Game on October 29, 2021 at 20:31, 6 players
1. 200 pts moonmonkey
2. 192 pts queen66
3. 169 pts sicilianc5
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 20 20 


I7 68 88 


11E 68 156 


J2 76 232 


5E 32 264 


H13 47 311 


6B 33 344 


C1 82 426 


B8 92 518 


8A 63 581 


A12 40 621 


15E 61 682 


1C 51 733 


12D 26 759 


3I 30 789 


N1 46 835 


1L 57 892 


O5 27 919 


14J 27 946 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
moonmonkey 3 3:11 -746 200 1.7757 moonmonkey 3 3:11 -746 200
queen66 3 3:56 -754 192 2.7701 queen66 3 3:56 -754 192
sicilianc5 3 5:20 -777 169 3.7787 sicilianc5 3 5:20 -777 169
4. -
XXXXXX1117 1 1:32 -883 63 Group: not rated
5. -
AAAAAA1116 1 1:57 -883 63 1. - XXXXXX1117 1 1:32 -883 63
6. -
JJJJJJ1119 1 1:39 -889 57 2. - AAAAAA1116 1 1:57 -883 63
3. - JJJJJJ1119 1 1:39 -889 57
On 1st draw, BEANO H4 20 --- BEANO a form of bingo [n]
Other tops: BONIE H4 20
Other moves: ABOON H4 16, ABOON H8 16, BEANO H8 16, BONIE H8 16, ABOON H5 14
On 2nd draw, ORIGAMI I7 68 --- ORIGAMI the Japanese art of paper folding [n]
Other moves: ORIGAMI G8 66, ORIGAMI I8 66, IGNORAMI 7F 65, AMIGO G5 22, MORIA I3 22
On 3rd draw, KHAYALS 11E 68 --- KHAYAL a kind of classical Indian vocal music [n]
Other moves: HAKE H12 58, HASK H12 58, HAKES H11 55, HAYS H12 55, LAKHS H11 52
On 4th draw, FOETORS J2 76 --- FOETOR a stench [n]
Other tops: FOOTERS J2 76
Other moves: FOETORS 14C 73, FOOTERS 14C 73, REFOOTS 14C 73, REFOOTS J2 70, REFOOTS J3 70
On 5th draw, INDENTS 5E 32 --- INDENT to cut or tear irregularly [v]
Other moves: SINDON 14I 29, SLOID 12C 26, LOID 12D 24, DIOL 12D 23, NODI K4 23
On 6th draw, QAT H13 47 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: REMATCH 12G 42, TRANQ F2 36, MATCHER 12I 34, CH 10F 31, TEACH 12K 30
On 7th draw, LINTY 6B 33 --- LINTY covered with lint [adj]
Other tops: RUNTY 6B 33, UNITY 6B 33
Other moves: LINY 6C 30, LUNY 6C 30, TINY 6C 30, TUNY 6C 30, TYIN 12D 30
On 8th draw, PUNI(T)IVE C1 82 --- PUNITIVE inflicting punishment [adj]
Other tops: PUNI(T)IVE C3 82
Other moves: PUNIT(I)VE 15D 65, PUN(I)TIVE 15D 65, QIVIU(T) 13H 34, PUN(K)IE 12A 31, (G)IVEN A6 29
On 9th draw, PEWTER(S) B8 92 --- PEWTER a tin alloy [n]
Other moves: W(A)PPER 1A 45, PEEWE(E) 8A 42, PEEW(E)E 8A 42, PEEW(I)T 8A 42, P(E)EWEE 8A 42
On 10th draw, APEX 8A 63 --- APEX the highest point [n]
Other moves: EXPAND 1A 51, MAX B2 43, MANA A7 40, MEAD A12 40, XOANA 3I 40
On 11th draw, BEAD A12 40 --- BEAD to adorn with round balls of glass, wood or plastic [v]
Other moves: BIPED 1A 33, DIEB 12D 29, BEEDI 12A 28, VIAE 7C 26, EIDE C10 24
BEAD A12 40 moonmonkey, sicilianc5, queen66
On 12th draw, LITTERED 15E 61 --- LITTER to scatter rubbish about [v]
Other moves: LITTERED 15F 60, RETITLED 15D 60, RETITLED 15F 60, PERILED 1C 33, PREEDIT 1C 33
REPLIED 1A 33 queen66, sicilianc5, moonmonkey
On 13th draw, PHOCAE 1C 51 --- PHOCA a type of sea monster or a seal [n]
Other tops: PHENOM 1C 51
Other moves: CAPH 1A 45, PANOCHE 1C 45, PECHAN 1C 42, MUNCH 2B 40, CHOG 10F 39
MUNCH 2B 40 moonmonkey, queen66, sicilianc5
On 14th draw, GAED 12D 26 --- GAE to go [v]
Other moves: DICTA 4B 25, COATED 3I 24, TAED 12D 24, TEC D13 23, AGE C11 22
GAED 12D 26 sicilianc5
On 15th draw, FOVEA 3I 30 --- FOVEA a shallow anatomical depression [n]
Other tops: FAUVE 14K 30, FOVEA 14K 30
Other moves: GOAF D12 29, FAVE 14K 28, EF D14 26, OF D14 26, VOGUE 3I 26
FAUVE 14K 30 queen66, sicilianc5, moonmonkey
On 16th draw, UNSTOW N1 46 --- UNSTOW to empty of contents [v]
Other moves: NEWTS N2 32, WENTS N2 32, ENOWS 14J 29, ENOW 4L 28, ENOWS N3 28
On 17th draw, JOUR 1L 57 --- JOUR a day [n]
Other moves: RITZ 4L 52, ORZO O6 44, ROJI O5 40, JIZ 4B 38, JUG 1M 33
JOUR 1L 57 moonmonkey, JJJJJJ1119
On 18th draw, MOIL O5 27 --- MOIL to work hard [v]
Other moves: ROUM O5 25, MIL B2 22, MOL B2 22, MILOR 14K 21, OLM O6 20
MOIL O5 27 queen66
On 19th draw, UREIC 14J 27 --- UREIC pertaining to urea [adj]
Other moves: JEER L1 22, GRIG D12 21, CIG A4 19, ICIER 4A 19, UG D14 18
JEER L1 22 queen66
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