Game on November 4, 2021 at 19:12, 6 players
1. 207 pts moonmonkey
2. 152 pts sicilianc5
3. 126 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 22 22 


10F 39 61 


4A 76 137 


K9 86 223 


L9 50 273 


15H 48 321 


14B 82 403 


6C 68 471 


A2 39 510 


8C 70 580 


15A 58 638 


B2 27 665 


M3 76 741 


L1 55 796 


C1 28 824 


1L 39 863 


N6 30 893 


O7 70 963 


11E 27 990 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
moonmonkey 2 3:22 -783 207 1.7745 moonmonkey 2 3:22 -783 207
sicilianc5 1 4:19 -838 152 2.7779 sicilianc5 1 4:19 -838 152
Mycophot 1 3:32 -864 126 3.7717 Mycophot 1 3:32 -864 126
4. -
OOOOOO1118 1 0:56 -920 70 Group: not rated
5. -
XXXXXX1117 1 1:15 -920 70 1. - OOOOOO1118 1 0:56 -920 70
6. -
YYYYYY1117 1 1:52 -932 58 2. - XXXXXX1117 1 1:15 -920 70
3. - YYYYYY1117 1 1:52 -932 58
On 1st draw, CURRIE H4 22 --- CURRIE to prepare food a certain way [v]
Other tops: CURARE H4 22, CURARI H4 22, CURIAE H4 22
Other moves: AREIC H8 20, AURIC H8 20, CARER H4 20, CERIA H4 20, CRARE H4 20
On 2nd draw, JA(S)PE 10F 39 --- JASPE rayon cloth with a shaded effect [n]
Other moves: PUJA(S) 10D 37, JA(R)P 10F 36, JA(S)P 10F 36, (S)UJEE 10H 35, CAJEPU(T) 4H 34
On 3rd draw, OLIVI(N)IC 4A 76 --- OLIVINE a mineral [adj] --- OLIVINIC pertaining to olivine [adj]
Other moves: VIOL 11D 25, VI(R)L K8 25, V(R)IL K9 25, (R)IVO K10 25, LIVO(R) 11C 24
On 4th draw, BROMATE K9 86 --- BROMATE to combine with bromine [v]
Other moves: TAMBER K5 34, BROMATE A2 33, BRAME K9 32, BREAM K9 32, BROME K9 32
On 5th draw, ASHET L9 50 --- ASHET a large plate [n]
Other moves: HEVEAS 15J 48, SH*TSHAT L10 44, SHEA L10 44, SHET L10 44, THEAVES 15F 42
On 6th draw, REKEY 15H 48 --- KEY to provide with a key (a device used to turn the bolt in a lock) [v] --- REKEY to re-enter information [v]
Other tops: BAKERY 15H 48
Other moves: BALKY B2 44, ABROOKE A1 39, BEAKER 15G 39, BEAKER 15J 39, BERAKE 15J 39
On 7th draw, FANWISE 14B 82 --- FANWISE spread out like an open fan [adj]
Other moves: WENS M12 41, NEFS M12 38, NEWS M12 38, FAW 11E 32, EFS M13 31
On 8th draw, UNFAIRED 6C 68 --- UNFAIR to deprive of beauty [v]
Other moves: UNFAIRED 7C 65, FADE 15A 38, FANE 15A 34, DEFI 13A 33, NIFE 13A 31
On 9th draw, HOODMAN A2 39 --- HOODMAN the person blindfolded in blindman's buff [n]
Other tops: HOODMAN A3 39
Other moves: HODMAN A3 36, HODMAN 11B 35, HALO 15A 34, OMLAH 11C 34, HAM 15A 33
On 10th draw, PINTSIZE 8C 70 --- PINTSIZE small [adj]
Other moves: PIZE 13A 59, SIZE 13A 55, ZEATINS 13I 52, SEZ 13A 51, ZEATIN 13I 50
On 11th draw, VERY 15A 58 --- VERY absolute [adj]
Other tops: VARY 15A 58
Other moves: LADY 15A 53, AERY 15A 49, RELY 15A 49, HARDLY 2A 42, VADE 15A 38
VARY 15A 58 moonmonkey, YYYYYY1117
On 12th draw, AWL B2 27 --- AWL a pointed tool for making small holes [n]
Other moves: LAW 11E 26, RAW 11E 26, TAW 11E 26, WAG 11E 26, WET M12 26
WET M12 26 sicilianc5
On 13th draw, ENGAOLS M3 76 --- ENGAOL to put in gaol [v]
Other moves: GELS M12 35, GENS M12 35, GEOS M12 35, LEGS M12 34, NEGS M12 34
GENS M12 35 sicilianc5
GELS M12 35 Mycophot
On 14th draw, QADI L1 55 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: QUAI L1 52, QUATE 13I 48, EQUID N9 41, QUAD 11D 40, QUAI 11D 37
QUAI L1 52 Mycophot, moonmonkey, sicilianc5
On 15th draw, DENI C1 28 --- DENI a monetary unit of Macedonia [n]
Other moves: DEI C2 27, DOIT N6 26, INTI C1 26, ODE M11 26, VENDITION D4 26
On 16th draw, QUIT 1L 39 --- QUIT to end one's engagement in or occupation with [v]
Other moves: DULOTIC 1C 33, DIGLOT 1C 27, CLOG 11D 26, TOLUIC N9 26, COG 11E 24
QUIT 1L 39 sicilianc5, Mycophot
On 17th draw, GROTTO N6 30 --- GROTTO a cave [n]
Other tops: DOGTROT 1C 30
Other moves: GOO 13C 27, TOOT 13C 27, GROT N6 26, OTTO M11 25, DETORT 1C 24
GOO 13C 27 moonmonkey
On 18th draw, EXO O7 70 --- EXO excellent (Australian slang) [adj]
Other moves: EX O7 60, COX 11E 42, GOX 11E 40, GOX 3E 40, LEX 3E 38
EXO O7 70 moonmonkey, OOOOOO1118, XXXXXX1117
On 19th draw, COB 11E 27 --- COB a corncob [n] --- COB to strike [v]
Other tops: GLOB 11D 27
Other moves: BLOG 11D 26, CLOG 11D 26, GOB 11E 25, BO 13C 24, BOG 11E 24
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