Game on September 26, 2021 at 21:01, 7 players
1. 187 pts queen66
2. 183 pts moonmonkey
3. 177 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 22 22 


5D 110 132 


F1 64 196 


E8 73 269 


4A 45 314 


3C 46 360 


1A 54 414 


14B 32 446 


10A 74 520 


H1 51 571 


13B 58 629 


A7 39 668 


12D 38 706 


8H 86 792 


B6 35 827 


15G 89 916 


N1 76 992 


1L 42 1034 


C6 26 1060 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
queen66 0 5:31 -873 187 1.7482 queen66 0 5:31 -873 187
moonmonkey 0 5:29 -877 183 2.7573 moonmonkey 0 5:29 -877 183
Mycophot 0 5:09 -883 177 3.7594 Mycophot 0 5:09 -883 177
4. -
rrrrrr1112 1 0:46 -1038 22 Group: not rated
5. -
NNNNNN1114 1 1:09 -1038 22 1. - rrrrrr1112 1 0:46 -1038 22
6. -
AAAAAA1116 1 1:31 -1038 22 2. - NNNNNN1114 1 1:09 -1038 22
7. -
EEEEEE1115 1 1:53 -1038 22 3. - AAAAAA1116 1 1:31 -1038 22
4. - EEEEEE1115 1 1:53 -1038 22
On 1st draw, PANEER H4 22 --- PANEER a soft white cheese used in Indian cookery [n]
Other moves: PARER H4 20, PEARE H4 20, PEREA H4 20, PREEN H4 20, PANEER H3 18
PANEER H4 22 rrrrrr1112, NNNNNN1114, AAAAAA1116, EEEEEE1115
On 2nd draw, EXTRADO(S) 5D 110 --- EXTRADOS the outer curve of an arch [n]
Other moves: DEXTRO(S)E 8A 98, EXTOR(T)ED 8H 98, EX(H)ORTED 8H 98, EX(P)ORTED 8H 98, EX(T)ORTED 8H 98
OXTER I6 45 queen66
DEX I5 41 moonmonkey, Mycophot
On 3rd draw, RIBSTONE F1 64 --- RIBSTONE an apple [n]
Other moves: BRINES 4A 37, BORNE 4A 33, BRINE 4A 33, RIBES 4B 33, ROBES 4B 33
BRINES 4A 37 queen66, moonmonkey, Mycophot
On 4th draw, FURLA(N)A E8 73 --- FURLANA a dance of old Venice [n]
Other tops: FA(B)ULAR E8 73, FA(C)ULAR E8 73
Other moves: FARRU(C)A 1D 39, FURLA(N)A 1D 39, FL(O)RAS 4A 37, LU(F)FAS 4A 37, FAR(F)AL 1D 36
FURR(Y) 1D 33 Mycophot, moonmonkey, queen66
On 5th draw, THUYAS 4A 45 --- THUYA an evergreen tree or shrub [n]
Other moves: YEAH D12 41, EARTHY 1D 39, HEARTY 1C 39, HYES 4C 39, THRAVE 1D 39
HAY F12 36 queen66, Mycophot
HEY F12 36 moonmonkey
On 6th draw, GAMBE 3C 46 --- GAMBE a leg [n]
Other moves: GAMB 3C 42, MARLITE 1D 36, MIRAGE 1D 36, IMAGER 1A 33, IMARET 1C 33
MIRAGE 1D 36 queen66, moonmonkey
MERIT 1D 30 Mycophot
On 7th draw, NETWORK 1A 54 --- NETWORK to cover with or as if with crossing lines [v]
Other moves: KNOWER 1A 51, TONKER 1A 45, TWEAK 14B 44, WROKEN 1E 39, WOKEN 6J 36
On 8th draw, PARAMO 14B 32 --- PARAMO a plateau region of South America [n]
Other moves: PIMA D12 31, PRAAM 14B 30, MAP D12 27, MOIRAI 6J 27, MOP D12 27
On 9th draw, FINERIES 10A 74 --- FINERY elaborate adornment [n]
Other moves: LENIFIES 11E 72, SI H1 51, FINES 15A 46, NETWORKS 1A 45, SEIF 15E 37
On 10th draw, ST H1 51 --- ST hush [interj]
Other tops: SO H1 51
Other moves: NETWORKS 1A 45, JARS D12 43, JORS D12 43, JAR D12 39, JOR D12 39
On 11th draw, OZO(N)E 13B 58 --- OZONE a form of oxygen [n]
Other moves: ZO(N)E 13C 52, ZERO D12 51, ZONE 15A 51, ZOOEA 12A 48, ZHO 13G 47
On 12th draw, BAGFUL A7 39 --- BAGFUL as much as a bag can hold [n]
Other moves: BEG 15A 36, BAGEL 12D 34, BAGIE 12D 34, BELUGA 15G 34, BLAGUE 15G 34
On 13th draw, JA 12D 38 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other tops: JOR D12 38
Other moves: JANE 4J 32, JEAN 4J 32, JEON 4J 32, JOE B6 32, JOL B6 32
On 14th draw, ENTIRETY 8H 86 --- ENTIRETY completeness [n]
Other tops: ETERNITY 8H 86
Other moves: ENTIRETY 7H 63, ETERNITY 7H 63, ENTITY 15G 41, NITERY 15G 41, YITTEN 15G 35
On 15th draw, QI B6 35 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QAT N6 32, PENIAL 4H 22, PINEAL 4H 22, PANEL 4H 20, PENAL 4H 20
On 16th draw, DEVISAL 15G 89 --- DEVISAL the act of devising [n]
Other moves: DISLEAVE M1 82, VALIDEST N1 78, DOVETAILS J4 73, DISLEAVE M4 64, VASE H12 44
On 17th draw, IDIOLECT N1 76 --- IDIOLECT an individual's distinctive form of speech [n]
Other moves: POLICED 4H 30, IODINE C6 26, OILED 14J 26, POLICE 4H 26, IDE C6 25
On 18th draw, WHIO 1L 42 --- WHIO New Zealand mountain duck [n]
Other tops: WHIN 1L 42
Other moves: HUIC 1L 39, CHIN 1L 36, WHINE 6J 36, WHO 6J 34, CHOW 4L 32
On 19th draw, INDUNA C6 26 --- INDUNA a South African tribal councillor [n]
Other moves: INGAN C6 25, ID C6 24, PANIC 4H 24, HAD M1 23, HAG M1 23
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