Game on August 17, 2021 at 17:54, 4 players
1. 122 pts moonmonkey
2. 122 pts sicilianc5
3. 122 pts Hammer22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H2 76 76 


5E 82 158 


1G 78 236 


6B 36 272 


8H 80 352 


N8 38 390 


D6 84 474 


6J 35 509 


3G 70 579 


O11 48 627 


11A 68 695 


B10 56 751 


4A 37 788 


A11 50 838 


H11 45 883 


3C 45 928 


M11 35 963 


A1 27 990 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
moonmonkey 2 2:04 -868 122 1.7684 moonmonkey 2 2:04 -868 122
sicilianc5 2 2:22 -868 122 2.7815 sicilianc5 2 2:22 -868 122
Hammer22 2 2:42 -868 122 Group: intermediate
4. -
KKKKKK1113 1 1:34 -940 50 1.6588 Hammer22 2 2:42 -868 122
Group: not rated
1. - KKKKKK1113 1 1:34 -940 50
On 1st draw, LAPSING H2 76 --- LAPSE to fall from a previous standard [v]
Other tops: PALINGS H4 76, SAPLING H2 76
Other moves: LAPSING H6 74, PALINGS H7 74, SAPLING H6 74, LAPSING H3 72, LAPSING H4 72
On 2nd draw, TOASTIER 5E 82 --- TOASTY comfortably warm [adj]
Other moves: LITERATO 2H 70, TENTORIA 7F 61, ATTIRE 1C 54, RATITE 1C 54, ROTATE 1C 54
On 3rd draw, TEAPOY 1G 78 --- TEAPOY a small table used in serving tea [n]
Other moves: PEAVY 1G 72, PEATY 1G 63, POTAE 1D 63, TEPOY 1G 63, OVATE 1D 60
On 4th draw, NAVEW 6B 36 --- NAVEW a wild Swedish turnip [n]
Other tops: NAVEW 4K 36
Other moves: WEAVE 4K 33, VAW 6D 32, VAWTE 4A 32, WEAVE 2K 32, WEAVE 4A 32
On 5th draw, GOLIARD(S) 8H 80 --- GOLIARD a medieval student who indulged in goliardy [n]
Other tops: GOLIARD(Y) 8H 80, G(Y)ROIDAL 8H 80
Other moves: ARILLOD(E) 2E 79, GAOL(B)IRD 8H 77, RAIL(R)OAD 3B 72, (R)AILROAD 3B 72, ORDALIA(N) C3 70
On 6th draw, DEVISAL N8 38 --- DEVISAL the act of devising [n]
Other moves: SAVABLE 3G 34, ISABEL 2J 33, SAVABLE C3 32, VILLAE 2F 31, VILLAS 2F 31
On 7th draw, VERGE(N)CY D6 84 --- VERGENCY a merging motion [n]
Other moves: REAGE(N)CY 3F 82, RE(A)GENCY B1 76, (V)ERGENCY B1 76, REAGE(N)CY C4 65, GEYER M11 35
On 8th draw, FREON 6J 35 --- FREON a refrigerant [n]
Other moves: FORAM C3 33, MEFF 2K 33, FEM C13 32, FOREMAN 13I 32, FOREMAN 3C 32
On 9th draw, HAZANIM 3G 70 --- HAZAN a cantor [n]
Other moves: NIZAMS O1 63, MIZ M11 56, SHAZAM C2 53, ZANYISH 13A 52, SAZ M11 50
On 10th draw, NOHOW O11 48 --- NOHOW in no manner [adv]
Other moves: NOHOW E10 38, DONAH C3 35, HEWN 7C 35, HOW O13 34, WOOSH 12K 30
On 11th draw, BAN(N)ERET 11A 68 --- BANNERET a knight of higher grade [n]
Other tops: BA(N)NERET 11B 68
Other moves: TENEBRAE 10A 64, TENEBRAE 10C 64, CABERNET 12D 63, BANNERET B3 62, BANNERET B4 62
On 12th draw, JATOS B10 56 --- JATO a takeoff aided by jet propulsion [n]
Other moves: JOE 10B 53, FOXES 7A 45, FIX C13 42, FOX C13 42, OXES 7B 41
On 13th draw, FEUDAL 4A 37 --- FEUDAL pertaining to a political and economic system of medieval Europe [adj]
Other tops: FEODAL 4A 37
Other moves: BALED A11 34, DEFOUL 4A 33, FEODAL 12G 30, FEUDAL 12G 30, FLARED 8A 30
On 14th draw, BIKED A11 50 --- BIKE to ride a bicycle [v]
Other moves: BIKES A11 47, BUKES A11 47, KID M11 40, KIEFS A1 36, BIDES A11 35
On 15th draw, TOQUE H11 45 --- TOQUE a close-fitting woman's hat [n]
Other moves: QUIRE 8A 42, QUIRT 8A 42, ACQUITE L8 36, ACQUIT L8 34, CHAZANIM 3F 33
QUIRT 8A 42 moonmonkey
QUIRE 8A 42 sicilianc5, Hammer22
On 16th draw, XIS 3C 45 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: MUXES 7A 45
Other moves: DUXES 7A 44, MUDIRS O1 39, MURIDS O1 39, XI 3C 39, XIS 9I 39
MUXES 7A 45 Hammer22, sicilianc5, moonmonkey
On 17th draw, GIB M11 35 --- GIB to fasten with a wedge of wood or metal [v]
Other tops: DIB M11 35
Other moves: BID M11 34, RIB M11 32, GID M11 31, BIRD I12 29, RID M11 28
DIB M11 35 moonmonkey, sicilianc5
GIB M11 35 Hammer22
On 18th draw, CURF A1 27 --- CURF an incision made by a cutting tool [n]
Other tops: CUIF A1 27, DRIFT A1 27
Other moves: DIRT I12 25, DIT I12 22, TURF A1 21, CURED 7A 20, RIT I12 20
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