Game on August 15, 2021 at 18:47, 8 players
1. 178 pts moonmonkey
2. 177 pts Mycophot
3. 176 pts sicilianc5
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 28 28 


6E 72 100 


K1 88 188 


E3 64 252 


D9 77 329 


15A 203 532 


1E 39 571 


3I 30 601 


C9 30 631 


F9 40 671 


8K 30 701 


N1 34 735 


D2 46 781 


4K 32 813 


F3 24 837 


9H 31 868 


M7 26 894 


L12 40 934 


14J 32 966 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
moonmonkey 0 4:34 -788 178 1.7718 moonmonkey 0 4:34 -788 178
Mycophot 4 5:23 -789 177 2.7753 Mycophot 4 5:23 -789 177
sicilianc5 0 4:21 -790 176 3.7702 sicilianc5 0 4:21 -790 176
Hammer22 0 3:52 -801 165 Group: intermediate
5. -
MMMMMM1111 1 0:45 -938 28 1.6588 Hammer22 0 3:52 -801 165
6. -
AAAAAA1116 1 1:08 -938 28 Group: not rated
7. -
NNNNNN1114 1 1:33 -938 28 1. - MMMMMM1111 1 0:45 -938 28
8. -
BBBBBB1113 1 1:54 -938 28 2. - AAAAAA1116 1 1:08 -938 28
3. - NNNNNN1114 1 1:33 -938 28
4. - BBBBBB1113 1 1:54 -938 28
On 1st draw, BREGMA H4 28 --- BREGMA a junction point of the skull [n]
Other tops: BAGMEN H4 28, BREGMA H8 28
Other moves: BARMEN H4 26, BAGMEN H3 24, BAGMEN H7 24, BAGMEN H8 24, BANGER H4 24
On 2nd draw, ENDEAVOR 6E 72 --- ENDEAVOR to strive or attempt [v]
Other moves: ENDEAVOR 6H 68, OVERRAN 5E 40, ADORNER 5E 32, BRAVOED 4H 26, ADVERB 4C 24
OVERRAN 5E 40 moonmonkey, sicilianc5
On 3rd draw, WAVEFORM K1 88 --- WAVEFORM a type of mathematical graph [n]
Other moves: WAFER 5K 34, WAVER 5K 34, WAVE 5K 32, FARMER L1 30, FRAME 5B 30
WAVER 5K 34 Hammer22
WAFER 5K 34 moonmonkey, sicilianc5
On 4th draw, NONETTE(S) E3 64 --- NONETTE a musical piece for nine players [n]
Other moves: NONETT(E) G9 61, NONETT(E) I9 61, NONETT(I) G9 61, NONETT(I) I9 61, NONETT(O) G9 61
On 5th draw, PERIDIA D9 77 --- PERIDIUM the covering of the spore-bearing organ in many fungi [n]
Other moves: PERIDIA G9 72, IMPAIR 8J 39, WIPED 1K 36, ADEPT 8A 33, DRIPT 8A 33
DRAPE D1 32 sicilianc5, moonmonkey, Hammer22
On 6th draw, ZENAIDA(S) 15A 203 --- ZENAIDA a wild dove [n]
Other moves: DAI(D)ZEIN 14B 124, (D)AIDZEIN 14B 124, ZENAID(A) G9 98, ZEN(A)IDA G9 98, ZEN(A)IDA C3 92
ZANIED 2J 72 moonmonkey
ZANDE(R) 2J 70 Hammer22, sicilianc5
On 7th draw, OUTFLEW 1E 39 --- OUTFLY to surpass in speed of flight [v]
Other moves: FOLATE C8 38, FETWA 1H 36, WOFUL 1K 36, FLUATE B10 34, FOLATE B10 34
On 8th draw, WIVER 3I 30 --- WIVER in heraldry, a dragon with wings, the tail of a snake and two legs [n]
Other tops: WIPE D2 30
Other moves: EARWIG 2J 28, PEW D2 28, PIE 2F 28, WEIL 14B 28, GRIPLE B10 26
On 9th draw, ORATE C9 30 --- ORATE to speak formally [v]
Other tops: ARETE C9 30
Other moves: AMORET 8J 27, EMOTER 8J 27, OMERTA 8J 27, MATER 8K 24, MEARE 8K 24
On 10th draw, DHOBI F9 40 --- DHOBI a person who does laundry in India [n]
Other moves: DHOTI F9 38, DHOL F9 37, HOB 8A 32, HILD F10 30, HOB F10 30
HOB B9 29 Hammer22, Mycophot
On 11th draw, MICOS 8K 30 --- MICO a small monkey [n]
Other tops: MESIC 8K 30
Other moves: ACES 9H 29, SECO 9K 29, SICE 9K 29, SEC 9K 28, SIC 9K 28
MESIC 8K 30 Mycophot
On 12th draw, CANGUE N1 34 --- CANGUE an ancient Chinese punishing device [n]
Other tops: CANGLE N1 34
Other moves: CUNEAL N1 32, ANCLE N2 30, LANGUE N1 30, UNCLE N2 30, ANGEL N2 28
On 13th draw, HAJ D2 46 --- HAJ a pilgrimage to Mecca [n]
Other moves: JEHU D2 42, JUNTO 4A 40, TAJ D2 40, HA O1 38, HE O1 38
HAJ D2 46 Mycophot
On 14th draw, ELEGY 4K 32 --- ELEGY a mournful poem for one who is dead [n]
Other moves: LINEAR 5C 25, YEAN F3 25, ICY 1M 24, LYNE F4 24, YONI F4 24
On 15th draw, AGONE F3 24 --- AGONE gone [adv]
Other moves: TAGINE 5A 23, TOEA 2F 23, ATONE F3 22, GAE 2F 22, GIE 2F 22
On 16th draw, AYUS 9H 31 --- AYU a small fish [n]
Other moves: BUNYIPS 12F 30, APOS 9H 29, COYPUS M8 28, AINS 9H 25, ANIS 9H 25
On 17th draw, SCULPIN M7 26 --- SCULPIN a freshwater fish [n]
Other moves: UP 10I 25, PUL C1 23, PUN C1 23, PUL 8A 21, SPILL B5 21
On 18th draw, XIS L12 40 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: OX L11 40
Other moves: XI L12 38, SIX 14M 32, SOX 14M 32, OXLIPS 11I 30, OXSLIP 11H 30
OX L11 40 Mycophot
On 19th draw, QIS 14J 32 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QANAT 3C 30, ICK 1M 27, KILO B6 26, KILT B6 26, KINO 5C 22
QIS 14J 32 Mycophot
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