Game on July 29, 2021 at 19:59, 4 players
1. 234 pts sicilianc5
2. 213 pts queen66
3. 194 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 64 64 


13B 82 146 


7G 66 212 


8L 47 259 


14E 33 292 


O8 92 384 


6H 25 409 


14J 68 477 


15H 47 524 


11C 80 604 


E4 98 702 


4B 34 736 


10J 29 765 


B1 78 843 


N7 29 872 


3F 65 937 


A8 33 970 


2F 33 1003 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
sicilianc5 1 6:53 -769 234 1.7651 sicilianc5 1 6:53 -769 234
queen66 2 6:12 -790 213 2.7781 queen66 2 6:12 -790 213
moonmonkey 1 4:30 -809 194 3.7572 moonmonkey 1 4:30 -809 194
4. -
NNNNNN1113 1 1:53 -935 68 Group: not rated
1. - NNNNNN1113 1 1:53 -935 68
On 1st draw, E(M)OTION H7 64 --- EMOTION instinctive feeling as opposed to reason [n]
Other tops: EO(B)IONT H3 64, EO(B)IONT H4 64, EO(B)IONT H6 64, EO(B)IONT H7 64, EO(B)IONT H8 64, E(M)OTION H2 64, E(M)OTION H4 64, E(M)OTION H6 64, E(M)OTION H8 64, I(S)OTONE H2 64, I(S)OTONE H4 64, I(S)OTONE H6 64, I(S)OTONE H7 64, I(S)OTONE H8 64, TOONIE(S) H2 64, TOONIE(S) H3 64, TOONIE(S) H4 64, TOONIE(S) H7 64, TOONIE(S) H8 64, T(W)OONIE H2 64, T(W)OONIE H4 64, T(W)OONIE H6 64, T(W)OONIE H7 64, T(W)OONIE H8 64, (C)OONTIE H2 64, (C)OONTIE H3 64, (C)OONTIE H6 64, (C)OONTIE H7 64, (C)OONTIE H8 64, (Z)OONITE H2 64, (Z)OONITE H3 64, (Z)OONITE H6 64, (Z)OONITE H7 64, (Z)OONITE H8 64
Other moves: EO(B)IONT H2 62, EO(B)IONT H5 62, E(M)OTION H3 62, E(M)OTION H5 62, I(S)OTONE H3 62
On 2nd draw, (S)YCAMINE 13B 82 --- SYCAMINE the mulberry tree [n]
Other tops: ME(D)IACY G9 82, ME(D)IACY I9 82
Other moves: MYCE(L)IAN 13A 80, ME(D)IACY 6F 77, ME(D)IACY G1 76, ME(G)ACITY 10B 76, MYCE(L)IA G1 70
On 3rd draw, REPRISED 7G 66 --- REPRISE to take back by force [v]
On 4th draw, HEAR 8L 47 --- HEAR to perceive by the ear [v]
Other tops: HAEN 8L 47
Other moves: UNHOR(S)E B8 34, AHOR(S)E B9 32, HAU(S)EN B10 32, HOU(S)ER B10 32, HAN(S)E B10 30
On 5th draw, AYS 14E 33 --- AY an affirmative vote [n]
Other tops: YEAST J10 33
Other moves: YEA(S)TS B10 32, SPAYED I6 31, YADS 14E 31, YADS J10 31, AY 14E 30
On 6th draw, RAILBEDS O8 92 --- RAILBED the bed of a railway track [n]
Other moves: DISHABLES L5 80, DIABLES 14I 77, DISABLE 14I 77, DISABLE(S) B6 70, BEDRAILS J4 67
On 7th draw, ROOD 6H 25 --- ROOD a crucifix [n]
Other tops: ROED 6H 25, RUED 6H 25
Other moves: RODEOED 14I 24, DERO 6F 22, DOE 6H 22, DOO 6H 22, DUE 6H 22
On 8th draw, JAUKED 14J 68 --- JAUK to dawdle [v]
Other tops: JUNKED 14J 68
Other moves: JAK G9 47, JACK D11 45, KANTED 14J 42, JET G9 39, JUT G9 39
On 9th draw, DHOW 15H 47 --- DHOW an Arabian sailing vessel [n]
Other moves: WHOT 15H 41, OWCHE D11 38, WECHT D11 38, DOETH 15A 36, DOUCHE D10 36
DHOW 15H 47 moonmonkey, queen66
On 10th draw, SAXATILE 11C 80 --- SAXATILE living or growing among rocks [adj]
Other moves: TAXLE(S)S B8 58, AXELS 15A 42, AXLES 15A 42, LAXES 15A 42, TAXES 15A 42
TAXES 15A 42 queen66
LAXES 15A 42 moonmonkey
TEXAS 15A 42 sicilianc5
On 11th draw, ZELATRIX E4 98 --- ZELATRIX a nun who oversees the behaviour of other nuns [n]
Other moves: TRIAZOLE 9C 79, L*ZLEZ 10D 74, ZETA 10F 68, ZITE 10F 68, ZIT 10F 65
L*Z 10DLEZ 10D 74 sicilianc5, moonmonkey
On 12th draw, TOWZE 4B 34 --- TOWZE to haul [v]
Other moves: WOVE 10J 31, TENZON 4B 30, TEW 10H 29, WENT 10J 28, WONT 10J 28
WOVE 10J 31 queen66, sicilianc5, moonmonkey
On 13th draw, FIB 10J 29 --- FIB a trivial lie [n] --- FIB to tell a trivial lie [v]
Other tops: FIB 10D 29, FUB 10J 29
Other moves: FITT 10J 28, FIN 10J 27, FIT 10J 27, FUN 10J 27, UNBITT 8A 27
FIB 10J 29 sicilianc5
FIB 10D 29 queen66
On 14th draw, VENTRING B1 78 --- VENTRING an enterprise [n]
Other moves: NERVING 3F 68, VIER 12A 39, RIVET 8A 27, VENIN 10B 26, VENTING B1 26
On 15th draw, DAMP N7 29 --- DAMP moist [adj] --- DAMP to lessen in intensity [v]
Other moves: OVINE 1A 27, P*MPOM 5H 27, MOVE 12J 26, MOPE 12J 24, OVEN 1A 24
MOVE 12J 26 queen66
On 16th draw, ANTIFOG 3F 65 --- ANTIFOG preventing the buildup of moisture on a surface [adj]
Other moves: GOAF A6 38, GONIF 10B 38, OVATING 1A 36, GIANT A6 32, GOAT A6 29
GOAF A6 38 queen66
On 17th draw, UNCUT A8 33 --- CUT to divide into parts with a sharp-edged instrument [adj] --- UNCUT not cut [adj]
Other moves: UNCI A8 27, UNLIT A8 27, UNTIL A8 27, CUTIN 10B 23, UNIT A8 21
UNTIL A8 27 sicilianc5
On 18th draw, GUILE 2F 33 --- GUILE to beguile [v]
Other moves: QI 2I 31, OVULE 1A 27, EVIL 1A 24, OVEL 1A 24, QI 14A 24
QI 2I 31 sicilianc5
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