Game on September 3, 2021 at 18:18, 1 player
1. 45 pts TTTTTT1113
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 78 78 


11H 41 119 


5E 56 175 


9D 60 235 


L1 41 276 


L10 40 316 


7F 66 382 


8A 52 434 


8J 37 471 


E8 39 510 


2J 34 544 


O1 33 577 


3B 82 659 


4A 40 699 


B8 72 771 


2D 37 808 


A12 45 853 


1G 45 898 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: not rated
1. -
TTTTTT1113 1 1:59 -853 45 1. - TTTTTT1113 1 1:59 -853 45
On 1st draw, HEARI(N)G H4 78 --- HEARING a preliminary examination [n]
Other tops: HAGRI(D)E H4 78, HEA(D)RIG H4 78, HEGARI(S) H4 78, HEGIRA(S) H4 78, HIRAGE(S) H4 78, HIREAG(E) H4 78, HIR(E)AGE H4 78, (L)AIGHER H8 78
Other moves: HAGRI(D)E H2 74, HEARI(N)G H6 74, HEA(D)RIG H6 74, HEGARI(S) H2 74, HEGIRA(S) H2 74
On 2nd draw, SPAZ 11H 41 --- SPAZ a clumsy, foolish, or incompetent person -- a derogatory term [n]
Other tops: ZAPS 11E 41
Other moves: AZONS 11D 39, GAZOONS 10H 39, ZOONS 11D 39, ZOOS 11E 37, GAZONS 10H 36
On 3rd draw, TIDEWAY 5E 56 --- TIDEWAY a tidal channel [n]
Other moves: WADY 12J 38, WADY L10 38, TWAY L9 36, WAY 12J 34, WAY L10 34
On 4th draw, DOUA(N)IER 9D 60 --- DOUANIER a custom-house officer [n]
Other moves: AIRED L11 32, AROID L11 32, DOUAR L8 32, ADIEU L11 30, ADORE 12I 30
On 5th draw, FOUDS L1 41 --- FOUD a bailiff of Orkney and Shetland [n]
Other moves: MODUS L1 37, DOUMS L1 35, MOTUS L1 35, FUMS L2 33, TOFUS L1 33
On 6th draw, QAT L10 40 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: TALAQ J2 36, APIOL 8K 32, APIOL L11 32, LOQUAT 3I 32, QUIPO 3K 32
On 7th draw, AIRWO(M)EN 7F 66 --- AIRWOMAN a female aviator [n]
Other moves: IRONWA(R)E 7G 62, I(R)ONWARE 7B 62, NOWI(S)E 8J 40, (D)EWANI 8J 39, (P)OWNIE 8J 39
On 8th draw, JOKE 8A 52 --- JOKE to say something amusing [v]
Other moves: JETON 8A 45, JOLE 8A 40, JOTUN 3I 40, KETOL 8A 36, TOKEN 8A 36
On 9th draw, LINEUP 8J 37 --- LINEUP a row of persons [n]
Other moves: EQUIP 10K 30, FLIP 1L 27, LEEP 8L 26, NEEP 8L 26, UPLINK C3 26
On 10th draw, YOGEES E8 39 --- YOGEE a person who practices yoga [n]
Other tops: GASIFY 1H 39
Other moves: YOGAS E8 37, YOGEE E8 37, YOGIS E8 37, YOGA E8 35, YOGI E8 35
On 11th draw, VIOLER 2J 34 --- VIOLER a fiddler [n]
Other tops: VIOLET 2J 34
Other moves: FIVE 1L 30, LIFTER 1J 27, REFILL 1J 27, VEILER 12A 26, VELLET 12A 26
On 12th draw, BRIDLE O1 33 --- BRIDLE to control with a restraint [v]
Other moves: BRIDE O1 30, BRINED O1 30, DRIB O1 30, TRIBE O1 30, BEND D12 28
On 13th draw, BEANIES 3B 82 --- BEANIE a small cap [n]
Other moves: ABIES D11 28, BASIN 13J 27, BEANS D11 26, ANISE 13I 25, BASE 13J 25
On 14th draw, FILM 4A 40 --- FILM to make a motion picture [v]
Other moves: EMBLIC B1 36, FILM D12 36, FLIM 2C 34, FELT 4A 32, FICE D12 32
On 15th draw, OUTRANGE B8 72 --- OUTRANGE to surpass in range [v]
Other moves: TRUG 2C 26, TUBING B1 26, GRATE 2C 25, GREAT 2C 25, RAGE 2D 25
On 16th draw, TOHO 2D 37 --- TOHO a call for a hunting dog to stop [interj]
Other moves: NOH 2D 34, TETH 15A 33, THORN D11 32, THORO D11 32, TOOTH D11 32
On 17th draw, MOAT A12 45 --- MOAT to surround with a moat (a water-filled trench) [v]
Other moves: MART 1E 32, MATT 1E 32, TEAROOM 15A 30, AMORT D11 28, AM A14 27
MOAT A12 45 TTTTTT1113
On 18th draw, VOX 1G 45 --- VOX voice [n]
Other moves: NOX F12 30, TRONC D11 28, VEXT 12D 28, OX F13 27, NOX D12 26
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