Game on August 25, 2021 at 12:12, 9 players
1. 317 pts Chelsea
2. 133 pts sicilianc5
3. 102 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 30 30 


G3 29 59 


8H 74 133 


F4 37 170 


L3 68 238 


N3 66 304 


O1 36 340 


O10 29 369 


K2 29 398 


N12 43 441 


12L 24 465 


13K 35 500 


10J 32 532 


11I 46 578 


4C 24 602 


12E 25 627 


9A 62 689 


D12 44 733 


A4 48 781 


14B 32 813 


A12 41 854 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 4 7:11 -537 317 1.7680 Chelsea 4 7:11 -537 317
sicilianc5 2 4:23 -721 133 2.7780 sicilianc5 2 4:23 -721 133
Mycophot 3 0:40 -752 102 3.7807 Mycophot 3 0:40 -752 102
moonmonkey 1 2:32 -764 90 4.7563 moonmonkey 1 2:32 -764 90
queen66 1 2:54 -764 90 5.7506 queen66 1 2:54 -764 90
Hammer22 0 2:24 -797 57 Group: intermediate
7. -
MMMMMM1111 1 0:50 -824 30 1.6691 Hammer22 0 2:24 -797 57
8. -
SSSSSS1111 1 1:13 -824 30 Group: not rated
9. -
rrrrrr1112 1 1:35 -824 30 1. - MMMMMM1111 1 0:50 -824 30
2. - SSSSSS1111 1 1:13 -824 30
3. - rrrrrr1112 1 1:35 -824 30
On 1st draw, HORMES H4 30 --- HORME purposeful behaviour [n]
Other tops: HOMERS H4 30
Other moves: HERMS H4 28, HOMER H4 28, HOMES H4 28, HORME H4 28, MENSH H8 28
HOMERS H4 30 MMMMMM1111, SSSSSS1111, rrrrrr1112
On 2nd draw, KANAE G3 29 --- KANAE (Maori) grey mullet, pl KANAE. No -S [n]
Other moves: (S)KEAN G4 28, KAN(A)E G3 27, KA(N)AE G3 27, K(A)NAE G3 27, K(E)ENO G5 27
KAON G5 24 moonmonkey
KOAN G5 24 queen66
On 3rd draw, ELUTION(S) 8H 74 --- ELUTION the act of eluting [n]
Other moves: ULTION(S) I7 69, LINO(C)UT I8 63, LOUTIN(G) I8 63, TO(R)ULIN I8 63, EMUL(A)TION 7G 62
On 4th draw, FOP F4 37 --- FOP to deceive [v]
Other moves: OF F5 30, INFO 9K 26, OP F5 24, POT F4 23, VINT I3 23
OF F5 30 queen66, moonmonkey, Hammer22
On 5th draw, SARODIST L3 68 --- SARODIST one who plays the sarod [n]
Other tops: ASTROIDS L3 68
Other moves: STATORS K5 28, OSSA I3 25, DOLTS I6 24, DOLT I6 23, DOOSRAS M7 22
On 6th draw, PITTANCE N3 66 --- PITTANCE a small allowance of money [n]
Other moves: TAPETI K4 31, NICTATE N8 30, PETIT K4 27, TAPET K4 27, CAPE K2 26
PETIT K4 27 Hammer22
On 7th draw, MAID O1 36 --- MAID a maiden [n] --- MAID to work as a maidservant [v]
Other tops: AMID O1 36, IMID O1 36
Other moves: GAID O1 33, IGAD O1 33, AMI M3 28, DAM M2 27, DIM M2 27
AMID O1 36 sicilianc5, moonmonkey
MAID O1 36 queen66
On 8th draw, ENOLIC O10 29 --- ENOL a chemical compound [adj] --- ENOLIC pertaining to an enol [adj]
Other moves: ENOW K3 27, COW M4 24, LEW K4 23, LOW K4 23, NEW K4 23
ENOW K3 27 sicilianc5
On 9th draw, VANED K2 29 --- VANE a device for showing the direction of the wind [adj] --- VANED having a vane [adj]
Other moves: ABED K3 27, BANED K2 27, BATED K2 27, DAB N12 25, DEB N12 25
VANED K2 29 Chelsea
ABED K3 27 sicilianc5
On 10th draw, JAB N12 43 --- JAB to poke sharply [v]
Other moves: BAJUS 11H 38, JOBES 11H 38, JUBAS 11H 38, JUBES 11H 38, JABS 11I 36
JAB N12 43 sicilianc5, Chelsea
On 11th draw, GAJO 12L 24 --- GAJO a non-gypsy [n]
Other moves: GOA M13 21, GOE M13 21, GOR M13 21, GO M13 19, TOERAG K8 18
GAJO 12L 24 Mycophot
GOR M13 21 Chelsea
On 12th draw, ZOEAL 13K 35 --- ZOEA a larval form of certain crustaceans [adj] --- ZOEAL pertaining to a zoea [adj]
Other moves: ZERDAS 9C 27, ZA J3 26, ZERO 13I 26, AZURE J6 24, RELOAD I6 24
ADO M12 21 Chelsea
On 13th draw, QAT 10J 32 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: HAE 14J 29, QUEERS 9C 26, AHURU J4 25, QUA 14I 25, HA 14J 24
QAT 10J 32 Mycophot
HAE 14J 29 Chelsea
On 14th draw, T(I)X 11I 46 --- TIX tickets [n]
Other moves: EX(O) 14I 35, G(O)X 14J 35, EX(I)T 11H 34, L(A)X 14J 32, L(O)X 14J 32
T(I)X 11I 46 Mycophot, Chelsea
On 15th draw, TREFAH 4C 24 --- TREFAH not kosher also TREF, TREFA, TREIFA [adj]
Other moves: DELT I6 23, DEL I6 18, TEL I6 16, ELT I7 14, DREYS 9D 13
On 16th draw, HINGES 12E 25 --- HINGE to attach a jointed device [v]
Other tops: GHIS 12G 25
Other moves: BESTING C1 24, BINGES 12E 24, GIBES 12F 24, HETING C2 24, HES 12H 23
BESTING C1 24 Chelsea
On 17th draw, LEIDGERS 9A 62 --- LEIDGER the financial record-book of a company [n]
Other moves: GLEDE 11C 29, REDLEG 11A 29, RIDGEL 11A 28, GLEDE 13C 27, GLEED 11B 27
REHINGES 12C 24 Chelsea
On 18th draw, WIRE D12 44 --- WIRE to fasten with wire (a slender rod, strand, or thread of ductile metal) [v]
Other tops: DREW D9 44, WEB D12 44, WEIL D12 44, WEIR D12 44, WIEL D12 44, WILE D12 44
Other moves: LWEI D11 42, WE D12 38, BULLIER A6 30, BULLIER A7 30, WEB 11D 30
WEB D12 44 Chelsea
On 19th draw, WOEFUL A4 48 --- WOEFUL full of grief [adj]
Other tops: FELLOW A7 48
Other moves: FELLOW A6 36, FLOWN A8 36, GOWF H12 33, WOFUL A5 33, FOE 10B 32
FLOWN A8 36 Chelsea
On 20th draw, LURRY 14B 32 --- LURRY any garbled formula [n]
Other tops: LORRY 14B 32
Other moves: OILERY 15A 27, LOY 14J 26, GORY H12 24, GULY H12 24, GYRI H12 24
On 21th draw, INBY A12 41 --- INBY inward [adv]
Other moves: YOB 14J 33, BOY 14J 32, BY A14 32, GOBY H12 30, BUOY 14I 29
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