Game on September 10, 2021 at 10:22, 9 players
1. 632 pts Chelsea
2. 621 pts Discus22
3. 110 pts sicilianc5
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 32 32 


13G 76 108 


N10 28 136 


O4 87 223 


15J 84 307 


8A 89 396 


N1 27 423 


14A 76 499 


E5 114 613 


15D 52 665 


1L 57 722 


F4 55 777 


A5 64 841 


M5 78 919 


M3 38 957 


B2 47 1004 


D4 32 1036 


G1 32 1068 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 5 16:40 -436 632 1.7669 Chelsea 5 16:40 -436 632
2. -
Discus22 7 12:07 -447 621 2.7744 sicilianc5 1 2:30 -958 110
sicilianc5 1 2:30 -958 110 3.7267 queen66 1 1:53 -984 84
queen66 1 1:53 -984 84 4.7593 moonmonkey 0 1:45 -1016 52
moonmonkey 0 1:45 -1016 52 5.7921 HollyIvy 0 1:09 -1042 26
6. -
SSSSSS1111 1 1:00 -1036 32 Group: not rated
7. -
rrrrrr1112 1 1:23 -1036 32 1. - Discus22 7 12:07 -447 621
8. -
AAAAAA1116 1 1:45 -1036 32 2. - SSSSSS1111 1 1:00 -1036 32
HollyIvy 0 1:09 -1042 26 3. - rrrrrr1112 1 1:23 -1036 32
4. - AAAAAA1116 1 1:45 -1036 32
On 1st draw, SWARVE H8 32 --- SWARVE to faint [v]
Other tops: SWARVE H3 32, WAVERS H4 32
Other moves: WAVER H4 30, WAVES H4 30, SWARVE H4 26, SWARVE H7 26, WAVERS H3 26
WAVERS H4 32 Chelsea
SWARVE H8 32 SSSSSS1111, rrrrrr1112
On 2nd draw, REGICI(D)E 13G 76 --- REGICIDE the killing of a king [n]
Other moves: REGICI(D)E 13A 70, REAGI(N)IC 10F 64, CI(D)ER 14F 26, GRICE(D) 14C 26, GRICE(S) 14C 26
GRICE(S) 14C 26 moonmonkey
VICI(N)G 12H 22 Chelsea
On 3rd draw, PANEER N10 28 --- PANEER a soft white cheese used in Indian cookery [n]
Other tops: PARENT N10 28
Other moves: PATEN N10 26, PATER N10 26, PEREA N10 26, PETER N10 26, PREEN N10 26
PATER N10 26 moonmonkey, Chelsea, Discus22
PETER N10 26 sicilianc5
PATEN N10 26 HollyIvy
On 4th draw, PENLI(T)E O4 87 --- PENLITE a small torch [n]
Other tops: PEN(S)ILE O4 87
Other moves: EL(A)PINE O6 86, LEP(O)RINE 11D 86, PELERIN(E) 11D 86, PEL(E)RINE 11D 86, PEN(S)ILE O6 86
(S)PLINE O7 33 Discus22
PINE(S) O9 26 Chelsea
On 5th draw, HAZERS 15J 84 --- HAZER one that hazes [n]
Other moves: DAZERS 15J 78, ZANDERS 15I 57, HAZED 14D 54, HAZES 14D 52, ADZES 14D 50
HAZERS 15J 84 Discus22, Chelsea, sicilianc5, queen66
On 6th draw, OUTBLESS 8A 89 --- OUTBLESS to surpass in blessing [v]
Other moves: BOULTERS 11B 70, OUTBLESS 8B 61, BLITZ L11 32, RUBEOLAS 11H 29, LOBES 14D 28
LOBES 14D 28 Discus22, Chelsea
On 7th draw, ROGUY N1 27 --- ROGUY pertaining to a rogue [adj]
Other tops: TONY 12L 27
Other moves: RITZ L12 26, GUYOT N1 24, ROUTE N2 24, YGOE 9A 24, TROY N2 23
TONY 12L 27 Discus22
GROUTY 11G 20 Chelsea
On 8th draw, VARIATE 14A 76 --- VARIATE to vary [v]
Other moves: VARIETAL E1 72, VERATRIA 11C 72, VARIATE(D) M6 71, VARIATES G1 63, AVERT 1K 36
VARE 1L 33 Discus22, Chelsea
On 9th draw, BALLYHOO E5 114 --- BALLYHOO to promote by uproar [v]
Other moves: YAHOO M2 47, AHOY M3 40, BOHO 15E 39, HOBO 15E 39, OBOLARY 1I 39
HOARY 1K 36 Discus22
HARO 1L 33 Chelsea
On 10th draw, FRATE 15D 52 --- FRATE a Franciscan friar [n]
Other moves: DRAFT 15D 48, FAVE A12 42, TREFA 15D 40, AFORE 1K 36, DRAFTER 1H 36
FRATE 15D 52 Discus22
FAVE A12 42 Chelsea
On 11th draw, JARS 1L 57 --- JAR to vibrate from an impact [v]
Other moves: JA M2 33, TAJ D4 33, TINAJAS 6B 32, JA 13B 31, JAUNTS B6 31
JARS 1L 57 Discus22, Chelsea
On 12th draw, NOX F4 55 --- NOX short for nitrogen oxide [n]
Other tops: NIX F4 55
Other moves: AX F5 54, EX F5 54, OX F5 54, XENIA D1 44, JAXIE L1 38
NIX F4 55 Chelsea, Discus22
On 13th draw, DEMOTING A5 64 --- DEMOTE to lower in rank or grade [v]
Other moves: DIVE A12 30, GIVE A12 30, MED F10 30, MID F10 30, DITZ L12 28
GIVE A12 30 Discus22, Chelsea
On 14th draw, DICTION M5 78 --- DICTION choice and use of words in speech or writing [n]
Other moves: DICOT D2 31, NITID B2 30, DITZ L12 28, CID D10 27, COD D10 27
DICOT D2 31 Discus22
COD D10 27 Chelsea
On 15th draw, ADDICTION M3 38 --- ADDICTION [n]
Other moves: DEAF D3 34, DEAF B3 32, DEIF B3 32, DOF D4 32, FEU B10 32
DEAF D3 34 Chelsea
DOF D4 32 Discus22
On 16th draw, KELIM B2 47 --- KELIM an Eastern woven rug [n]
Other moves: MOKE G3 34, EIK D10 33, ELK D10 33, MILKO D1 33, OIK D10 33
OIK D10 33 Discus22
OM B5 23 Chelsea
On 17th draw, DOW D4 32 --- DOW to do well [v]
Other tops: QUOTE G2 32
Other moves: TOW D4 30, DEWS G5 28, DITZ L12 28, QUENA 11J 28, QUOD 12C 28
DOW D4 32 Discus22
QUOD 12C 28 Chelsea
On 18th draw, TOQUE G1 32 --- TOQUE a close-fitting woman's hat [n]
Other moves: QUENA 11J 28, QUINA 11J 28, QUINO 2H 25, NITE C1 22, NOTE C1 22
TOQUE G1 32 Chelsea, Discus22
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