Game on October 13, 2021 at 15:54, 6 players
1. 186 pts moonmonkey
2. 186 pts queen66
3. 186 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 32 32 


12A 76 108 


A6 45 153 


C9 40 193 


15A 44 237 


14B 71 308 


10E 65 373 


M9 32 405 


12L 32 437 


J4 66 503 


O9 24 527 


15H 95 622 


K1 78 700 


1K 36 736 


L1 25 761 


E10 34 795 


M1 24 819 


J1 26 845 


6A 20 865 


C1 26 891 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
moonmonkey 1 4:05 -705 186 1.7581 moonmonkey 1 4:05 -705 186
queen66 1 4:31 -705 186 2.7635 queen66 1 4:31 -705 186
Mycophot 1 4:52 -705 186 3.7476 Mycophot 1 4:52 -705 186
4. -
YYYYYY1116 1 0:50 -859 32 Group: not rated
5. -
BBBBBB1113 1 1:14 -859 32 1. - YYYYYY1116 1 0:50 -859 32
6. -
DDDDDD1113 1 1:38 -859 32 2. - BBBBBB1113 1 1:14 -859 32
3. - DDDDDD1113 1 1:38 -859 32
On 1st draw, BLOODY H7 32 --- BLOODY stained with blood [adj] --- BLOODY to make blood-stained [v]
Other moves: BLOODY H4 30, BLOOEY H7 30, BOODY H8 30, BLOODY H8 28, BLOOEY H4 28
On 2nd draw, SOLDIERY 12A 76 --- SOLDIERY the military profession [n]
Other moves: DOLLIERS 8E 60, DOLLIERS 8F 60, DILDOES 11E 36, RIDDLES 11E 36, SLIDDER 11E 36
SODDIER 11E 36 moonmonkey, Mycophot, queen66
On 3rd draw, CHEVINS A6 45 --- CHEVIN the chub a river fish [n]
Other moves: CHIVES A7 42, CHIVS A8 39, SHIVES A7 36, CHOSEN B10 34, CHINES A7 33
CHIVES A7 42 queen66, Mycophot, moonmonkey
On 4th draw, JEEL(I)E C9 40 --- JEELIE to make into a jelly [v]
Other tops: JEELE(D) C9 40
Other moves: JEEL(S) C9 38, JEEL(Y) C9 38, J(O) G9 34, JEERE(D) F10 30, JEERE(R) F10 30
JEELE(D) C9 40 moonmonkey, Mycophot, queen66
On 5th draw, KADE 15A 44 --- KADE a wingless fly that attacks sheep [n]
Other tops: KADI 15A 44
Other moves: AEDINE 15A 38, KED 15A 38, KID 15A 38, KAED 11E 34, AIDE 15A 32
KIER G9 29 queen66, Mycophot, moonmonkey
On 6th draw, FE(D)EX 14B 71 --- FEDEX Federal Exprss [n] --- FEDEX to send by Federal Express [v]
Other moves: (B)EAUX 14B 58, FA(I)X I6 45, FAXED D8 40, AXE I8 39, EXUV(I)A D4 39
AXE I8 39 moonmonkey, queen66, Mycophot
On 7th draw, AEROLITH 10E 65 --- AEROLITH a meteorite [n]
Other moves: AEROLITH 9E 63, AIRTH B2 47, EARTH B2 47, LAITH B2 47, LATHER B3 39
On 8th draw, PSOAI M9 32 --- PSOAS a muscle of the pelvic region [n]
Other moves: ASTOOP M9 30, SPAIT M10 26, SPOOT M10 26, STIPA M10 26, STOOP M10 26
On 9th draw, QAID 12L 32 --- QAID a Muslim leader [n]
Other moves: QADI 12L 30, DORP L12 28, POND L12 28, QADI E9 28, HIP L10 26
On 10th draw, TAMANOIR J4 66 --- TAMANOIR the great antbear [n]
Other moves: ANIMATOR J8 62, MONTARIA J4 62, MANDORA O9 30, MATADOR O8 30, MONARDA O7 30
On 11th draw, OUTDATE O9 24 --- OUTDATE to make out-of-date [v]
Other moves: OUTATE K1 22, AUTOED O7 21, TATUED O7 21, TAUTED O7 21, TOUTED O7 21
On 12th draw, OPTIMATE 15H 95 --- OPTIMATE a member of the aristocracy [n]
Other moves: OPTIMATE F3 64, IMPOT 15F 36, MATIPO D4 35, OPTIMA D4 35, OPTIMA K1 34
On 13th draw, AGRISES K1 78 --- AGRISE to terrify [v]
Other moves: AGISTERS 4F 70, GASSIER N3 65, ASSEGAI 5E 32, SAGEST K5 29, AEGIS K3 26
On 14th draw, AWNER 1K 36 --- AWNER an awn removing machine [n]
Other moves: UNWARE 1H 30, REWAN 1H 27, ROWAN 1H 27, WOE L1 24, NGWEE 2J 22
On 15th draw, WIEL L1 25 --- WIEL a whirlpool [n]
Other moves: NOULE 14H 23, ELEVON N1 22, EVOLUE N1 22, UNITIVE 4G 22, VOLUTIN 4F 22
On 16th draw, AVIZE E10 34 --- AVIZE to advise [v]
Other moves: ZO D8 30, ZO 14H 26, NOB M1 24, REZ 3K 24, ZO 9E 24
On 17th draw, NOB M1 24 --- NOB a wealthy person [n]
Other moves: BUNCO D5 21, NOG M1 20, BINGO D5 19, BOI 14H 19, BUNCO G3 18
On 18th draw, FA J1 26 --- FA the fourth tone of the diatonic musical scale [n]
Other tops: YA J1 26
Other moves: YUCA D6 21, FAYNE F6 19, YUGA D6 19, FA D8 18, MEANY 6J 18
On 19th draw, CYNIC 6A 20 --- CYNIC a cynical person [n]
Other moves: MEINY 6J 18, YINCE F6 18, UNBLOODY H5 14, YU 14H 14, GYNIE F6 13
On 20th draw, UNWRUNG C1 26 --- UNWRUNG not wrung [adj] --- WRING to twist so as to compress [adj]
Other moves: GRUNGY B1 22, WRING D4 22, WRUNG C3 22, GRUING D3 20, GUNGY B2 20
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