Game on October 8, 2021 at 14:54, 8 players
1. 167 pts moonmonkey
2. 163 pts Mycophot
3. 152 pts queen66
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 28 28 


5G 28 56 


L1 50 106 


1J 42 148 


N3 48 196 


O6 47 243 


6J 33 276 


2F 34 310 


9A 61 371 


D8 82 453 


A6 51 504 


11D 94 598 


1D 49 647 


B1 47 694 


N10 26 720 


M11 53 773 


14B 36 809 


15F 34 843 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
moonmonkey 1 5:07 -676 167 1.7337 moonmonkey 1 5:07 -676 167
Mycophot 1 5:09 -680 163 2.7454 Mycophot 1 5:09 -680 163
queen66 2 4:11 -691 152 3.7545 queen66 2 4:11 -691 152
sicilianc5 1 2:03 -719 124 4.7850 sicilianc5 1 2:03 -719 124
5. -
JJJJJJ1118 1 1:47 -793 50 Group: not rated
6. -
CCCCCC1115 1 0:49 -815 28 1. - JJJJJJ1118 1 1:47 -793 50
7. -
OOOOOO1117 1 1:15 -815 28 2. - CCCCCC1115 1 0:49 -815 28
8. -
DDDDDD1113 1 1:40 -815 28 3. - OOOOOO1117 1 1:15 -815 28
4. - DDDDDD1113 1 1:40 -815 28
On 1st draw, PONCED H4 28 --- PONCE to solicit clients for a prostitute [v]
Other moves: COPED H4 26, PONCED H7 26, CLONED H4 24, COPED H8 24, COPEN H4 24
On 2nd draw, FOLKIES 5G 28 --- FOLKY a performer of folk music [n]
Other moves: FLIMPS 4D 26, FOLKIE 5G 26, SKIMP 4D 26, FLIMP 4D 24, FOLKS 5G 24
FLICKS 7E 21 moonmonkey, Mycophot
FLECKS 7E 21 queen66
On 3rd draw, JAMBES L1 50 --- JAMBE armor for the legs below the knees [n]
Other moves: JAMBE L1 48, JISSOM M2 36, JAMBS M1 32, JISSOM M3 32, OJIMES L1 32
JAMBES L1 50 queen66, JJJJJJ1118
On 4th draw, ADJURE 1J 42 --- ADJURE to command solemnly [v]
Other tops: JUVE 1L 42
Other moves: VAUTED N2 39, VEDUTA N1 39, JADE 1L 36, VAUTE N2 35, VERTU N2 35
JUVE 1L 42 Mycophot, moonmonkey, queen66
On 5th draw, D(I)TZ N3 48 --- DITZ a ditsy person [n]
Other moves: TZA(R) N5 47, AZ(O)TED 2E 46, R(O)ZET N1 41, D(O)ATED 2J 40, ZE(R)DA 2F 40
D(I)ZEN 6D 39 queen66, moonmonkey
D(O)ZEN 6D 39 Mycophot
On 6th draw, ABEIGH O6 47 --- ABEIGH aloof [adv]
Other moves: ABEIGH 2E 39, BELAH I3 34, BAGH 2G 31, FAH 2H 30, FEH 2H 30
BELAH I3 34 moonmonkey
FAH 2H 30 Mycophot
On 7th draw, YOS 6J 33 --- YO used to call attention or to express affirmation [interj]
Other tops: NOY 6H 33, YEAN 2J 33, YEAS 2J 33
Other moves: NOSEY 2F 31, SOOEY 2F 31, YEA 2J 30, NOSY 2G 28, OOSY 2G 28
SOOEY 2F 31 moonmonkey, Mycophot
On 8th draw, FORAM 2F 34 --- FORAM a marine protozoan [n]
Other moves: FROGMAN 6B 32, FOGRAM 2E 30, URAOS M1 28, MAAR 2J 27, FARM 2G 25
On 9th draw, ENROOTED 9A 61 --- ENROOT to implant firmly [v]
Other moves: TRONE 1D 31, NETE 1E 25, NOTE 1E 25, RETE 1E 25, RONE 1E 25
On 10th draw, COLLUV(I)A D8 82 --- COLLUVIA rock debris [n] --- COLLUVIUM rock debris, pl COLLUVIUMS or COLLUVIA [n]
Other moves: COLLUV(I)A E8 74, VACUOL(E) E5 44, VAU(N)CE A4 42, V(O)CULE A4 42, CLAV(I)E A4 39
On 11th draw, SWEENEY A6 51 --- SWEENEY atrophy of a horse's shoulder muscle [n]
Other moves: SWEENY A7 48, WEENSY A7 48, NEWSY A8 45, WEENY A8 45, SWEENEY A4 42
On 12th draw, LEVANTER 11D 94 --- LEVANTER a boisterous Mediterranean easterly wind [n]
Other moves: NERVATE B1 83, VETERAN 3A 80, ENERVATE 8F 66, ANTEVERT F7 65, VEENA 1D 49
On 13th draw, WAITE 1D 49 --- WAITE to be on guard [v]
Other moves: ALOWE 1D 43, AWETO 1D 40, LOWE 1E 37, OWE 1F 34, WETA 1E 34
ALOWE 1D 43 sicilianc5
On 14th draw, EOLITH B1 47 --- EOLITH a prehistoric stone tool [n]
Other moves: TILTH B2 45, LITHE B3 34, LITHO B3 34, TITHE B3 34, EOL(I)TH 14A 32
On 15th draw, AUDIO N10 26 --- AUDIO reproduction of recorded or broadcast sounds [n]
Other moves: DONING 10J 23, ODA A1 23, UDO M1 23, AVOID 13C 22, IOS M3 22
On 16th draw, PAX M11 53 --- PAX a ceremonial embrace given to signify Christian love and unity [n]
Other moves: PAX A2 43, AQUA 15A 39, AX M12 39, TAX A2 39, XU 3I 39
PAX M11 53 sicilianc5
On 17th draw, QU(I)RING 14B 36 --- QUIRE to arrange sheets of paper in sets of twenty-four [v]
Other moves: QUIT F6 33, QU(I)NO 14B 30, QUO(I)N 14A 26, QU(I)N 14B 24, ROVING 13B 24
On 18th draw, TOINGS 15F 34 --- TOING as in toing and froing [n]
Other moves: INGOTS 15H 33, TOING 15F 31, INGOT 15H 30, GIST 15L 28, OLIGIST 3A 28
GIST 15L 28 sicilianc5
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