Game on October 31, 2021 at 15:58, 6 players
1. 248 pts Mycophot
2. 203 pts moonmonkey
3. 203 pts sicilianc5
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 74 74 


13G 76 150 


12L 23 173 


9D 65 238 


15B 110 348 


O9 91 439 


14B 47 486 


N8 73 559 


L3 94 653 


11D 106 759 


14J 41 800 


M2 37 837 


12A 50 887 


A5 89 976 


N1 25 1001 


5A 20 1021 


4D 46 1067 


F6 35 1102 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Mycophot 2 7:13 -854 248 1.7489 Mycophot 2 7:13 -854 248
moonmonkey 1 4:48 -899 203 2.7783 moonmonkey 1 4:48 -899 203
sicilianc5 1 5:47 -899 203 3.7771 sicilianc5 1 5:47 -899 203
HollyIvy 1 6:22 -899 203 4.7830 HollyIvy 1 6:22 -899 203
5. -
CCCCCC1115 1 1:38 -1029 73 Group: not rated
6. -
YYYYYY1116 1 1:51 -1056 46 1. - CCCCCC1115 1 1:38 -1029 73
2. - YYYYYY1116 1 1:51 -1056 46
On 1st draw, AEROBAT H8 74 --- AEROBAT one that performs feats in an aircraft [n]
Other moves: AEROBAT H2 70, AEROBAT H3 70, AEROBAT H4 70, AEROBAT H6 70, AEROBAT H7 70
AEROBAT H8 24 sicilianc5, moonmonkey, HollyIvy
On 2nd draw, SATINPOD 13G 76 --- SATINPOD a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: PINTADOS 13D 64, PINTADOS 8D 64, SATINPOD 8G 64, PONDS 15D 63, PINTS 15D 60
PONDS 15D 63 HollyIvy, sicilianc5
On 3rd draw, OW 12L 23 --- OW used to express sudden pain [interj]
Other tops: WIN 14M 23, WON 14M 23, WON G9 23
Other moves: LION 12J 22, WO 14M 21, IRON 14L 20, NOW 14M 20, ROW 14M 20
WON G9 23 moonmonkey
OW 12L 23 sicilianc5, HollyIvy
On 4th draw, HAPTERON 9D 65 --- HAPTERON a plant's organ of attachment [n]
Other moves: HONDA N10 40, ORPHAN G6 33, PAH 14M 30, PHAT G8 30, PHON G8 30
POH 14M 30 moonmonkey
On 5th draw, ALGESES 15B 110 --- ALGESIS sensation of pain [n]
Other tops: AGELESS 15C 110
Other moves: AGELESS 15B 107, ALGESES 15D 107, AGELESS O7 89, AGELESS O8 89, ALGESES O7 89
AGELESS 15C 60 moonmonkey, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
On 6th draw, WARI(S)ON O9 91 --- WARISON a call to attack [n]
Other moves: AIRWO(M)AN E3 70, IRONWAR(E) I3 68, WANDO(O) N10 40, WAND(E)R N10 40, WAND(O)O N10 40
WARIN(G) 10J 33 moonmonkey
On 7th draw, HEAME 14B 47 --- HEAME home (Spenser) [adv]
Other moves: HAMED 8A 45, HAIRED 10E 38, HEIRED 10E 38, ADEEM 8A 37, HEADIER 10B 37
DAH N8 33 moonmonkey, sicilianc5, HollyIvy
On 8th draw, COZE N8 73 --- COZE to chat [v]
Other moves: TOZE N8 71, COZ N8 70, ZO N10 64, COZE 8A 54, DZO N13 50
On 9th draw, JANTIES L3 94 --- JANTY jonty [n]
Other tops: TAJINES L3 94
Other moves: TAJINES K5 56, JANE 8A 42, JETS 8A 42, JINS 8A 42, JESTER 11J 37
On 10th draw, FRIVOLER 11D 106 --- FRIVOLER one that frivols [n]
Other moves: FIVE 8A 39, RIVEL 8A 35, FILE 8A 30, FIRE 8A 30, LIFE 8A 30
FIVE 8A 39 Mycophot
On 11th draw, FATE 14J 41 --- FATE to destine [v]
Other moves: FADE M2 39, FADO M2 39, FATED 8A 39, DEFAT 8A 38, FEOD M1 37
FADE M2 39 Mycophot
On 12th draw, TOGUE M2 37 --- TOGUE a freshwater fish [n]
Other moves: KITE 12A 36, KO 10J 36, KOI M2 34, KETO 8A 33, KITE 8A 33
KO 10J 36 Mycophot
On 13th draw, DEXY 12A 50 --- DEXY a tablet of dex [n]
Other tops: DIXY 12A 50
Other moves: DYE 13C 34, EXITED 6I 34, AYE N2 33, DYE 12C 32, DAY N1 31
DEXY 12A 50 Mycophot
On 14th draw, BONDM(A)ID A5 89 --- BONDMAID a female slave [n]
Other moves: (A)BDOMINA E2 74, D(E)MOB 8A 40, BOND N3 38, BO(T) 10J 38, BO(N)D N3 36
BOND N3 38 Mycophot
On 15th draw, DIG N1 25 --- DIG to break up, turn over, or remove earth [v]
Other moves: KITED 6J 24, KID B4 23, LIG N1 23, GLID B3 21, GUID B3 21
On 16th draw, BAVIN 5A 20 --- BAVIN a bundle of brushwood [n]
Other tops: AVINE B1 20, AVINE B3 20, NAEVI B1 20, NAIVE B1 20
Other moves: VANE B4 19, VENA B4 19, VINA B4 19, VINE B4 19, AE O1 18
On 17th draw, KELLY 4D 46 --- KELLY a bright green colour [n]
Other moves: KEY 4D 34, KAY B4 31, KELL 4D 30, YU 10J 30, AYE B5 29
KELLY 4D 46 Mycophot, YYYYYY1116
On 18th draw, QUIP F6 35 --- QUIP to make witty remarks [v]
Other moves: RICY H1 27, QUAI B3 19, QUITE 6I 16, CITER 6J 15, CUTER 6J 15
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