Game on October 18, 2021 at 19:49, 1 player
1. 42 pts FFFFFF1117
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 54 54 


5E 44 98 


H1 63 161 


3B 76 237 


8F 67 304 


1E 63 367 


4A 62 429 


10E 83 512 


N4 33 545 


6H 36 581 


2J 53 634 


A4 42 676 


B7 68 744 


12B 70 814 


4J 33 847 


11I 53 900 


12L 42 942 


N12 28 970 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: not rated
1. -
FFFFFF1117 1 1:54 -928 42 1. - FFFFFF1117 1 1:54 -928 42
On 1st draw, JACKER H4 54 --- JACKER one that jacks [n]
Other moves: JACKER H3 40, JACKER H7 40, JACKER H8 40, JACKER H5 38, JACKER H6 38
On 2nd draw, GY(R)ATED 5E 44 --- GYRATE to revolve or rotate [v]
Other moves: GEYE(S)T 10D 36, (S)TYED 10H 35, DYE(S) 10E 34, TYG(S) 10E 34, EYE(S) 10E 33
On 3rd draw, (C)ARJACKER H1 63 --- CARJACKER [n]
Other moves: DZO(S) 10E 52, ZO(N)DA 4A 51, Z(E)RDA 4A 51, ZA(S) 10F 50, ZO(S) 10F 50
On 4th draw, DEBITORS 3B 76 --- DEBITOR someone who owes a debt [n]
Other moves: DEORBITS 3E 65, DEORBITS 9E 65, DEBITORS 9B 64, BODGIEST E2 62, JIBED 4H 39
On 5th draw, OVERSWIM 8F 67 --- OVERSWIM to swim across [v]
Other tops: OVERSWIM C1 67
Other moves: VISOR 10F 40, SOWM 10H 39, RIVOS 10D 38, SOV 10H 36, SOW 10H 36
On 6th draw, BEN(C)HIER 1E 63 --- BENCHY of a hillside, hollowed out in bench shapes [adj]
Other moves: JIBER 4H 38, HEBEN 6J 36, HERE 4A 35, HEREIN 6J 35, HIRE 4A 35
On 7th draw, QADI 4A 62 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: QADI 6B 37, QADI 7L 31, QAID 7L 31, QADI B1 28, QI 2A 28
On 8th draw, OUTSOLE 10E 83 --- OUTSOLE the outer sole of a boot or shoe [n]
Other moves: OUTSOLE N5 78, QUOTES A4 45, QUEST A4 42, QUOTE A4 42, TOUSLE 10E 32
On 9th draw, RAWNS N4 33 --- RAWN fish-roe [n]
Other moves: AWNS N5 32, SAWN N8 32, SAW N8 31, WAS N6 31, WIS N6 31
On 10th draw, COHOE 6H 36 --- COHOE a type of salmon [n]
Other moves: COHO 6H 35, HAE 6J 30, HAO 6J 30, HER 6J 30, HIE 6J 30
On 11th draw, FEEING 2J 53 --- FEE to pay a fee (a fixed charge) to [v]
Other moves: FEEN 2J 32, FAE 2J 31, FEE 2J 31, FA 2J 28, FAGIN 11K 28
On 12th draw, QANAT A4 42 --- QANAT a system of underground tunnels and wells in the Middle East [n]
Other moves: ADAPT 11B 26, ADOPT 11B 26, DOP 2A 26, PANDA 11I 26, ADAPT 11J 24
On 13th draw, DEVIANT B7 68 --- DEVIANT one who deviates from the norm [n]
Other moves: NIDATED B1 31, DATIVE 11I 29, ADVENT 11J 28, ADVENT 11A 26, INVADE 11J 26
On 14th draw, NONGLARE 12B 70 --- NONGLARE one that is resistant to glare [n] --- NONGLARE that does not glare [adj]
Other moves: AGGER O1 29, OGLER O1 26, LEARN A11 25, ANGORA 11B 22, MANGLER M8 22
On 15th draw, YAOURT 4J 33 --- YAOURT food made from fermented milk [n]
Other moves: PAYOR 4J 32, PATY 11I 29, YAP 4J 29, YUP 4J 29, COP 2A 28
On 16th draw, PIXEL 11I 53 --- PIXEL a basic unit of a video image [n]
Other moves: PIX 11I 49, ILEX 13F 44, IMPLEX 11J 44, FLIMP 13I 41, LEX 13G 41
On 17th draw, FIZ 12L 42 --- FIZ a hissing or spluttering sound [n]
Other moves: MIZ 12L 38, LUZ F12 32, FIZ 7D 26, CAZ 11A 25, CUZ 7D 25
FIZ 12L 42 FFFFFF1117
On 18th draw, ZIP N12 28 --- ZIP to fasten with a metal fastener with teeth [v]
Other moves: ZULU N12 26, RUMP H12 24, IMP A13 23, UMP A13 23, MOIL C11 20
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