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Game on October 29, 2021 at 12:15, 6 players
1. 335 pts Chelsea
2. 220 pts Mycophot
3. 208 pts HollyIvy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?einquv   H4    54    54   quiver
 2. acdeiuw   3G    36    90   cawed
 3. deilsyz   2J    52   142   yields
 4. abegimt   1D   101   243   megabit
 5. enorrsv   5C    72   315   overruns
 6. ?ajkptu   8E    70   385   kajeputs
 7. aabeins   E7    78   463   ikebanas
 8. aeilmnr   K8    70   533   tramline
 9. eeinstx   O2   119   652   sixteens
10. acddilt  15G    39   691   dialect
11. aaghiot   N4    38   729   aah
12. eelooru   M2    21   750   lore
13. finoprt  13I    30   780   fripon
14. degoorz  14B    75   855   grosze
15. dilnoot   D9    23   878   nodi
16. gootuwy  C10    36   914   yogurt
17. efhlotw  15A    45   959   loth
18. efiotuw  N10    32   991   fount

Remaining tiles: eiw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7705 FileChelsea     2  9:56  -656  335     1.7705 Chelsea     2  9:56  -656  335 
  2.7418 FileMycophot    3  5:35  -771  220     2.7418 Mycophot    3  5:35  -771  220 
  3.7715 FileHollyIvy    2  7:13  -783  208     3.7715 HollyIvy    2  7:13  -783  208 
  4.7787 Filesicilianc5  1  2:50  -848  143     4.7787 sicilianc5  1  2:50  -848  143 
  5.7741 Filemoonmonkey  1  3:09  -848  143     5.7741 moonmonkey  1  3:09  -848  143 
  6.  -  FileGGGGGG1114  0  1:53  -957   34            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  GGGGGG1114  0  1:53  -957   34 

On 1st draw, QUIVE(R) H4 54 --- QUIVER to shake with a slight but rapid motion [v]
Other moves: EQUIN(E) H3 48, QUEIN(T) H4 48, QUINE H4 48, QUINE(S) H4 48, QUIN(C)E H4 48

On 2nd draw, CAWED 3G 36 --- CAW to utter the sound of a crow [v]
Other moves: CAW 3G 33, WADE 3G 32, WADI 3G 32, WAIDE 3G 32, CADIE 3G 31

On 3rd draw, YIELDS 2J 52 --- YIELD to concede [v]
Other moves: YIELD 2J 50, SIZY 4J 37, SIZED 4J 35, ZEDS J2 34, SIZEL 4J 33

On 4th draw, MEGABIT 1D 101 --- MEGABIT a unit of computer information [n]
Other moves: MEGABIT G8 70, MEGABIT I8 70, GAMBET 1F 43, IMAGE 1H 41, GAMBET 1E 39

On 5th draw, OVERRUNS 5C 72 --- OVERRUN to spread or swarm over [v]
Other tops: RUNOVERS 5G 72
Other moves: OVERRENS 8C 65, OVERRENS 8F 62, SERVO 4J 27, REVS 4J 25, SIDER K1 25

On 6th draw, KAJEPUT(S) 8E 70 --- KAJEPUT an Australian tree [n]
Other moves: PAJO(C)K C2 46, STA(C)KUP O2 39, JUPAT(I) 2A 36, JU(D)OKA C2 34, J(U)KU 2A 32

On 7th draw, IKEBANAS E7 78 --- IKEBANA the Japanese are of flower arranging [n]
Other moves: SABINES O2 36, BA(R)ES 9F 29, BA(R)E 9F 26, IKEBANA E7 26, A(R)ENA 9G 25

On 8th draw, TRAMLINE K8 70 --- TRAMLINE a line for a tram [n]
Other tops: TERMINAL K8 70
Other moves: MI(S)LEARN L6 68, MISLEARN 14C 64, SEMINAL O2 36, SEMINAR O2 36, MALINE D9 34

On 9th draw, SIXTEENS O2 119 --- SIXTEEN a number [n]
Other moves: ANXIETIES 13E 100, SEXIEST O2 66, SIXTEEN O2 66, EXIES 15K 60, EXINE 15K 60
SIXTEENS O2 69 sicilianc5, Mycophot, moonmonkey
EXITS 15K 60 Chelsea

On 10th draw, DIALECT 15G 39 --- DIALECT a regional variety of a language [n]
Other moves: DICTED 15G 36, CIDED 15H 33, CITADEL 15F 33, DICED 15H 33, DILATED 15F 33
DICTED 15G 36 moonmonkey, Mycophot, sicilianc5
DICED 15H 33 Chelsea

On 11th draw, AAH N4 38 --- AAH to exclaim in amazement, joy, or surprise [v]
Other moves: GATH F11 36, GOTH F11 36, HOA J10 33, HOAGIE 6J 33, HOGTIE 6J 33
AAH N4 38 sicilianc5, moonmonkey, Mycophot, HollyIvy
HOA N6 31 Chelsea

On 12th draw, LORE M2 21 --- LORE a traditional knowledge or belief [n]
Other tops: LERE M2 21, LURE M2 21
Other moves: ROLE D9 20, O(R)E 9G 19, EEL 4J 18, OLEO D12 18, REE 4J 18
LORE M2 21 HollyIvy, Chelsea

On 13th draw, FRIPON 13I 30 --- FRIPON a knave [n]
Other tops: POTIN D9 30
Other moves: FOP D11 29, PINOT D11 28, PITON D11 28, POTIN D11 28, PROOF C3 28
FOP D11 29 Chelsea
FINO D11 27 HollyIvy

On 14th draw, GROSZE 14B 75 --- GROSZE a Polish coin [n]
Other moves: GROSZ 14B 70, ZO J10 66, OOZED D9 54, DOZER D11 52, DOZE D9 50
ZO J10 66 HollyIvy
DOZER D11 52 Chelsea

On 15th draw, NODI D9 23 --- NODUS a difficulty [n]
Other tops: TONDINO 12C 23
Other moves: LOOP L10 22, MOOLVI D1 22, NOOP L10 22, WIND I3 22, DIVOT D3 20
WIND I3 22 HollyIvy
DIVOT D3 20 Chelsea

On 16th draw, YOGURT C10 36 --- YOGURT food made from fermented milk [n]
Other moves: YOUNG N10 34, YOOP L10 31, YO J10 30, YU J10 30, TOWY 2A 27
YOUNG N10 34 HollyIvy, GGGGGG1114
TOWY 2A 27 Chelsea

On 17th draw, LOTH 15A 45 --- LOTH unwilling [adj]
Other moves: WHOOF C3 36, HOER J10 34, FE J10 30, HE J10 30, HEW 6J 30
LOTH 15A 45 Mycophot
HEW 6J 30 Chelsea

On 18th draw, FOUNT N10 32 --- FOUNT a fountain [n]
Other tops: FEINT N10 32, FIENT N10 32
Other moves: NIFE 14K 31, FE J10 30, LOWE 12K 29, FEW 14M 28, WOF 14M 28
FOUNT N10 32 Mycophot
FEINT N10 32 Chelsea

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