Game on November 7, 2021 at 23:48, 5 players
1. 362 pts roocatcher
2. 194 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 170 pts sunshine12
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 50 50
2. I3 33 83
3. G8 69 152
4. 11D 102 254
5. F2 78 332
6. 12A 34 366
7. 3I 30 396
8. K8 65 461
9. L2 79 540
10. 14G 96 636
11. O12 60 696
12. L12 31 727
13. A8 140 867
14. O1 52 919
15. 8K 33 952
16. B3 67 1019
17. 15H 56 1075
18. A1 32 1107
19. 2K 36 1143
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7225 roocatcher 1 11:38 -781 362 1.7225 roocatcher 1 11:38 -781 362
2.7048 GLOBEMAN 2 7:28 -949 194 2.7048 GLOBEMAN 2 7:28 -949 194
3.7691 sunshine12 2 6:19 -973 170 3.7691 sunshine12 2 6:19 -973 170
4. - chunk88 0 1:05 -1111 32 Group: not rated
5. - Suincunx 0 0:33 -1128 15 1. - chunk88 0 1:05 -1111 32
2. - Suincunx 0 0:33 -1128 15
On 1st draw, ZERDA H4 50 --- ZERDA an African fox [n]
Other moves: ZAIRE H4 48, CRAZED H4 42, CRAZED H7 40, CRAZE H4 38, CRAZED H3 38
On 2nd draw, QA(T) I3 33 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: GALAH(S) 9C 30, Z(Y)GAL 4H 28, GA(S)H 9F 27, AQ(U)AE 5D 26, EQ(U)AL 5H 26
On 3rd draw, KETOT(I)C G8 69 --- KETOSIS a build up of ketones in the body [adj] --- KETOTIC relating to ketosis [adj]
Other moves: (J)OCKE(T)TE 5D 48, (S)OCKE(T)TE 5D 48, ZACK(S) 4H 38, ZAK(A)T 4H 34, OCKER(S) 6D 32
On 4th draw, IMPOLDER 11D 102 --- IMPOLDER to reclaim low-lying land [v]
Other moves: CRIMPLED 14G 92, D(I)MPLIER 13F 80, DIMPL(I)ER 13B 76, IMPLORED 11C 76, IMPLE(T)ED 5D 48
On 5th draw, HOGTIES F2 78 --- HOGTIE to tie together the legs of [v]
Other moves: HOGTIES L5 76, GHE(T)TOISE 5F 74, GHOSTIER K4 74, GOE(T)HITES 5F 74, GHOSTIER 6A 72
HEIST 10J 33 roocatcher
On 6th draw, COOF 12A 34 --- COOF a dolt [n]
Other tops: AFOOT 12C 34, CONF 12A 34
Other moves: CAFE 12B 32, FACE 10J 32, FEAT 12D 32, FOOT 12D 32, FANE 10J 30
FACE 10J 32 roocatcher
On 7th draw, QUINOA 3I 30 --- QUINOA a weedy plant [n]
Other moves: QUAIR 3I 28, QUINA 3I 28, QUINO 3I 28, QUOIN 3I 28, RANCOUR A9 27
COIR A12 18 roocatcher
On 8th draw, WARREYED K8 65 --- WARREY to make war [v]
Other moves: WEEDY 10J 43, AYWORD B9 42, DEWY 2K 42, WEARY 10J 42, AWRY 4L 39
WYE 2M 33 roocatcher
On 9th draw, UNITISED L2 79 --- UNITISE to convert into unit trusts [v]
Other moves: UNTIDIES L2 78, SUITED O3 40, STED L11 36, STUD L11 36, DESI O1 34
DUST O1 34 roocatcher
On 10th draw, CALVERING 14G 96 --- CALVER to prepare [v]
Other tops: CLAVERING 14G 96
Other moves: VERLIG 14J 36, AVENIR 14I 34, VEGAN 14J 34, VEINAL 14J 34, VENIAL 14J 34
RACING A10 27 roocatcher
On 11th draw, JOGS O12 60 --- JOG to run at a slow, steady pace [v]
Other tops: JUGS O12 60
Other moves: SMORE L11 47, JUS O1 46, MOUSE 2J 44, JOUGS O11 42, SMUR L11 39
JOGS O12 60 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
JUGS O12 60 sunshine12
On 12th draw, MURA L12 31 --- MURA a Japanese village [n]
Other moves: AMNIC A8 27, MALIC A8 27, MANIC A8 27, UMIAC A8 27, MA 15H 26
MA 15H 26 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
On 13th draw, LORICATE A8 140 --- LORICATE an animal having a lorica [n] --- LORICATE to coat protectively [v]
Other moves: EROTICAL A7 80, RETAIL E1 28, ALOETIC A6 27, ARTICLE A8 27, EROTICA A7 27
LACIER A10 24 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 14th draw, WASP O1 52 --- WASP a stinging insect [n]
Other moves: APSO O1 37, SPIN M12 37, SUPAWN J2 37, FAS O1 34, WAS O1 34
WASP O1 52 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 15th draw, WEFTE 8K 33 --- WEFTE a waif [n]
Other moves: HA 15H 32, FAH H13 31, LATAH H11 31, HAET E3 28, AHA N1 27
HA 15H 32 chunk88, GLOBEMAN
AH H14 15 Suincunx
On 16th draw, HOUNGAN B3 67 --- HOUNGAN a voodoo priest [n]
Other moves: HA 15H 32, HO 15H 32, HUG J2 28, AHA N1 27, GIN M13 26
HA 15H 32 sunshine12
HO 15H 32 roocatcher
On 17th draw, XI 15H 56 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: IBEX C1 45, IBEX K3 43, ILEX C1 41, LEX G1 40, NIX G1 40
IBEX C1 45 roocatcher
On 18th draw, VLEI A1 32 --- VLEI a swamp [n]
Other moves: VEIN C2 28, VIER C2 28, VOLING 4A 28, VEIN C1 26, VIER C1 26
VIN C2 24 roocatcher
On 19th draw, BUNYA 2K 36 --- BUNYA an evergreen tree [n]
Other moves: ABY 13A 30, BEADY 9I 30, BYE C8 27, ABB 13A 26, BEY G1 26
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