Game on September 1, 2021 at 20:46, 6 players
1. 182 pts queen66
2. 182 pts Mycophot
3. 179 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 72 72 


13B 44 116 


B10 38 154 


15D 72 226 


A7 37 263 


C4 71 334 


4C 74 408 


E6 68 476 


K1 33 509 


1J 30 539 


N1 70 609 


3E 23 632 


2C 36 668 


O6 38 706 


B5 22 728 


J1 57 785 


1H 33 818 


I7 23 841 


A1 35 876 


J6 35 911 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
queen66 2 6:32 -729 182 1.7266 queen66 2 6:32 -729 182
Mycophot 2 6:57 -729 182 2.7692 Mycophot 2 6:57 -729 182
moonmonkey 1 5:21 -732 179 3.7493 moonmonkey 1 5:21 -732 179
Hammer22 0 4:21 -762 149 Group: intermediate
5. -
vvvvvv1114 1 1:58 -839 72 1.6797 Hammer22 0 4:21 -762 149
6. -
OOOOOO1116 1 1:45 -854 57 Group: not rated
1. - vvvvvv1114 1 1:58 -839 72
2. - OOOOOO1116 1 1:45 -854 57
On 1st draw, ANO(S)MIA H8 72 --- ANOSMIA loss of the sense of smell [n]
Other tops: AMA(T)ION H3 72, AM(B)OINA H3 72, AM(M)ONIA H3 72, AN(G)IOMA H7 72, A(M)MONIA H2 72, MANIO(C)A H4 72, MA(H)ONIA H4 72, OMNIA(N)A H3 72, OM(N)IANA H3 72, (B)ONAMIA H8 72
Other moves: AMA(T)ION H2 68, AMA(T)ION H4 68, AMA(T)ION H6 68, AMA(T)ION H7 68, AMA(T)ION H8 68
On 2nd draw, TOLARJI 13B 44 --- TOLAR (Slovene) the standard monetary unit of Slovenia, pl TOLARS, TOLARJI or TOLARJEV [n]
Other moves: LOGJAM 12C 32, JORAM 12D 28, MAJOR 12H 28, JAG G8 27, JATO G8 27
On 3rd draw, HOTTY B10 38 --- HOTTY a hot-water bottle, a sexually attractive person [n]
Other moves: THIONYL D7 34, NIGHTY I4 32, MIGHTY 12H 30, NIGHTLY D8 30, NIGHTY B9 30
On 4th draw, FAVES 15D 72 --- FAVE teenage slang for a favourite person or thing [n]
Other moves: FEVERS 15C 66, FARES 15D 63, FEARS 15D 63, FEERS 15D 63, FERES 15D 63
FAVES 15D 72 vvvvvv1114
On 5th draw, POWAN A7 37 --- POWAN a species of whitefish [n]
Other moves: PAI(S)ANO 11E 32, PAWA A7 32, ANOW A8 31, ANOPIA A5 29, APIAN A7 28
PAWA A7 32 moonmonkey, Mycophot, queen66, Hammer22
On 6th draw, PENCILS C4 71 --- PENCIL to produce by using a pencil (a writing and drawing implement) [v]
Other moves: PINOCLES 10E 66, PENCILS I2 65, CAPELINS 8G 63, PANICLES 8G 63, PELICANS 8C 63
On 7th draw, PHENA(Z)IN 4C 74 --- PHENAZIN a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: EN(C)HAIN G4 71, (S)HANNIE(S) 11H 68, EN(C)HAIN G2 63, EN(C)HAIN I2 63, HENNAIN(G) 9E 62
On 8th draw, GASTRULA E6 68 --- GASTRULA a metazoan embryo [n]
Other tops: GESTURAL E3 68
Other moves: GASTRULA 8G 60, GUSLAR K2 27, GALUTS 3I 25, GAULTS 3I 25, GUSLA K2 25
On 9th draw, GUYED K1 33 --- GUY to ridicule [v]
Other moves: DEITY K3 31, EDGY K4 31, GUYED 3I 31, DEITY 3I 29, TEDY K3 29
DEITY 3I 29 Hammer22, queen66, Mycophot, moonmonkey
On 10th draw, EGGIER 1J 30 --- EGGY containing eggs to some extent [adj]
Other tops: CIERGE 1G 30
Other moves: GEYER 3I 29, CUITER 2J 28, CURIET 2J 28, CURITE 2J 28, ECURIE 2I 28
EGGIER 1J 30 moonmonkey, Mycophot, queen66
On 11th draw, ERSATZ N1 70 --- ERSATZ a substitute [n]
Other moves: SAZ L4 55, SEZ L4 55, REZ 3E 47, SARED L4 47, SATED L4 47
SAZ L4 55 queen66
SEZ L4 55 Hammer22, moonmonkey, Mycophot
On 12th draw, MIB 3E 23 --- MIB a type of playing marble [n]
Other tops: BUM 3E 23
Other moves: IMBUE I6 22, BIVIUM I3 21, EMIT 3D 21, EMU 2I 21, UMU 2I 21
On 13th draw, CLEF 2C 36 --- CLEF a musical symbol [n]
Other moves: TEF 2D 33, EF 2E 32, FLEET 2B 30, CULET 2B 28, CLEFT I7 25
CLEF 2C 36 Mycophot, queen66
On 14th draw, AWNED O6 38 --- AWN a bristlelike appendage of certain grasses [adj] --- AWNED having awns [adj]
Other moves: AWED O6 35, QAID G7 33, WEAN O4 33, ANEW O6 32, AWE O6 29
QAID G7 33 moonmonkey, Hammer22
On 15th draw, BOI B5 22 --- BOI a boyish looking lesbian [n]
Other tops: VERBID 10J 22
Other moves: BEVOR N9 21, BOYO 3I 21, OBOE F6 21, BEY 3I 20, BOY 3I 20
On 16th draw, EXON J1 57 --- EXON within a nucleic acid, a sequence which codes for protein synthesis [n]
Other moves: EX J1 50, XU 2J 50, OX O3 36, DREGGIER 1H 33, OX A14 32
On 17th draw, DREGGIER 1H 33 --- DREGGY full of dregs [adj]
Other moves: UREDO A1 29, DERRO A1 26, DOURER N9 26, ORDURE N10 23, ORDER N10 21
On 18th draw, QI I7 23 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: MOTIVE 12H 22, MOVIE 12H 20, ET I14 16, IT I14 16, VIE I7 16
On 19th draw, VIDEO A1 35 --- VIDEO a recording for playing on a television set [n] --- VIDEO to make a video recording [v]
Other tops: VIRED J6 35
Other moves: VIDEO J6 34, DEVOIR N9 32, DIVERT N9 32, DOVIER N9 32, VIREO A1 32
On 20th draw, KITER J6 35 --- KITER one that kites [n]
Other moves: KITE J6 32, KIR J6 31, KIT J6 31, KI A14 27, KI J6 27
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