Game on July 29, 2021 at 12:24, 7 players
1. 120 pts Chelsea
2. 113 pts HollyIvy
3. 109 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 20 20 


I8 43 63 


J9 39 102 


K3 82 184 


6G 65 249 


13C 80 329 


14B 40 369 


12D 27 396 


M3 104 500 


15A 31 531 


N9 28 559 


15K 40 599 


O7 35 634 


H1 30 664 


1F 64 728 


M12 31 759 


2A 53 812 


7A 62 874 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 1 3:29 -754 120 1.7522 Chelsea 1 3:29 -754 120
HollyIvy 1 3:14 -761 113 2.7963 HollyIvy 1 3:14 -761 113
Mycophot 1 2:58 -765 109 3.7827 Mycophot 1 2:58 -765 109
moonmonkey 0 3:55 -768 106 4.7586 moonmonkey 0 3:55 -768 106
queen66 0 0:48 -823 51 5.7752 queen66 0 0:48 -823 51
6. -
YYYYYY1113 0 1:53 -823 51 Group: not rated
7. -
BBBBBB1113 1 1:59 -834 40 1. - YYYYYY1113 0 1:53 -823 51
2. - BBBBBB1113 1 1:59 -834 40
On 1st draw, GAWP H8 20 --- GAWP to stare stupidly [v]
Other tops: GAWP H5 20, GAWP H6 20, GAWP H7 20
Other moves: WIPE H5 18, WIPE H6 18, WIPE H7 18, WIPE H8 18, PAW H6 16
On 2nd draw, OXO I8 43 --- OXO containing oxygen [adj]
Other moves: LOX I7 39, NOX I7 39, OX I8 37, AXONE I6 32, WAXEN 10H 31
On 3rd draw, ENMESH J9 39 --- ENMESH to ensnare or entangle in a net [v]
Other moves: MENES J6 37, ENMESH 12D 36, UNMESH 12D 36, HEM G7 34, HEMES 12D 34
On 4th draw, CHITON(S) K3 82 --- CHITON a tunic worn in ancient Greece [n]
Other tops: CHITON(S) 12B 82
Other moves: CHTHONI(C) 14G 80, (C)HTHONIC 14G 80, HOTCHIN(G) 14F 73, CHITOS(A)N 13E 64, (E)THIC K11 36
On 5th draw, TWISTIER 6G 65 --- TWISTY full of curves [adj]
Other moves: STREW G5 35, STEW G6 34, STEWIER 12H 34, SWITHER 4G 34, TREW G6 34
On 6th draw, DURABLES 13C 80 --- DURABLES durable goods [n]
Other moves: DURABLE 5A 72, BARLEDUC 3D 66, DURABLE 7A 65, ADIEU L4 32, BLAHED 4H 30
On 7th draw, TAPED 14B 40 --- TAPE to fasten with tape (a long, narrow strip or band) [v]
Other moves: PATED 14B 38, PACKED 3I 36, PECKED 3I 36, PACKET 3I 34, NAKED 8K 33
PACKED 3I 36 moonmonkey
On 8th draw, GAL 12D 27 --- GAL a girl [n]
Other tops: GAR 12D 27, GEL 12D 27
Other moves: GLANCER 3G 26, ANTLER G4 24, TAEL G6 22, TEAL G6 22, TEAR G6 22
TEAL G6 22 moonmonkey
On 9th draw, (S)NEEZIER M3 104 --- SNEEZY tending to sneeze [adj]
Other moves: ENER(G)IZE M6 86, E(T)ERNIZE M6 84, ZE(B)RINE 5A 82, (P)RENZIE 5A 82, (P)RENZIE 7A 70
ZEE(S) 15A 48 moonmonkey, Mycophot
ZIN(S) 15A 48 HollyIvy
On 10th draw, OIK 15A 31 --- OIK a boor [n]
Other tops: EIK 15A 31, NEK 15A 31
Other moves: KOI L2 30, UNTHINK 4H 30, KEN 15A 27, KIN 15A 27, KON 15A 27
NEK 15A 31 HollyIvy
OIK 15A 31 Mycophot
On 11th draw, LEVANT N9 28 --- LEVANT to avoid a debt [v]
Other moves: NAIVE 8K 27, UVEAL 5E 25, ELVAN N10 24, NUTLET G4 24, HALVE 14J 22
On 12th draw, ABASE 15K 40 --- ABASE to lower in rank, prestige, or esteem [v]
Other moves: BAAS O12 38, BEAN O12 38, BOAS O12 38, BASE 15L 37, BESNOW H1 36
On 13th draw, FUMS O7 35 --- FUM the fabled Chinese phoenix [n]
Other moves: ALFS O7 30, AUFS O7 30, SAFT O7 30, FUM O7 29, AFT O8 27
SAFT O7 30 Mycophot
On 14th draw, ERENOW H1 30 --- ERENOW before this time [adv]
Other moves: NATTER G4 24, NETTER G4 24, TENOR 15E 24, TERNE 15E 24, OTTAR G5 23
On 15th draw, ACERVULI 1F 64 --- ACERVULI spore-producing organs of certain fungi [n] --- ACERVULUS a spore-producing organ of certain fungi [n]
Other moves: CALIVER 3C 34, CRUIVE 3C 30, CAVILER 3C 28, CLAVIER 3C 28, VIA L2 28
CALIVER 3C 34 HollyIvy
REC I12 14 Chelsea
On 16th draw, JO M12 31 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other tops: JA M12 31
Other moves: AUTOED 2A 29, OUTED 2B 27, DEJECT(S) 3G 26, CODETTA G1 24, JEAT 12L 24
JA M12 31 Chelsea
On 17th draw, GIDDAY 2A 53 --- GIDDAY a greeting good day [interj]
Other moves: DODGY 2B 51, GIDDY 2B 51, DYAD 15E 40, GADOID 2A 33, HANDY 4K 32
GIDDY 2B 51 queen66, Chelsea
On 18th draw, TRITONE 7A 62 --- TRITONE a musical interval of three whole tones [n]
Other moves: TOTTIER G3 33, GENITOR A2 27, GITTERN A2 27, OTTER G5 25, IGNORE A1 24
IGNORE A1 24 Chelsea
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