Game on August 31, 2021 at 12:54, 10 players
1. 238 pts sicilianc5
2. 234 pts moonmonkey
3. 234 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 22 22 


10B 70 92 


4D 76 168 


3I 37 205 


6A 74 279 


L1 66 345 


D8 74 419 


15D 45 464 


2G 107 571 


1F 71 642 


A3 42 684 


13C 32 716 


C6 30 746 


12G 29 775 


M9 29 804 


1L 41 845 


14J 34 879 


N4 37 916 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
sicilianc5 2 6:33 -678 238 1.7754 sicilianc5 2 6:33 -678 238
moonmonkey 2 6:07 -682 234 2.7486 moonmonkey 2 6:07 -682 234
Mycophot 2 7:05 -682 234 3.7794 Mycophot 2 7:05 -682 234
Hammer22 2 7:51 -694 222 4.7765 HollyIvy 2 5:54 -773 143
HollyIvy 2 5:54 -773 143 Group: intermediate
6. -
DDDDDD1113 1 1:47 -875 41 1.6839 Hammer22 2 7:51 -694 222
7. -
MMMMMM1111 1 0:44 -894 22 Group: not rated
8. -
AAAAAA1116 1 1:06 -894 22 1. - DDDDDD1113 1 1:47 -875 41
9. -
LLLLLL1114 1 1:30 -894 22 2. - MMMMMM1111 1 0:44 -894 22
10. -
NNNNNN1114 1 1:57 -894 22 3. - AAAAAA1116 1 1:06 -894 22
4. - LLLLLL1114 1 1:30 -894 22
5. - NNNNNN1114 1 1:57 -894 22
On 1st draw, MANTUA H4 22 --- MANTUA a 17c loose ladies gown [n]
Other tops: MANATU H4 22, MANUAL H4 22
Other moves: MANAT H4 20, MANTA H4 20, MANUL H4 20, ALUMNA H3 18, ALUMNA H4 18
On 2nd draw, NATRONS 10B 70 --- NATRON a chemical compound [n]
Other tops: NONARTS 10B 70
Other moves: NATRONS G8 64, NATRONS I8 64, NATRONS G9 62, NATRONS I9 62, NONARTS G9 62
NATRONS 10B 20 moonmonkey, Mycophot
On 3rd draw, PEDIMENT 4D 76 --- PEDIMENT a triangular architectural part [n]
Other moves: DIAPENTE C8 74, DIAPENTE 5F 72, DIAPENTE 9F 72, DEPAINT 5E 40, DEPAINT C7 30
P**D 9CPEED 9C 24 sicilianc5
PIED 9C 24 Hammer22
On 4th draw, YEARN 3I 37 --- YEARN to have a strong or deep desire [v]
Other moves: GYNAE 11A 31, GYRENE 5A 31, AERY I6 28, EERY I6 28, AERY 11D 27
YEARN 3I 37 moonmonkey, Mycophot, Hammer22, sicilianc5
On 5th draw, CAPU(C)HIN 6A 74 --- CAPUCHIN a long-tailed monkey [n]
Other tops: (C)APUCHIN 6A 74
Other moves: PACHOU(L)I F6 70, CHUPATI(S) 7C 69, CHUPA(T)TI 7B 69, CHUPAT(T)I 7C 68, CAPU(C)HIN B3 66
PAH 5C 30 sicilianc5, Mycophot, moonmonkey, Hammer22
On 6th draw, JORS L1 66 --- JOR a part of a raga (Indian music) [n]
Other moves: WORSED L1 56, JOWED 3C 53, WORSE L1 52, JOWED 2F 50, JAWED C9 48
JORS L1 66 Hammer22, sicilianc5, Mycophot, moonmonkey
On 7th draw, TITUBATE D8 74 --- TITUBATE to stagger [v]
Other moves: TITUBATE 7H 62, JIBE 1L 39, JUBA 1L 39, JUBE 1L 39, JEAT 1L 33
JUBE 1L 39 moonmonkey
JUBA 1L 39 Mycophot, Hammer22
JIBE 1L 39 sicilianc5
On 8th draw, ENTREZ 15D 45 --- ENTREZ imperative come in [imperative]
Other moves: CUZ A6 42, NERTZ 8A 42, GUTZER 14B 36, GROUT 2J 33, JURE 1L 33
CUZ A6 42 sicilianc5, moonmonkey, Mycophot
ZAG 13C 26 Hammer22
On 9th draw, FILM(G)OER 2G 107 --- FILMGOER one that goes to see motion pictures [n]
Other moves: FILM(I)ER 2D 76, F(I)LMIER 2D 76, FL(A)MIER 2D 74, FILM(I)ER 2C 73, FL(A)MIER 2C 73
On 10th draw, WEX 1F 71 --- WEX to wax [v]
Other tops: WOX 1F 71
Other moves: REX 1F 62, EX 1G 59, OX 1G 59, COX A6 36, WAXIER 13C 34
On 11th draw, CLOCHE A3 42 --- CLOCHE a close-fitting hat [n]
Other tops: CROCHE A3 42
Other moves: ORCHEL A4 36, CHOC A6 33, CLOTHE 8A 33, COCH A6 33, HECTOR 8A 33
CLOCHE A3 42 HollyIvy
On 12th draw, GAWSY 13C 32 --- GAWSY well-fed and healthy looking [adj]
Other moves: ORGY E9 31, OYS C12 28, YOW 3C 27, SOG I6 26, SWY O2 26
On 13th draw, POAKA C6 30 --- POAKA a New Zealand bird [n]
Other moves: BOAK 12D 26, AKA C8 25, FLOTA 14A 25, AFT 7F 24, OAF 14F 24
On 14th draw, BAGGIE 12G 29 --- BAGGIE the stomach [n]
Other moves: BIOTA 14A 23, BOITE 14A 23, TOEA 14D 23, BOAB 12D 22, BITE 14B 21
On 15th draw, ODORED M9 29 --- ODOR the property of a substance that affects the sense of smell [adj] --- ODORED having a smell [adj]
Other moves: DRIED M11 25, DROID M11 25, ODDER 13J 23, REDD M12 23, DODO 3C 22
DROID M11 25 HollyIvy
On 16th draw, JEED 1L 41 --- JEE to turn to the right [v]
Other moves: FEUDED 14J 38, FOLDED 14J 38, FUDDLE 14J 38, JEEL 1L 38, FED N13 25
JEED 1L 41 HollyIvy, DDDDDD1113
On 17th draw, FOIDS 14J 34 --- FOID one of a group of minerals related to feldspar [n]
Other tops: FOLDS 14J 34, FOODS 14J 34, FOUDS 14J 34
Other moves: FOLIOS N6 28, FOLIO N6 25, OFT 7F 24, FIL N13 23, FOU N13 23
On 18th draw, LIQUOR N4 37 --- LIQUOR to intoxicate with liquor (an alcoholic beverage) [v]
Other tops: QUOTA 14A 37
Other moves: QUAI 3C 35, QUAI N6 35, QAID 10J 34, QUAD 10J 34, QUID 10J 34
QUAI N6 35 HollyIvy
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