Game on October 22, 2021 at 10:06, 9 players
1. 195 pts Chelsea
2. 148 pts queen66
3. 86 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H2 68 68 


G7 42 110 


5D 98 208 


D5 70 278 


I5 46 324 


J2 34 358 


2A 94 452 


H10 28 480 


B1 66 546 


A8 48 594 


1G 53 647 


A1 58 705 


J8 67 772 


C2 28 800 


13H 34 834 


12L 39 873 


O8 33 906 


2J 28 934 


O1 48 982 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 2 6:37 -787 195 1.7700 Chelsea 2 6:37 -787 195
queen66 4 3:42 -834 148 2.7777 queen66 4 3:42 -834 148
moonmonkey 2 1:39 -896 86 3.7678 moonmonkey 2 1:39 -896 86
HollyIvy 2 2:25 -898 84 4.7937 HollyIvy 2 2:25 -898 84
Mycophot 2 2:58 -898 84 5.7532 Mycophot 2 2:58 -898 84
6. -
EEEEEE1115 1 1:56 -924 58 Group: not rated
7. -
FFFFFF1117 1 1:39 -929 53 1. - EEEEEE1115 1 1:56 -924 58
8. -
TTTTTT1113 1 1:58 -929 53 2. - FFFFFF1117 1 1:39 -929 53
9. -
UUUUUU1115 1 1:56 -948 34 3. - TTTTTT1113 1 1:58 -929 53
4. - UUUUUU1115 1 1:56 -948 34
On 1st draw, RIGI(D)ER H2 68 --- RIGID not flexible [adj]
Other tops: GIR(L)IER H4 68, GIR(N)IER H4 68, GRI(M)IER H4 68, GRI(P)IER H4 68
Other moves: GIR(L)IER H2 66, GIR(L)IER H3 66, GIR(L)IER H6 66, GIR(L)IER H7 66, GIR(L)IER H8 66
On 2nd draw, HAZEL G7 42 --- HAZEL a shrub [n]
Other tops: HAZER G7 42
Other moves: HAZE G7 41, GHAZEL 4H 38, ZILCH 5G 38, HAZER 2D 37, CRAZE 2G 36
On 3rd draw, OUTWINDS 5D 98 --- OUTWIND to unwind [v]
Other moves: UNSTOWED 10A 72, OUTWINDS 3D 67, SWOUND 12G 46, STOWND 12G 40, WOUNDS 12B 38
On 4th draw, ORIELLED D5 70 --- ORIELLED having an oriel [adj]
Other moves: LIEDER H10 28, RILLED H10 28, IDLER H11 26, DINER I3 25, REDRILL 2H 24
On 5th draw, NOXES I5 46 --- NOX short for nitrogen oxide [n]
Other tops: NEXTS I5 46
Other moves: AXES E10 45, OXES E10 45, NEXT I5 44, AXE E10 43, NOX I5 40
On 6th draw, QAID J2 34 --- QAID a Muslim leader [n]
Other moves: ACTIN H11 32, ANTIC H11 26, ANETIC E10 25, QAID 12A 24, ANETIC C10 23
On 7th draw, (I)MPROVER 2A 94 --- IMPROVER one that improves [n]
Other moves: (I)MPROVE J9 78, MOVER(S) H10 48, EMPLO(Y)ER 11D 44, MOPER(S) H10 42, MOPER(Y) H10 42
On 8th draw, LAOGAI H10 28 --- LAOGAI the system of forced labor camps in China [n]
Other moves: AGILA H11 26, AGILE H11 26, GEO 1A 26, ALGAE H11 23, ALOGIA E10 23
On 9th draw, AMBIENCE B1 66 --- AMBIENCE the character, mood, or atmosphere of a place or situation [n]
Other moves: BEANIE C8 32, CABIN F10 31, BANC F10 28, ABCEE 8A 27, BAC F10 27
On 10th draw, PAVENS A8 48 --- PAVEN a slow formal dance [n]
Other moves: PAVEN A8 45, PAVES A8 45, PATENS A8 39, PAVE A8 39, PAVS A8 39
On 11th draw, OFT 1G 53 --- OFT often [adv]
Other tops: EFT 1G 53
Other moves: EF 1G 50, OF 1G 50, FE 1H 48, BEEF 3B 33, FRIGI(D)ER H1 33
OFT 1G 53 FFFFFF1117, TTTTTT1113
On 12th draw, B(I)OME A1 58 --- BIOME an ecological community [n]
Other moves: B(I)OTA A1 42, B(I)O A1 28, MABE F10 28, BAM F10 27, MABE E11 27
B(I)OME A1 58 moonmonkey, EEEEEE1115
On 13th draw, TORRENT J8 67 --- TORRENT a rapid stream of water [n]
Other moves: TORRENT J9 63, PER C2 25, OBOE 3A 22, OBE 3A 18, OBO 3A 18
OBOE 3A 22 Mycophot, HollyIvy
On 14th draw, PAD C2 28 --- PAD to line or stuff with soft material [v]
Other moves: DIDY E11 27, TIDDY E11 27, TIDDY C11 25, DIDY C11 24, DAY E11 23
PAD C2 28 HollyIvy, Mycophot, moonmonkey
TIDDY E11 27 Chelsea
On 15th draw, GYNNEY 13H 34 --- GYNNEY guinea hen [n]
Other tops: QUEYN 2J 34
Other moves: CANY F10 29, CAY F10 28, QUEAN 2J 28, QUENA 2J 28, CANE F10 26
QUEYN 2J 34 HollyIvy, Mycophot, UUUUUU1115
QUEAN 2J 28 Chelsea
On 16th draw, WOKS 12L 39 --- WOK a pan used in Chinese cookery [n]
Other moves: KAWS N10 35, KOWS N10 35, SOKE 12G 35, TASK 12L 35, WOK 12L 35
WOKS 12L 39 queen66
KOWS N10 35 Chelsea
On 17th draw, HAUFS O8 33 --- HAUF (Scots) half [n]
Other tops: AHIND E10 33, HAUF E11 33
Other moves: FAH E11 31, DANISH O8 30, FUNDIS O7 30, HUDNAS O7 30, NAIF E8 30
HAUFS O8 33 queen66
FIND E11 29 Chelsea
On 18th draw, QUINT 2J 28 --- QUINT a group of five [n]
Other moves: GJU 10M 27, JIG K1 25, JIN K1 23, TUNG N7 23, GJU N6 20
QUINT 2J 28 Chelsea, queen66
On 19th draw, JAG O1 48 --- JAG to cut unevenly [v]
Other moves: JAI O1 45, TAJ O1 45, JA O1 42, GAID O1 39, GAUD O1 39
JAG O1 48 Chelsea, queen66
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