Game on August 29, 2021 at 19:12, 7 players
1. 161 pts queen66
2. 131 pts Hammer22
3. 113 pts sicilianc5
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 32 32 


13C 34 66 


14I 77 143 


O10 21 164 


11E 24 188 


15C 84 272 


L11 27 299 


8A 86 385 


10A 35 420 


N6 42 462 


M7 47 509 


O7 43 552 


A10 30 582 


C3 26 608 


D1 33 641 


L1 83 724 


K3 46 770 


M1 59 829 


E4 39 868 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
queen66 1 4:36 -707 161 1.7460 queen66 1 4:36 -707 161
Hammer22 0 5:26 -737 131 2.7662 sicilianc5 0 3:51 -755 113
sicilianc5 0 3:51 -755 113 3.7473 moonmonkey 0 3:20 -767 101
moonmonkey 0 3:20 -767 101 Group: intermediate
5. -
WWWWWW1115 1 1:04 -836 32 1.6837 Hammer22 0 5:26 -737 131
6. -
vvvvvv1114 1 1:29 -836 32 Group: not rated
7. -
TTTTTT1113 1 1:53 -836 32 1. - WWWWWW1115 1 1:04 -836 32
2. - vvvvvv1114 1 1:29 -836 32
3. - TTTTTT1113 1 1:53 -836 32
On 1st draw, TWELVE H8 32 --- TWELVE a number [n]
Other tops: TWELVE H3 32
Other moves: TWELVE H4 26, TWELVE H7 26, TWELVE H5 24, TWELVE H6 24, MEVE H5 18
TWELVE H3 32 WWWWWW1115, vvvvvv1114, TTTTTT1113
On 2nd draw, BREAMED 13C 34 --- BREAM to clean a ship's bottom [v]
Other moves: AMBERED 13C 30, EMBREAD 13H 30, ABEAM G6 25, BEAM G7 24, BREAMED 10F 24
On 3rd draw, ENLIVEN 14I 77 --- ENLIVEN to make lively [v]
Other moves: VEILER D8 26, VEINER D8 26, EREV D12 22, INNERVE D9 22, LIVENER D7 22
On 4th draw, ISTANA O10 21 --- ISTANA (Malaysia) a royal palace [n]
Other tops: OSTIA 15F 21, TAUONS O10 21
Other moves: VISTA 12H 20, VISTO 12H 20, VITAS 12H 20, SATAI 15E 19, STOAI 15E 19
On 5th draw, TOILIN(G) 11E 24 --- TOIL to work strenuously [v] --- TOILING the act of toiling [n]
Other moves: VIO(L)IN 12H 20, VI(R)INO 12H 20, VI(R)ION 12H 20, VI(S)ION 12H 20, VOTIN(G) 12H 20
On 6th draw, BASTION 15C 84 --- BASTION a fortified defence [n]
Other moves: BOTANIST 8A 83, BONITAS N6 75, BOTANIST E4 70, BOASTIN(G) K4 68, BOATIN(G)S K5 68
BASION 15D 37 moonmonkey
On 7th draw, SALIC L11 27 --- SALIC pertaining to a group of igneous rocks [adj]
Other moves: CLOU 12A 26, SCAIL L11 23, CLOUS 10B 21, COLAS 10B 21, CALOS N6 19
COO 12B 18 sicilianc5
On 8th draw, (U)NDERWIT 8A 86 --- UNDERWIT a half-wit [n]
Other moves: (U)NWIRED N4 79, REWINDE(D) 10B 75, REWIN(D)ED 10B 75, WRIN(G)ED N4 73, (U)NDERWIT E4 72
WINED 10B 30 sicilianc5, moonmonkey
WIRED 10B 30 queen66, Hammer22
On 9th draw, DOURAH 10A 35 --- DOURAH a cereal grain [n]
Other moves: HAED 10F 34, HOED 10F 34, DOURAH N5 33, HOAED 12B 33, RHEA N9 32
HOED 10F 34 moonmonkey, sicilianc5, Hammer22, queen66
On 10th draw, QORMA N6 42 --- QORMA (India) a mild curry [n]
Other moves: QORMA N7 34, QI 10N 31, DOGEAR A10 30, GRAME N7 26, GROMA N7 26
QI 10N 31 queen66, sicilianc5, Hammer22
On 11th draw, JOUR M7 47 --- JOUR a day [n]
Other moves: OX 7F 39, JO M7 36, FIX O5 33, FURR 8L 33, FIXURE D3 32
On 12th draw, EF O7 43 --- EF the letter F [n]
Other moves: DEAFLY A10 42, YA O7 37, YE O7 37, AFORE 8K 36, DEADLY A10 36
FORD 8L 36 Hammer22, queen66
On 13th draw, DEGOUT A10 30 --- DEGOUT distaste [n]
Other tops: FROE 12A 30
Other moves: DROGUE A10 27, GRUFTED C2 26, DETOUR A10 24, DOUTER A10 24, FORGED C3 24
FROE 12A 30 queen66
On 14th draw, GAPPED C3 26 --- GAP to make an opening in [v]
Other moves: PEAG 7D 25, LAPPED C3 24, LEPPED C3 24, PALPED C3 24, GAPPER E3 22
On 15th draw, YAUD D1 33 --- YAUD an old horse [n]
Other moves: YAE D4 30, YEA D4 30, YEANED 4A 28, YA D4 24, YE D4 24
On 16th draw, OLEFINS L1 83 --- OLEFIN an alkene [n]
Other moves: OLEFINS I2 74, INFO 14D 40, FLEYS 1A 33, FLEY 1A 30, ELFINS L2 29
On 17th draw, YIKE K3 46 --- YIKE (Australian) a fight [n] --- YIKE to squabble [v]
Other tops: HIKE K3 46
Other moves: HOKEY 1K 45, KELTY 2J 44, KILEY 2J 44, KILTY 2J 44, KYLIE 2J 44
On 18th draw, HOX M1 59 --- HOX to hock [v]
Other moves: COZY 1A 54, ZEX E4 51, COOZE 1K 48, COXY 1A 48, OX M2 46
On 19th draw, ZIG E4 39 --- ZIG to change course sharply [v]
Other moves: ZIT E4 37, PRIZE 6C 36, PREZ 6C 35, REZ E2 31, CITY 1A 27
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