Game on October 15, 2021 at 18:07, 7 players
1. 308 pts sicilianc5
2. 147 pts HollyIvy
3. 147 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 78 78 


11E 94 172 


4D 70 242 


E6 60 302 


L1 44 346 


14E 79 425 


1G 101 526 


15K 66 592 


14M 37 629 


8A 69 698 


15F 31 729 


8H 86 815 


2K 33 848 


12A 37 885 


F2 40 925 


B10 44 969 


A11 34 1003 


7M 47 1050 


3L 25 1075 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
sicilianc5 5 9:01 -767 308 1.7782 sicilianc5 5 9:01 -767 308
HollyIvy 1 2:49 -928 147 2.7901 HollyIvy 1 2:49 -928 147
moonmonkey 1 3:47 -928 147 3.7536 moonmonkey 1 3:47 -928 147
Mycophot 1 3:50 -928 147 4.7527 Mycophot 1 3:50 -928 147
5. -
TTTTTT1113 1 1:25 -1006 69 Group: not rated
6. -
IIIIII1114 1 1:52 -1006 69 1. - TTTTTT1113 1 1:25 -1006 69
7. -
JJJJJJ1119 1 1:56 -1009 66 2. - IIIIII1114 1 1:52 -1006 69
3. - JJJJJJ1119 1 1:56 -1009 66
On 1st draw, PROMINE H4 78 --- PROMINE a substance that promotes growth [n]
Other moves: PROMINE H2 74, PROMINE H3 74, PROMINE H6 74, PROMINE H7 74, PROMINE H8 74
On 2nd draw, SOUSING 11E 94 --- SOUSE to immerse [v] --- SOUSING the act of sousing [n]
Other moves: SOURINGS 5E 86, SOUSING 11H 78, SPOUSING 4G 72, SMOUSING 7G 64, MOUSINGS 7H 63
SOUSING 11E 44 moonmonkey, Mycophot, HollyIvy
On 3rd draw, TROOPIAL 4D 70 --- TROOPIAL a tropical bird [n]
Other moves: MOTORAIL 7H 62, MOTORIAL 7H 62, OORALI 12J 19, OORIAL 12J 19, TAILOR 12I 19
On 4th draw, AUTOPSIA E6 60 --- AUTOPSIA autopsy [n]
Other moves: POET 10F 26, ATAP 10C 24, ATOP 10C 24, OUP 10D 23, TAP 10D 23
POET 10F 26 HollyIvy, Mycophot, moonmonkey
On 5th draw, VEES L1 44 --- VEE the letter V [n]
Other tops: VETS L1 44, VOES L1 44
Other moves: GOVS L1 42, STOVE L4 40, EVES L1 38, EVOS L1 38, GEEST L1 38
VETS L1 44 moonmonkey
VEES L1 44 Mycophot
VOES L1 44 HollyIvy
On 6th draw, (S)HOTTLE 14E 79 --- SHOTTLE a small drawer [n]
Other moves: LOATHE(S)T 13C 78, LOTHE(S)T L6 78, LOATHE(S)T J2 70, PHOE(B)E 10E 40, TE(E)TH 3C 36
HOVEL(S) 1J 33 HollyIvy, Mycophot, moonmonkey
On 7th draw, ARCHIVED 1G 101 --- ARCHIVE to file in an archive (a place where records are kept) [v]
Other moves: CHARIDEE 2E 76, CHARIDEE 2F 72, INARCHED 9G 67, ARCHED 15J 49, ARCHEI 15J 46
On 8th draw, DJINS 15K 66 --- DJIN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other moves: JOINTS 8A 42, SYNOD 15K 41, JOINT 8A 39, JOIST 8A 39, PYNED 10E 37
On 9th draw, QI 14M 37 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: MITY I6 34, MYELIN N10 34, QI 2F 33, TIMELY 2B 31, MOLY F3 30
QI 14M 37 sicilianc5
On 10th draw, TWIXT 8A 69 --- TWIXT between [prep]
Other moves: XI 15G 42, VARIX 12B 39, EXIT 2L 37, WAX G6 33, TAXI G6 32
TWIXT 8A 69 sicilianc5, TTTTTT1113, IIIIII1114
On 11th draw, ODEA 15F 31 --- ODEUM a theater or concert hall [n]
Other moves: WORDAGE B8 28, AREA 15F 27, ADO 15F 26, ODA 15F 26, ODE 15F 26
On 12th draw, INU(R)BANE 8H 86 --- INURBANE not urbane [adj]
Other moves: INU(R)BANE C8 70, UNBANNE(D) 9G 64, BUTAN(O)NE A6 60, NAN(O)TUBE A4 60, UNBEAT(E)N A3 60
On 13th draw, FEME 2K 33 --- FEME a wife [n]
Other moves: DEFRAG N1 30, MAWGER 2B 30, FAW 7M 29, FEW 7M 29, FERMI 12A 28
MAE 13G 25 sicilianc5
On 14th draw, BLAWING 12A 37 --- BLAW to blow [v]
Other tops: BAWLING 12A 37, BLOWING 12A 37, BOWLING 12A 37
Other moves: BLAWN 13C 36, BOWING 12B 29, AWOL 9L 28, BLAW 13C 27, BAGNIO 12A 26
On 15th draw, FLORY F2 40 --- FLORY showy [adj]
Other moves: FELLY B10 38, PYRE 10E 35, FALLER B10 34, FABLER A10 33, FELLA B10 32
FLORY F2 40 sicilianc5
On 16th draw, KYLOE B10 44 --- KYLOE one of the small long-haired Scottish cattle [n]
Other moves: REBACK A10 42, CRAPY 10B 40, CREPY 10B 40, BYKE A12 39, OKAY 7L 38
BECK A12 36 sicilianc5
On 17th draw, ABIDE A11 34 --- ABIDE to accept without objection [v]
Other moves: BIDE A12 26, VEGA 10G 24, VEGANIC N4 23, AGED 9L 22, DECAF 2B 22
ABIDE A11 34 sicilianc5
On 18th draw, ZEA 7M 47 --- ZEA the stigma of a cereal plant [n]
Other tops: ZEE 7M 47
Other moves: ZA 7M 44, ZANTE N6 36, ZEATIN N10 35, NAZE N8 33, RIZA C7 30
ZEA 7M 47 sicilianc5
On 19th draw, EUGE 3L 25 --- EUGE well done [interj]
Other moves: VENGER N6 20, VENTURE N6 20, VENGE N6 19, VENTER N6 19, VENTRE N6 19
VENGER N6 20 sicilianc5
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