Game on August 25, 2021 at 10:42, 7 players
1. 272 pts Chelsea
2. 179 pts sicilianc5
3. 171 pts HollyIvy
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 24 24 


4G 80 104 


8H 104 208 


3A 77 285 


2F 80 365 


A3 36 401 


B2 37 438 


D1 64 502 


E7 37 539 


N1 34 573 


1G 43 616 


12A 43 659 


F5 33 692 


A11 33 725 


5J 38 763 


C9 40 803 


O1 31 834 


N8 22 856 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 1 7:44 -584 272 1.7650 Chelsea 1 7:44 -584 272
sicilianc5 1 4:25 -677 179 2.7791 sicilianc5 1 4:25 -677 179
HollyIvy 1 4:30 -685 171 3.7755 HollyIvy 1 4:30 -685 171
Mycophot 0 2:23 -769 87 4.7807 Mycophot 0 2:23 -769 87
Hammer22 2 1:25 -785 71 Group: intermediate
6. -
MMMMMM1111 1 0:58 -832 24 1.6691 Hammer22 2 1:25 -785 71
7. -
SSSSSS1111 1 1:35 -832 24 Group: not rated
1. - MMMMMM1111 1 0:58 -832 24
2. - SSSSSS1111 1 1:35 -832 24
On 1st draw, MONADS H4 24 --- MONAD a single-celled organism [n]
Other moves: DAMSON H4 22, MONAD H4 22, MONADS H8 22, NOMADS H8 22, DAMNS H4 20
MONADS H4 24 sicilianc5, MMMMMM1111, SSSSSS1111
On 2nd draw, EMPOWERS 4G 80 --- EMPOWER to give legal power to [v]
Other moves: SWOOPER 5E 48, RESEW I3 30, RESOW I3 30, SEROW I3 30, SPEWER I2 29
SWOOPER 5E 48 Mycophot, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
On 3rd draw, DEVIANCY 8H 104 --- DEVIANCY the behaviour of a deviant [n]
Other moves: VEINY 3C 39, VESICA N2 34, VENEY G3 32, CARNEY M2 30, YEA 5J 29
VEINY 3C 39 sicilianc5, Mycophot, HollyIvy
On 4th draw, VOGUIER 3A 77 --- VOGUEY modish [adj]
Other moves: GRIEVOUS 9A 64, VIGOUR 3B 25, VOGIER 3B 25, VOGUER 3B 25, GORE 3J 24
On 5th draw, MAULERS 2F 80 --- MAULER one that mauls [n]
Other moves: MAULERS 2E 74, MENSURAL M6 74, NUMERALS M8 72, MENSURAL 6F 68, NUMERALS 6H 68
On 6th draw, VOIDED A3 36 --- VOID to make void (of no legal force or effect) [v]
Other tops: DEVOID A1 36
Other moves: DILDOE 1A 35, DINDLE 1A 35, DOILED 1J 35, NODDLE 1A 35, DIVED A1 33
VOIDED A3 36 Chelsea
On 7th draw, COPTER B2 37 --- COPTER a helicopter [n]
Other moves: PEH 5J 35, ECHE 1L 33, ECHT 1L 33, EECH 1L 33, ETCH 1L 33
PEH 5J 35 Chelsea
On 8th draw, ZEUXI(T)E D1 64 --- ZEUXITE ferriferous tourmaline [n]
Other moves: (U)NISEX N1 56, (D)ESEX N2 54, (U)NSEX N2 54, (O)XAZINE L6 44, (W)EXE 5J 42
(R)EX 5J 38 Chelsea
On 9th draw, FAQI(R) E7 37 --- FAQIR a religious ascetic in India [n]
Other tops: FAINT(S) 1J 37, FAINT(Y) 1J 37
Other moves: QINTA(R) 6F 36, QAN(A)T 6F 35, Q(A)NAT 6F 35, NIQA(B) 6H 33, S(U)Q N4 31
Q(U)IST N1 26 Chelsea
On 10th draw, OUTSAW N1 34 --- OUTSEE to see beyond [v]
Other moves: HOA 1G 33, QUASH 9E 31, HOA 5J 29, HOT 5J 29, WOT 5J 29
HOT 5J 29 Chelsea
On 11th draw, DYE 1G 43 --- DYE to treat with a dye (a coloring matter) [v]
Other moves: YAD 1H 41, LYE 1G 39, YAE 1H 37, YEA 1H 37, KNAIDEL M7 36
DYE 1G 43 HollyIvy
YAD 1H 41 Chelsea
On 12th draw, HONEST 12A 43 --- HONEST truthful [adj]
Other moves: HAETS 12A 41, HANTS 12A 41, HATES 12A 41, HEATS 12A 41, HENTS 12A 41
HEATS 12A 41 Chelsea, HollyIvy
On 13th draw, LUTEIN F5 33 --- LUTEIN a yellow pigment [n]
Other moves: BEL 5J 26, BEN 5J 26, BET 5J 26, BIN F8 26, BIONT B10 26
BET 5J 26 Chelsea
On 14th draw, BHANG A11 33 --- BHANG the hemp plant [n]
Other moves: BRA O1 31, BRO O1 31, BOONGA B10 30, BROGAN B10 30, BROLGA B10 30
BRO O1 31 sicilianc5
On 15th draw, FOH 5J 38 --- FOH expressing disgust [interj]
Other moves: FRA O1 37, FRO O1 37, RHO O1 31, FON 5J 29, FOR 5J 29
FRA O1 37 sicilianc5
On 16th draw, JOINT C9 40 --- JOINT to fit together by means of a junction [v]
Other moves: JOR 1M 30, JOT 1M 30, TAJ F12 26, RIOJA K7 24, JA 7L 22
JOINT C9 40 Hammer22
On 17th draw, BRA O1 31 --- BRA a brassiere [n]
Other moves: CARTING N8 24, CRATING N8 24, BETING I7 23, ABET I6 22, BEING I7 22
BRA O1 31 Hammer22
On 18th draw, CALLANT N8 22 --- CALLANT a lad [n]
Other moves: LANITAL L7 14, NAIANT M8 14, VALIANT J8 14, VANILLA J8 14, NAT 6H 13
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