 4J 26 queen66, moonmonkey, Mycophot
On 4th draw, ENVY 4L 32 --- ENVY to covet others' possessions,looks etc. [v]
Other tops: VESTRY L3 32
Other moves: NERVY 4A 31, RATHE 7E 29, YENTA 4A 28, AERY 7C 27, ENVY 4B 27
NERVY 4A 31 Mycophot, moonmonkey, queen66
On 5th draw, POLA(R)IZE 8A 107 --- POLARIZE to give polarity to [v]
Other moves: OPALIZE(D) 8B 69, POLYZ(O)A O1 60, P(O)LYZOA O1 60, ZI(P)PO 3I 59, ZO(P)PA 3I 59
LAZY O1 48 queen66, moonmonkey, Mycophot
On 6th draw, CORBEL 4A 35 --- CORBEL to provide a wall with a bracket [v]
Other moves: CORBE 3I 33, ROUBLE I8 32, COBLE 3I 31, BERYL O1 30, CLOYE O1 30
On 7th draw, VIRTU 3I 31 --- VIRTU a love or taste for the fine arts [n]
Other moves: NEAR I5 30, RIVA I8 30, TIVY O1 30, VARY O1 30, RIA I8 26
On 8th draw, SANIFIED 9H 64 --- SANIFY to make healthy [v]
Other moves: DEFY O1 33, FADY O1 33, NEED I5 32, DEAF 2J 31, DIF I8 31
On 9th draw, XU 2J 52 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: CALYX O1 51, CAUDEX O6 48, REDUX O7 39, AXED O6 36, CAREX N6 36
XU 2J 52 Mycophot
On 10th draw, WITHEROD K8 80 --- WITHEROD a North American shrub [n]
Other tops: WITHEROD M8 80
Other moves: WHEY O1 39, EDH 10L 36, WRITHED M7 36, ETH 10L 34, HOE 8M 34
WHEY O1 39 Mycophot
On 11th draw, NOTIFIER M6 74 --- NOTIFIER one that notifies [n]
Other moves: FRONTIER 13D 63, OFTEN 1K 39, OFTER 1K 39, FIEF L9 37, FENI L12 34
On 12th draw, PRODIGAL A8 89 --- PRODIGAL one who spends lavishly and wastefully [n]
Other moves: GADOID O7 33, DARGA I8 27, DOGY O1 27, GADDI 15H 27, GADOID 15F 27
On 13th draw, COAST 14J 38 --- COAST to slide down a hill [v]
Other tops: COOST 14J 38
Other moves: SCOUG 1K 36, OCTAS 1K 33, SCOUT 1K 33, SCUTA 1K 33, CAGOT 1K 32
OCTAS 1K 33 Mycophot
On 14th draw, GANJA 1K 46 --- GANJA cannabis used for smoking [n]
Other moves: G*DJ*GADJE O7 42, G*DJ*GADJO O7 42, JOEY O1 42, JADE O7 36, JAG 2M 32
GANJA 1K 46 Mycophot
On 15th draw, DATELINE 12D 70 --- DATELINE to provide a news story with its date and place of origin [v]
Other moves: NIDATED O7 30, AD 2N 27, IDLED O8 27, LADDIE O7 27, LANCED A1 27
On 16th draw, OW 2N 33 --- OW used to express sudden pain [interj]
Other tops: ODEUM O8 33
Other moves: TWO 8M 32, MEW 11E 31, MEOU B10 30, OM 2N 30, WE B10 29
MEW 11E 31 Mycophot
On 17th draw, QUID O6 42 --- QUID a portion of something to be chewed [n]
Other tops: QUOD O6 42
Other moves: OIDIUM O7 36, IDIOM O8 33, ODEUM O8 33, ODIUM O8 33, MAQUI E11 32
On 18th draw, MEOU B10 30 --- MEOU to make the sound of a crying cat [v]
Other moves: EMIC A1 24, EME 11D 23, EMU 11D 23, ME B10 23, MI B10 23
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