Game on October 29, 2021 at 10:45, 7 players
1. 158 pts Chelsea
2. 109 pts moonmonkey
3. 108 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 22 22 


G5 52 74 


13B 93 167 


B10 40 207 


H1 47 254 


A5 88 342 


15A 85 427 


B1 80 507 


2E 65 572 


1A 45 617 


I5 54 671 


1K 47 718 


12F 81 799 


K5 94 893 


C4 40 933 


J8 37 970 


8J 33 1003 


5E 34 1037 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 1 4:27 -879 158 1.7733 Chelsea 1 4:27 -879 158
moonmonkey 2 1:25 -928 109 2.7735 moonmonkey 2 1:25 -928 109
Mycophot 1 3:13 -929 108 3.7434 Mycophot 1 3:13 -929 108
4. -
XXXXXX1117 1 1:57 -983 54 4.7806 sicilianc5 1 0:22 -1004 33
5. -
VVVVVV1115 1 1:42 -990 47 Group: not rated
sicilianc5 1 0:22 -1004 33 1. - XXXXXX1117 1 1:57 -983 54
7. -
GGGGGG1114 1 1:48 -1004 33 2. - VVVVVV1115 1 1:42 -990 47
3. - GGGGGG1114 1 1:48 -1004 33
On 1st draw, ANTRUM H7 22 --- ANTRUM a cavity in a bone [n]
Other moves: UNARM H8 20, ANTRUM H3 18, ANTRUM H4 18, ANTRUM H8 18, MAWN H5 18
On 2nd draw, ADZES G5 52 --- ADZ a cutting tool [n] --- ADZE a cutting tool [n]
Other tops: DAZES G5 52, GAZES G5 52
Other moves: ZAS G7 49, ZEA G7 49, ADZE G5 47, DAZE G5 47, GAZE G5 47
On 3rd draw, JERBILS 13B 93 --- JERBIL a type of small rodent [n]
Other tops: JIRBLES 13B 93
Other moves: JERBILS I1 81, JIRBLES I1 81, JIBER H1 47, JIBES H1 47, JIBERS 13C 41
On 4th draw, BANJO B10 40 --- BANJO a musical instrument [n]
Other moves: BAD 14A 33, BOD 14A 33, BAL 14A 30, BAN 14A 30, BLAND H1 30
BAD 14A 33 Chelsea
On 5th draw, TEFFS H1 47 --- TEFF a cereal grass [n]
Other moves: EF 14E 30, FATES H1 29, FEASE H1 29, FEAST H1 29, FEATS H1 29
FEAST H1 29 Chelsea
On 6th draw, OPPIDA(N) A5 88 --- OPPIDAN a townsman [n]
Other moves: AMP(H)IPOD 12G 80, PEPO(N)IDA 2G 78, OPPIDA(N) C5 71, PO(S)TPAID 1E 64, APPUI(E)D 11E 44
POP(S) I5 34 Chelsea
On 7th draw, E(S)TRIOL 15A 85 --- ESTRIOL a female sex hormone [n]
Other moves: TOILETR(Y) 1H 74, TRIOLET(S) 1H 74, TROIL(I)TE 1H 74, TROTLI(N)E 1H 74, TRO(I)LITE 1H 74
I(S)LET 15A 29 Chelsea
On 8th draw, NITERIE B1 80 --- NITERIE a nightclub [n]
Other moves: INTERTIE 1C 59, INTERTIE 1F 59, RETINITE 1B 59, RETINITE 1F 59, ENTIRE B1 24
On 9th draw, RACEGOER 2E 65 --- RACEGOER an attender of race meetings [n]
Other moves: CAGER C5 29, CARGO C6 29, ORCA C3 28, ARCO C5 27, CAGE C5 27
On 10th draw, INKY 1A 45 --- INKY resembling ink [adj]
Other moves: MAIKO 1K 43, OAKY 1L 39, OKAY 1L 39, AMOK 1L 36, AKE A1 35
On 11th draw, HEX I5 54 --- HEX to cast an evil spell upon [v]
Other moves: SEX I5 48, SIX I5 48, EX I6 44, HEX F8 38, MINXISH 12H 38
HEX I5 54 XXXXXX1117
On 12th draw, WAVED 1K 47 --- WAVE to move freely back and forth or up and down [v]
Other moves: WAGED 1K 41, WODGE 1K 41, AVOW 1L 36, DEAW C4 35, DAW C5 32
WAVED 1K 47 moonmonkey, VVVVVV1115
On 13th draw, GEMMIEST 12F 81 --- GEMMY resembling a gem [adj]
Other moves: STASHIE 5E 40, SNEE 12A 29, EMES C3 28, ESTEEM N1 28, MEETS 3J 27
METES 3K 25 moonmonkey, Mycophot
On 14th draw, INVOLUTE K5 94 --- INVOLUTE to roll or curl up [v]
Other moves: VOLUTINS L5 62, FOUNT 3H 24, KNIT C1 24, KNOT C1 24, VOLTI M9 24
UNTIL 3J 21 Mycophot
On 15th draw, DACHA C4 40 --- DACHA a Russian cottage [n]
Other moves: DHAL 13K 38, CHAD C6 35, ACH C5 34, DACHA C5 34, AGHA C5 33
HAG L8 25 Mycophot
On 16th draw, WAY J8 37 --- WAY a method of doing something [n] --- WAY to journey [v]
Other moves: LAY J8 31, NAY J8 31, WALTY M9 30, WANTY M9 30, AY J9 28
WAY J8 37 Mycophot, moonmonkey
On 17th draw, WOOING 8J 33 --- WOO to seek the affection of [v] --- WOOING the act of courting [n]
Other moves: WOOLEN 8J 30, WOOLIE 8J 30, GLUIER D8 23, GUILER D8 23, LANUGO F1 22
WOOING 8J 33 Chelsea, sicilianc5, GGGGGG1114
On 18th draw, QUASH 5E 34 --- QUASH to suppress completely [v]
Other moves: ROQUE E2 28, QI M7 21, FOEN 3H 20, FONE 3H 20, ANOLE F2 19
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