Game on August 21, 2021 at 13:47, 10 players
1. 180 pts Mycophot
2. 151 pts moonmonkey
3. 151 pts sicilianc5
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 32 32 


11E 48 80 


F7 72 152 


15C 111 263 


L8 85 348 


M2 78 426 


N8 77 503 


2J 42 545 


O4 54 599 


1H 53 652 


G4 38 690 


5E 32 722 


14H 43 765 


12D 26 791 


13C 31 822 


2B 75 897 


1A 30 927 


3A 35 962 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Mycophot 2 4:41 -782 180 1.7834 Mycophot 2 4:41 -782 180
moonmonkey 1 3:02 -811 151 2.7722 moonmonkey 1 3:02 -811 151
sicilianc5 1 3:39 -811 151 3.7839 sicilianc5 1 3:39 -811 151
Hammer22 1 4:07 -811 151 4.7592 Chelsea 2 3:14 -877 85
Chelsea 2 3:14 -877 85 5.7768 queen66 2 2:01 -897 65
queen66 2 2:01 -897 65 Group: intermediate
7. -
AAAAAA1116 1 0:45 -930 32 1.6809 Hammer22 1 4:07 -811 151
8. -
rrrrrr1112 1 1:08 -930 32 Group: not rated
9. -
WWWWWW1115 1 1:34 -930 32 1. - AAAAAA1116 1 0:45 -930 32
10. -
EEEEEE1114 1 1:58 -930 32 2. - rrrrrr1112 1 1:08 -930 32
3. - WWWWWW1115 1 1:34 -930 32
4. - EEEEEE1114 1 1:58 -930 32
On 1st draw, TAWERY H7 32 --- TAWERY a place where skins are dressed [n]
Other tops: TOWERY H7 32, WATERY H4 32, WATERY H7 32
Other moves: WARTY H4 30, WARTY H8 30, WEARY H4 30, WEARY H8 30, TAWERY H3 26
WATERY H7 32 AAAAAA1116, rrrrrr1112, WWWWWW1115, EEEEEE1114
On 2nd draw, AVARICE 11E 48 --- AVARICE greed [n]
Other moves: CAVIARE 11C 24, CAVIAR 11C 22, CAVIER 11C 22, CRUIVE 11G 22, CAVER 11D 20
AVARICE 11E 48 moonmonkey, sicilianc5, Hammer22
On 3rd draw, JAROVISE F7 72 --- JAROVISE to hasten the flowering of a plant [v]
Other moves: JAROSITE 7B 68, JIAOS 12A 42, SIJO L11 35, SJOE L11 35, SOJA L11 35
JIAOS 12A 42 Hammer22, sicilianc5, moonmonkey
On 4th draw, BLUSHED 15C 111 --- BLUSH to become red [v]
Other moves: BLUSHED L8 95, BUSHELED 14B 78, BUSHELED K5 78, BLUSHED I2 71, BUSHED 15A 68
BLUSHED 15C 61 moonmonkey, sicilianc5, Hammer22
On 5th draw, PAES(A)NO L8 85 --- PAESANO a fellow countryman [n]
Other tops: PE(R)SONA L8 85, P(A)ESANO L8 85
Other moves: PE(R)SONA G3 84, NOPA(L)ES 14H 83, (D)APSONE 14H 82, (M)OPANES 14H 82, APNOE(A)S 14I 81
On 6th draw, CRUNODE M2 78 --- CRUNODE a point at which a curve crosses itself [n]
Other moves: CRUNODE I3 77, CRUNODE M4 74, CRUNODE G1 73, CONDUCER J6 71, CRUNODE I1 65
On 7th draw, TOLLBAR N8 77 --- TOLLBAR a tollgate [n]
Other moves: TOLLBAR I2 66, TABOR N4 35, ABORT N5 33, BOART N6 33, BORAL N6 33
On 8th draw, FINCH 2J 42 --- FINCH a small bird [n]
Other moves: PINCH 2J 36, POUCH 2J 36, PUNCH 2J 36, POH N4 35, PUH N4 35
On 9th draw, KINE(S) O4 54 --- KINE a type of television tube [n]
Other moves: UN(L)IKE 1G 44, NEUK(S) O4 42, NUKE(S) O4 42, (F)UNKIA 8A 42, EN(O)KI 1H 40
On 10th draw, OXIDE 1H 53 --- OXIDE a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical [n]
Other tops: REDOX 1G 53
Other moves: OXER O12 52, DOXIE 1F 44, OXID 1H 44, OXIDE 1F 44, NOX L2 40
OXER O12 52 Mycophot
On 11th draw, UNWOVE G4 38 --- UNWEAVE to undo something woven [v]
Other moves: WOVE G6 36, EVO G7 32, OWE G7 32, VOW G6 27, ONE G7 26
WOVE G6 36 Mycophot
On 12th draw, LONGEST 5E 32 --- LONG extending for a considerable distance [adj]
Other tops: GENTOOS 5E 32
Other moves: OLEO O12 24, OLES O12 24, SOOTILY 12B 24, GELTS I3 21, GOELS I3 21
On 13th draw, FIZ 14H 43 --- FIZ a hissing or spluttering sound [n]
Other moves: MIZ 14H 41, ZATI 6B 35, ZIMB C12 34, MATZO 10B 33, FEZ K10 30
ZATI 6B 35 Mycophot
On 14th draw, ATIMY 12D 26 --- ATIMY loss of honour [n]
Other tops: AMITY 12D 26, QATS 13C 26
Other moves: MEG O13 24, GEM O13 23, TEGUA 4D 23, AMATE E9 22, GERM 3K 22
QATS 13C 26 Mycophot
On 15th draw, QATS 13C 31 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QAT 13B 26, QI 13C 24, QINTAR 2C 19, ORANTS 13A 17, ERA I5 16
QATS 13C 31 Mycophot
On 16th draw, TONGUED 2B 75 --- TONGUE to touch with the tongue (an organ of the mouth) [v]
Other moves: DEG O13 20, GED O13 20, DERO 3K 18, DUNK 4L 18, GUNK 4L 18
GED O13 20 Chelsea
On 17th draw, RIME 1A 30 --- RIME to compose verse with corresponding terminal sounds [v]
Other tops: RIPE 1A 30
Other moves: PRIME 4A 26, GEM 1A 24, GIP 1A 24, MEG O13 24, PERM 3K 24
RIME 1A 30 Chelsea
RIPE 1A 30 queen66
On 18th draw, PAY 3A 35 --- PAY to give money or something of value in exchange for goods or services [v]
Other moves: GAY 3A 33, YAP 3A 33, RAY 3A 31, AY 3B 29, GAP 3A 29
PAY 3A 35 queen66, Chelsea
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