Game on October 29, 2021 at 19:47, 3 players
1. 35 pts moonmonkey
2. 35 pts UUUUUU1115
3. 35 pts TTTTTT1113
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 80 80 


10D 21 101 


11E 27 128 


8H 74 202 


L5 70 272 


O3 64 336 


K11 48 384 


J12 46 430 


15D 51 481 


14C 39 520 


G1 68 588 


2E 64 652 


1D 48 700 


M11 37 737 


1K 38 775 


J4 37 812 


13B 35 847 


5E 28 875 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
moonmonkey 1 1:00 -840 35 1.7759 moonmonkey 1 1:00 -840 35
2. -
UUUUUU1115 1 1:31 -840 35 Group: not rated
3. -
TTTTTT1113 1 1:55 -840 35 1. - UUUUUU1115 1 1:31 -840 35
2. - TTTTTT1113 1 1:55 -840 35
On 1st draw, TARDIVE H7 80 --- TARDIVE having symptoms that develop slowly [adj]
Other moves: TARDIVE H2 74, TARDIVE H3 74, TARDIVE H4 74, TARDIVE H6 74, TARDIVE H8 74
On 2nd draw, NOYADES 10D 21 --- NOYADE an execution by drowning [n]
Other tops: YEAN I8 21, YEAS G8 21, YEAS I8 21
Other moves: ANOAS G7 20, AYE G7 19, AYE I7 19, OYE I7 19, SYE G7 19
On 3rd draw, BENI 11E 27 --- BENI the sesame plant [n]
Other tops: BANI 11E 27, NABE 11C 27
Other moves: QAT 9C 26, BARNET 9F 25, BANE 11C 23, BENE 11C 23, BANNET D8 22
On 4th draw, AURELI(A)N 8H 74 --- AURELIAN one who studies moths and butterflies [n]
Other tops: AUN(T)LIER 8H 74, RE(T)INULA 8A 74
Other moves: VELURIN(G) 12H 70, VIRULEN(T) 12H 70, RELU(M)INE 13G 68, UN(V)EILER 13B 68, (C)ERULEIN 13C 68
On 5th draw, FOAL(F)OOT L5 70 --- FOALFOOT a plant with large soft leaves [n]
Other tops: (F)OALFOOT L5 70
Other moves: AFOOT 12B 27, A(L)OFT 9J 27, F*Ts*FAT(S)O 12A 27, F(L)OTA 12A 27, FOOT(S) 12A 26
On 6th draw, FARDINGS O3 64 --- FARDING a farthing [n]
Other moves: FARDS 12A 31, FRAGS 12A 31, FR*GSFRIGS 12A 31, FRIDGES 13C 30, FAIRS 12A 29
On 7th draw, JASY K11 48 --- JASY a wig [n]
Other tops: JAYS K11 48
Other moves: JAY K11 46, JAGS K11 44, JAG K11 42, JOY K4 41, JASY 13J 39
On 8th draw, BOKE J12 46 --- BOKE to belch [v]
Other moves: BOK J12 45, KYLOE 14J 44, LEKE J12 42, LOKE J12 42, REKE J12 42
On 9th draw, AXONEME 15D 51 --- AXONEME a part of a cilium [n]
Other moves: TAXEME 15E 45, TAXMEN 12A 43, MAX 12D 42, TAXMEN K1 42, MAX 7K 41
On 10th draw, STEW 14C 39 --- STEW to cook by boiling slowly [v]
Other tops: STAW 14C 39
Other moves: AWE 14E 38, TAW 14D 38, TEW 14D 38, SWEAT M10 37, WAITES 12A 37
On 11th draw, EMPAIRE G1 68 --- EMPAIRE to become worse [v]
Other moves: PREMIA M10 40, PREMIE M10 40, PREMIA 12A 37, PREM M10 36, REMAP M11 34
On 12th draw, TIMELIER 2E 64 --- TIMELY occurring at the right moment [adj]
Other moves: LEER H1 32, LEET H1 32, LEIR H1 32, LIER H1 32, REEL H1 32
On 13th draw, CAPER 1D 48 --- CAPER to frolic [v]
Other moves: RIZ K4 45, RIZA N2 44, ZIP K4 42, ZAP 12D 41, ZIP 12D 41
On 14th draw, THONG M11 37 --- THONG a narrow strip of leather used for binding [n]
Other moves: OUTCAPER 1A 36, OUGHT 1K 35, THUG M11 35, TOUGH 1K 35, THON M11 33
On 15th draw, WAIDE 1K 38 --- WEIGH to determine the weight of [v]
Other tops: WALED 1K 38, WEALD 1K 38
Other moves: TAWED 1K 35, WAITE 1K 35, WAID 13B 34, WEID 13B 34, WELTED K1 33
On 16th draw, VIZOR J4 37 --- VIZOR to provide with a projecting brim [v]
Other moves: ZIN K4 36, ZIT K4 36, ZOL K4 36, ZIN 12D 35, ZIT 12D 35
On 17th draw, GUILT 13B 35 --- GUILT the fact of having committed an offence [n]
Other moves: GUID 13B 30, DUIT 13B 27, LUIT 13B 25, UNGILD 9A 24, GILD 9C 22
GUILT 13B 35 moonmonkey, UUUUUU1115, TTTTTT1113
On 18th draw, QUID 5E 28 --- QUID a portion of something to be chewed [n]
Other moves: QUIN 5E 26, ODAH 7J 24, CH 9E 23, DUH F5 22, CHID 5E 20
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