Game on September 18, 2021 at 18:08, 4 players
1. 45 pts AAAAAA1116
2. 45 pts PPPPPP1113
3. 45 pts WWWWWW1115
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 26 26 


13G 86 112 


14A 77 189 


A11 36 225 


15G 93 318 


11E 82 400 


12K 29 429 


J4 66 495 


O6 45 540 


4H 80 620 


L2 62 682 


D12 34 716 


H1 39 755 


K1 41 796 


3G 58 854 


10B 42 896 


2J 36 932 


1M 45 977 


9C 22 999 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1. -
AAAAAA1116 1 0:44 -954 45 1.7853 HollyIvy 0 1:35 -966 33
2. -
PPPPPP1113 1 1:06 -954 45 Group: not rated
3. -
WWWWWW1115 1 1:27 -954 45 1. - AAAAAA1116 1 0:44 -954 45
HollyIvy 0 1:35 -966 33 2. - PPPPPP1113 1 1:06 -954 45
3. - WWWWWW1115 1 1:27 -954 45
On 1st draw, DERAY H8 26 --- DERAY disorderly revelry [n] --- DERAY to go wild [v]
Other tops: DAIRY H8 26, DEARY H8 26, DIARY H8 26, READY H8 26, REEDY H8 26, YAIRD H4 26, YEARD H4 26
Other moves: AIERY H8 24, DAIRY H4 22, DEARY H4 22, DERAY H4 22, DIARY H4 22
On 2nd draw, OSCINES 13G 86 --- OSCINE any of the family of songbirds [n]
Other moves: COSINES 13B 80, OSCINES 13B 80, OSCINES I5 73, CESSION 13E 71, CESSION 13F 71
On 3rd draw, ERUCTED 14A 77 --- ERUCT to belch out [v]
Other moves: ERUCTED G3 72, ERUCTED I3 72, DEUTERIC J7 69, CERATED 11E 40, CREATED 11E 40
On 4th draw, OWLET A11 36 --- OWLET a young nocturnal bird [n]
Other tops: PLEW A12 36
Other moves: POW 12J 32, POWN 12L 30, POWNY 12D 30, TOWNLY 12C 28, WONT 12L 28
On 5th draw, AIR(W)AVE 15G 93 --- AIRWAVE the medium of radio and television transmission [n]
Other moves: VARIA(T)ED 8A 86, VARIA(N)CE D8 84, REAVAI(L) 15F 83, AVARI(C)E 15G 81, AIR(W)AVE B5 71
On 6th draw, ENTAILER 11E 82 --- ENTAILER one that entails [n]
Other moves: ELATERIN 11F 66, TREENAIL 11C 66, LENITE 12J 24, ENTERIC D8 20, INERT 12K 20
On 7th draw, REEFS 12K 29 --- REEF to reduce the area of a sail [v]
Other moves: REEF 12K 25, FEARE 10B 24, FRENA 10B 24, REEF G6 24, REEF I6 24
On 8th draw, RHODINAL J4 66 --- RHODINAL an aldehyde found in citronella, used in soaps and perfumes [n]
Other moves: DRONISH O7 33, HADRONS O6 33, HAIRDO 10A 33, HAIRDOS O6 33, DANISH O8 30
On 9th draw, BEHOVES O6 45 --- BEHOVE to be fit, right or necessary [v]
Other moves: HEBENS O7 33, HOVES O8 33, EBON K5 31, BEHOVE B6 30, H*B*SHEBES O8 30
On 10th draw, MOR(T)LING 4H 80 --- MORTLING an animal that dies by accident [n]
Other moves: MORLING(S) 4H 76, (S)LORMING 4G 72, LONG(T)IME E4 70, (C)OMINGLE E4 70, LONG(T)IME 9A 64
On 11th draw, GULPIEST L2 62 --- GULPY marked by gulping [adj]
Other moves: GUIMPE H1 33, GUIMPS H1 33, GUIMP H1 30, S(T)IPE K3 29, PIUMS H1 27
On 12th draw, MACK D12 34 --- MACK a raincoat [n]
Other tops: M*CKMICK D12 34, MUCK D12 34
Other moves: MAK 3G 32, UMIAK 3E 32, KAIM H1 30, MAKUTU C9 30, NICK D12 30
On 13th draw, OXIM H1 39 --- OXIM a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: OX M6 36, XI M7 36, TAN(T)I K1 29, TAN(T)O K1 29, TAXI B8 29
On 14th draw, AUN(T)Y K1 41 --- AUNTY an aunt [n]
Other moves: TANNOY N2 33, TAN(T)O K1 29, UN(T)O K2 27, AYU C12 26, AYU N6 24
On 15th draw, JIZ 3G 58 --- JIZ a wig [n]
Other moves: ZAX 2F 39, ZOO B10 39, JONG O1 36, ZOA G1 36, ZOO G1 36
On 16th draw, QUINO 10B 42 --- QUINO a game of chance [n]
Other moves: QUIN 10B 35, QUIT 10B 35, QUINO 6F 34, QI B10 33, QUINO N1 28
On 17th draw, FUGATO 2J 36 --- FUGATO a fugal composition [n]
Other moves: FUGAL 2J 34, FANTOD N2 33, FANGO N2 28, FONDA N2 28, FOAL M7 26
FANTOD N2 33 HollyIvy
On 18th draw, PAW 1M 45 --- PAW to strike or scrape with a beating motion [v]
Other moves: DAW 1M 41, TAW 1M 37, DAP 1M 35, DIP 1M 35, PAD 1M 33
PAW 1M 45 AAAAAA1116, PPPPPP1113, WWWWWW1115
On 19th draw, GLAD 9C 22 --- GLAD feeling pleasure [adj] --- GLAD to make glad [v]
Other tops: BADGE 9D 22
Other moves: DAB G7 21, DIB G7 21, GAB G7 21, GIB G7 21, GLIB G6 21
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