Game on October 8, 2021 at 15:37, 8 players
1. 232 pts moonmonkey
2. 185 pts queen66
3. 163 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 24 24 


4H 24 48 


N1 29 77 


1H 122 199 


6F 29 228 


2F 40 268 


9F 64 332 


8L 45 377 


10D 54 431 


O8 89 520 


E9 55 575 


15A 107 682 


3A 80 762 


A1 54 816 


13A 74 890 


N10 34 924 


D12 31 955 


5A 30 985 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
moonmonkey 2 3:19 -753 232 1.7370 moonmonkey 2 3:19 -753 232
queen66 1 5:51 -800 185 2.7545 queen66 1 5:51 -800 185
Mycophot 1 6:31 -822 163 3.7474 Mycophot 1 6:31 -822 163
4. -
BBBBBB1113 1 1:44 -931 54 Group: not rated
5. -
TTTTTT1113 1 1:56 -940 45 1. - BBBBBB1113 1 1:44 -931 54
6. -
NNNNNN1114 1 0:50 -961 24 2. - TTTTTT1113 1 1:56 -940 45
7. -
IIIIII1114 1 1:16 -961 24 3. - NNNNNN1114 1 0:50 -961 24
8. -
UUUUUU1115 1 1:39 -961 24 4. - IIIIII1114 1 1:16 -961 24
5. - UUUUUU1115 1 1:39 -961 24
On 1st draw, CUEING H4 24 --- CUE to give a signal to an actor [v]
Other moves: CUEING H7 22, CUING H4 22, GENIC H8 22, CENTU H4 20, CUEING H3 20
On 2nd draw, CYGNET 4H 24 --- CYGNET a young swan [n]
Other tops: AGENCY 4D 24
Other moves: CAGEY 4H 22, GYTE G5 22, YAG G5 21, CANTY 4H 20, CUTEY 4H 20
CUTEY 4H 20 moonmonkey
On 3rd draw, RAISIN N1 29 --- RAISIN a dried grape [n]
Other moves: SAWN N4 28, AWNS N1 27, IWIS N1 27, RAWS N1 27, SAW N4 27
SAWN N4 28 moonmonkey, Mycophot, queen66
On 4th draw, (D)ONATORS 1H 122 --- DONATOR one that donates [n]
Other tops: SANTOOR(S) 1H 122, TAN(D)OORS 1H 122, (S)ANTOORS 1H 122
Other moves: NANO(D)OTS K4 78, OTTO(M)ANS M3 74, SANTOO(R) O5 72, NANO(D)OTS 8H 71, NANO(D)OTS K2 64
On 5th draw, JEEP 6F 29 --- JEEP to travel by a small type of motor vehicle [v]
Other moves: JETON 6J 28, JOE 2F 27, JEE 6F 26, JOE 6F 26, PEW 2I 23
On 6th draw, UNIFY 2F 40 --- UNIFY to make into a coherent whole [v]
Other moves: UNIFY O6 35, FY 2I 34, YAH O6 32, ANY 2H 30, FAIN 3I 30
FY 2I 34 queen66, Mycophot
On 7th draw, OOGAMIES 9F 64 --- OOGAMY the state of having dissimilar gametes [n]
Other moves: AMIES 7F 32, AMIE 7F 31, AMIES E1 28, GISMO J4 26, MAES E2 26
GISM J4 25 moonmonkey, Mycophot, queen66
On 8th draw, MOTH 8L 45 --- MOTH a winged insect [n]
Other moves: HOUT 8L 44, MOUTH 8K 42, MOUTH 10B 37, MOTH 10J 36, MOTT 8L 36
HOUT 8L 44 queen66
On 9th draw, TAXI 10D 54 --- TAXI to travel in a taxicab [v]
Other tops: WAX 10D 54
Other moves: XI 10F 52, XU 10F 52, RAX 10D 51, TAX 10D 51, TIX 10D 51
WAX 10D 54 moonmonkey, Mycophot, queen66
On 10th draw, HEELTAP(S) O8 89 --- HEELTAP a material put on the heel of a shoe [n]
Other moves: HELP(M)ATE O8 86, PETTA(B)LE D8 76, TELEPAT(H) D4 74, EP(I)LATE 3A 73, PALE(A)TE 3A 73
T(O)LE 11E 22 Mycophot
On 11th draw, ZABETA E9 55 --- ZABETA a stated tariff [n]
Other moves: BEZ 7K 51, AZO N12 45, ZOA N13 44, ZABETA 3B 41, ZO N13 41
BEZ 7K 51 moonmonkey
On 12th draw, HANDSEL 15A 107 --- HANDSEL to give a good luck gift to [v]
Other moves: HANDLES(S) 15H 86, HANDSEL(S) 15H 86, HANSELED 12A 86, SHETLAND 13B 80, ENDASH 15A 51
On 13th draw, OUVRAGE 3A 80 --- OUVRAGE work [n]
Other moves: REGAVE 12D 28, VAGUER 12A 28, VOGUER 12A 28, AERUGO 1A 26, OUTGAVE 13C 26
On 14th draw, BOOKED A1 54 --- BOOK to reserve in advance [v]
Other moves: BOOK A1 45, DOOK A1 42, HANDSELED 15A 42, EBOOK A1 36, FORKED D1 36
BOOKED A1 54 moonmonkey, BBBBBB1113
On 15th draw, FLOATIER 13A 74 --- FLOATY tending to float [adj]
Other moves: FAIL N10 34, FEAL N10 34, REALO N10 32, AFEAR 14E 31, FAE N10 31
On 16th draw, WEIL N10 34 --- WEIL a whirlpool [n]
Other moves: VIEW 7J 29, WALD D12 28, WE N10 28, WURLIE 12G 28, WURLIE D1 26
On 17th draw, WADD D12 31 --- WADD an earthy ore [n]
Other moves: WUD 10I 23, CURD D1 20, DRIVEL 11J 20, DUI B2 20, MEDIC L8 20
On 18th draw, EQUID 5A 30 --- EQUID an animal of the horse family [n]
Other moves: QUIT 12L 26, CURD D1 20, DUI B2 20, MEDIC L8 20, QUID 1C 20
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