Game on September 8, 2021 at 10:36, 7 players
1. 531 pts Discus22
2. 512 pts Chelsea
3. 144 pts sicilianc5
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 28 28 


5G 28 56 


N3 83 139 


L5 78 217 


O7 53 270 


J2 70 340 


O1 37 377 


10B 81 458 


13G 84 542 


D6 76 618 


M3 36 654 


C2 34 688 


2B 34 722 


B5 24 746 


1A 35 781 


11I 40 821 


E7 33 854 


H13 33 887 


1G 32 919 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1. -
Discus22 6 12:43 -388 531 1.7720 Chelsea 5 14:51 -407 512
Chelsea 5 14:51 -407 512 2.7735 sicilianc5 0 5:24 -775 144
sicilianc5 0 5:24 -775 144 3.7482 moonmonkey 0 2:01 -855 64
moonmonkey 0 2:01 -855 64 4.7731 Mycophot 0 1:20 -882 37
Mycophot 0 1:20 -882 37 5.7259 queen66 0 1:49 -884 35
queen66 0 1:49 -884 35 Group: not rated
7. -
vvvvvv1114 1 1:57 -891 28 1. - Discus22 6 12:43 -388 531
2. - vvvvvv1114 1 1:57 -891 28
On 1st draw, BEAVER H4 28 --- BEAVER to work hard [v]
Other moves: BEVER H4 26, BEVUE H4 26, BRAVE H4 26, BREVE H4 26, BEAVER H3 24
BEAVER H4 28 vvvvvv1114
On 2nd draw, NEWCOME 5G 28 --- NEWCOME recently arrived [adj]
Other tops: NEWCOME 5B 28
Other moves: BOWMEN 4H 26, COWMEN 5D 26, ENWOMB 4C 26, MIAOW 6F 24, INCOME G1 23
BOWMEN 4H 26 moonmonkey
On 3rd draw, AIRHOLE N3 83 --- AIRHOLE a hole for the passage of air [n]
Other moves: HALICORE J1 67, AIRHOLE G9 65, HEAL 6J 38, HEAR 6J 38, HEIL 6J 38
HEAL 6J 38 moonmonkey
HOER 6J 38 sicilianc5
HEAR 6J 38 Chelsea
On 4th draw, MELODICA L5 78 --- MELODICA a harmonica with a small keyboard at one end [n]
Other tops: CAMELOID L3 78
Other moves: ECOCIDAL J2 67, ECOCIDAL J4 67, ALCID O8 38, ILEAC O8 38, OLEIC O8 38
DOLCI O7 35 sicilianc5, Discus22, queen66
COLD O1 34 Chelsea
On 5th draw, DITTAY O7 53 --- DITTAY a legal charge in Scots law [n]
Other moves: DITTY O7 38, YAD O7 35, Y*DYID O7 35, ADIT O6 31, TYDE M2 29
DITTY O7 38 Discus22
YAD O7 35 Chelsea
On 6th draw, (P)OACHIER J2 70 --- POACHY swampy [adj]
Other moves: HOARIE(R) G8 69, HOA(R)IER G8 69, HA(L)ICORE J1 66, AIRHO(L)E G9 64, O(V)ERHAIR 9A 62
AHOR(S)E 13H 37 Discus22, Mycophot
HOR(S)E 13I 35 Chelsea
On 7th draw, YEAD O1 37 --- YEAD to go or proceed [v]
Other moves: APED O1 34, GAPED M2 33, PAGED M2 32, AGED O1 31, EGAD O1 31
YEAD O1 37 Discus22
PAYED N11 31 Chelsea
On 8th draw, W(H)ENUAS 10B 81 --- WHENUA (Maori) land [n]
Other moves: UNWA(R)ES 13F 75, UNWEA(L)S 10B 75, UNWEA(L)S 13F 75, W(H)ENUAS 13F 74, UNWA(R)ES 10B 73
UNSEW(S) 13J 40 Discus22
WAS(T)E 13J 28 Chelsea
On 9th draw, EGOTISE 13G 84 --- EGOTISE to talk about oneself a lot [v]
Other moves: GOETIES 13F 74, EGESTION E3 68, EGOIST 13H 32, GEEST 13I 30, GEIST 13I 30
EGOIST 13H 32 Discus22, sicilianc5
GIST 13J 24 Chelsea
On 10th draw, DISLEAFS D6 76 --- DISLEAF to deprive of leaves [v]
Other moves: FLED M3 39, FADS N11 36, AFIELD D7 28, FAE M3 28, FIELDS D8 28
FLED M3 39 Discus22, sicilianc5
DIF M1 26 Chelsea
On 11th draw, FRET M3 36 --- FRET to worry [v]
Other moves: RIFTE M1 32, FRONTON E4 29, FOISON 8A 27, FORINT E3 25, FIRST 8A 24
RIFTE M1 32 Discus22
OOF M1 24 Chelsea
On 12th draw, ENGRAM C2 34 --- ENGRAM the durable mark caused by a stimulus upon protoplasm [n]
Other moves: MURAGE C3 32, GRUME 14F 27, MAARE 11C 25, AMUSER 8A 24, EGMA H12 24
ENGRAM C2 34 Chelsea
MAW I3 23 Discus22
On 13th draw, RELIVE 2B 34 --- RELIVE to experience again [v]
Other moves: VLEI D1 32, VROU D1 32, VIGOUR 4A 28, VOGIER 4A 28, VOGUER 4A 28
VIGOUR 4A 28 Discus22
VOGUER 4A 28 Chelsea
On 14th draw, OP B5 24 --- OP a style of abstract art [n]
Other tops: UP B5 24
Other moves: POW I3 23, UPON 14H 21, OUP C12 19, POT 1G 19, PUN 1G 19
OP B5 24 Discus22, Chelsea
On 15th draw, ZO 1A 35 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: WOOTZ B10 34, ZOA 6F 34, KOW I3 31, ZOON E7 31, ZOIC 11I 30
ZO 1A 35 Chelsea, Discus22
On 16th draw, QUICK 11I 40 --- QUICK acting or capable of acting with speed [adj] --- QUICK part of the fingernail flesh [n]
Other moves: QUA 6F 34, QI E5 29, QUIST 13A 28, QAT 12K 25, QIS 13B 24
QUICK 11I 40 Chelsea, Discus22
On 17th draw, BOING E7 33 --- BOING the sound of reverberation or vibration [n] --- BOING to reverberate by bouncing [v] --- BOING used to express the sound of reverberation or vibration [interj]
Other moves: BIONT E7 29, GIB E5 26, BIG E5 25, NIB E5 24, BOW I3 23
GIB E5 26 Discus22
BIG 1G 22 Chelsea
On 18th draw, GJU H13 33 --- GJU an old Shetland viol [n]
Other moves: GJU 4C 22, JUST 13B 22, JUTS 13A 22, JUS 13B 20, PUN 1G 19
GJU H13 33 Discus22
JUTS 13A 22 Chelsea
On 19th draw, TUX 1G 32 --- TUX a tuxedo [n]
Other moves: XU 14M 27, XU K8 23, TUX 14M 22, PUN 1G 19, PUT 1G 19
TUX 1G 32 Chelsea, Discus22
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