Game on October 22, 2021 at 15:20, 7 players
1. 319 pts queen66
2. 257 pts moonmonkey
3. 248 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 28 28 


10H 81 109 


8A 80 189 


K7 80 269 


8K 45 314 


13G 84 398 


E5 102 500 


C8 70 570 


B10 55 625 


12K 40 665 


6B 36 701 


15C 80 781 


7M 39 820 


4H 76 896 


A13 59 955 


F10 31 986 


9M 28 1014 


O1 42 1056 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
queen66 3 7:37 -737 319 1.7709 queen66 3 7:37 -737 319
moonmonkey 1 7:47 -799 257 2.7658 moonmonkey 1 7:47 -799 257
Mycophot 0 6:08 -808 248 3.7481 Mycophot 0 6:08 -808 248
4. -
FFFFFF1117 1 0:39 -1028 28 Group: not rated
5. -
AAAAAA1116 1 1:02 -1028 28 1. - FFFFFF1117 1 0:39 -1028 28
6. -
rrrrrr1112 1 1:35 -1028 28 2. - AAAAAA1116 1 1:02 -1028 28
7. -
DDDDDD1113 1 1:58 -1028 28 3. - rrrrrr1112 1 1:35 -1028 28
4. - DDDDDD1113 1 1:58 -1028 28
On 1st draw, FARDEN H4 28 --- FARDEN a farthing [n]
Other tops: F*RT*DFARTED H4 28
Other moves: FADER H4 26, FARED H4 26, FATED H4 26, DAFTER H4 24, F*RT*DFARTED H7 24
F*RT*D H4FARTED H4 28 FFFFFF1117, AAAAAA1116, rrrrrr1112, DDDDDD1113
On 2nd draw, S(N)OWKED 10H 81 --- SNOWK to prowl or sneak about [v]
Other moves: KE(Y)WORDS 6C 75, SKOA(L)ED 5E 44, WEK(A)S 10D 32, W(A)KES 10D 32, DE(C)KOS 10C 31
OKES 10E 29 moonmonkey, Mycophot, queen66
On 3rd draw, (B)ARRABLE 8A 80 --- BARRABLE capable of being barred [adj]
Other tops: BARRA(B)LE 8A 80
Other moves: BARRA(B)LE M3 72, (B)ARRABLE M3 72, LARB(O)ARD N3 66, LABRA(D)OR J4 65, ARB(O)REAL M5 63
AB(E)AR 11I 33 queen66, Mycophot, moonmonkey
On 4th draw, WAIWODES K7 80 --- WAIWODE the leader of an army [n]
Other moves: WEID 11J 40, WOAD 11J 40, EIDOS 11K 34, WAKED L8 34, WAKES L8 32
WOAD 11J 40 moonmonkey, queen66, Mycophot
On 5th draw, ABOHM 8K 45 --- ABOHM a unit of electrical resistance [n]
Other tops: ABMHO 8K 45
Other moves: BOHEMIA M7 42, ABOMA 8K 36, AMBIT 8K 36, KHAT L10 35, RHOMBI C8 34
AMBIT 8K 36 Mycophot, queen66, moonmonkey
On 6th draw, CUDGERIE 13G 84 --- CUDGERIE (Australia) a large tropical tree with pink wood [n]
Other moves: CUDGERIE 13D 65, ERIC L12 28, CUDDIE 12H 26, CURDED 12H 26, KEIR L10 26
On 7th draw, CAVATINA E5 102 --- CAVATINA a simple song [n]
Other tops: CAVATINA 5E 102
On 8th draw, ROUTEING C8 70 --- ROUTE to send on a particular course [v]
Other moves: OUTREIGN C5 61, OUTING D10 26, TOEING D10 26, GUNITE D10 25, KEIR L10 24
On 9th draw, METHO B10 55 --- METHO (colloquial) methylated spirits [n]
Other moves: MENTO B10 46, HUMP H12 45, PEGH 15A 42, DEPTH 12K 40, MONETH 14A 38
PEGH 15A 42 moonmonkey, queen66, Mycophot
On 10th draw, DOPEY 12K 40 --- DOPEY lethargic; stupid [adj]
Other moves: PYE A13 38, EPEE D11 37, PIOY 9J 36, DOPY 12K 33, PEE D12 31
PYE A13 38 Mycophot, queen66, moonmonkey
On 11th draw, QUEAN 6B 36 --- QUEAN a worthless woman [n]
Other moves: AQUA B5 33, QUA B6 32, AQUAE 5H 28, AQUAS 5H 28, AQUA 5H 26
On 12th draw, GRUNTLES 15C 80 --- GRUNTLE to put in a good humor [v]
Other moves: TELS D10 32, ELTS D11 29, GLUTENS 15C 27, GRUNTLE 15C 27, GUNTERS 15C 27
On 13th draw, JA 7M 39 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: JEHAD N6 32, JIHAD N6 32, JIVEY G1 32, JIVEY I1 32, JAY I3 31
JA 7M 39 moonmonkey
On 14th draw, FLINGERS 4H 76 --- FLINGER one that flings [n]
Other moves: ALIGNERS 5H 68, NARGILES 5G 68, SALERING 5G 68, SANGLIER 5G 68, LYSIN O11 37
On 15th draw, PYX A13 59 --- PYX a container in which the eucharistic bread is kept [n] --- PYX to test newly minted coins [v]
Other moves: POX A13 47, PYA A13 38, OX A14 30, PATSY O1 30, POTSY O1 30
On 16th draw, FAT F10 31 --- FAT having an abundance of flesh [adj] --- FAT to make plump [v]
Other tops: FAE F10 31, FET F10 31, FOE F10 31
Other moves: FA 6N 30, FE 6N 30, FA F10 28, FE F10 28, AVOSET O1 27
FAT F10 31 queen66
FA 6N 30 Mycophot
On 17th draw, LEI 9M 28 --- LEI a garland of flowers [n]
Other tops: LEA 9M 28
Other moves: STALE 14K 24, STELA 14K 24, TOILE 5J 23, SEAL 14K 22, EAST 14I 19
LEA 9M 28 queen66
On 18th draw, ZOIST O1 42 --- ZOIST an advocate of zoism [n]
Other moves: ZEAS O1 39, ZITS O1 39, ZOOS O1 39, ZA J6 36, ZO J6 36
ZOIST O1 42 queen66
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