Game on November 12, 2021 at 13:10, 4 players
1. 39 pts Chelsea
2. 39 pts UUUUUU1115
3. 39 pts GGGGGG1115
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 44 44 


8A 86 130 


12D 28 158 


11E 46 204 


13C 36 240 


A4 66 306 


D1 78 384 


1D 80 464 


3C 78 542 


J6 35 577 


2J 39 616 


L2 68 684 


14B 35 719 


7I 31 750 


E3 33 783 


A13 34 817 


1M 28 845 


5K 34 879 


O4 39 918 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 1 0:55 -879 39 1.7506 Chelsea 1 0:55 -879 39
2. -
UUUUUU1115 1 1:13 -879 39 Group: not rated
3. -
GGGGGG1115 1 1:36 -879 39 1. - UUUUUU1115 1 1:13 -879 39
4. -
WWWWWW1118 1 1:54 -879 39 2. - GGGGGG1115 1 1:36 -879 39
3. - WWWWWW1118 1 1:54 -879 39
On 1st draw, ENF(I)X H8 44 --- ENFIX to fix in [v]
Other moves: FAX(I)NG H4 40, AN(N)EX H8 38, A(N)NEX H8 38, F(L)AXEN H4 38, XEN(I)A H4 38
On 2nd draw, T(R)EELIKE 8A 86 --- TREELIKE resembling a tree [adj]
Other moves: FELT(L)IKE 10H 76, FE(L)TLIKE 10H 74, KELTIE(S) G5 72, KITEL(I)(K)E 11C 70, K(I)TELI(K)E 11G 70
On 3rd draw, BORAX 12D 28 --- BORAX a white crystalline compound [n]
Other moves: OBOE G10 24, BROOKIE G4 23, AEROBE C3 22, BOOKIE G5 22, OBA G10 22
On 4th draw, DEL(I)MIT 11E 46 --- DELIMIT to mark the boundaries of [v]
Other moves: LIMED 13C 35, TIMED 13C 35, MINED 13C 33, LIMEN 13C 29, LINED 13C 29
On 5th draw, TAWAS 13C 36 --- TAWA an evergreen tree [n]
Other moves: WAIST L8 34, AWAITS 13A 29, TAWA 13C 28, TAWS 13C 28, TWIST L8 28
On 6th draw, POSITIVE A4 66 --- POSITIVE a quantity greater than zero [n] --- POSITIVE a quantity greater that zero [n] --- POSITIVE certain [adj]
Other moves: POSITIVE K7 63, FOPS 10H 31, POISE L8 30, FOP 10H 28, SPIV L11 28
On 7th draw, BOUDERIE D1 78 --- BOUDERIE pouting [n]
Other moves: BOUDERIE C1 74, BOUDERIE C4 64, OUREBI B1 32, BIRD 14B 30, BORD 14B 30
On 8th draw, BORONIAS 1D 80 --- BORONIA an Australian shrub [n]
Other moves: ORARIONS 6C 62, ORATIONS K8 58, AIRNS 14B 35, ROANS 14B 35, BONSOIR 1D 27
On 9th draw, LUCIDEST 3C 78 --- LUCID easily understood [adj]
Other moves: DULCITES 3C 76, DELICTS L5 71, DISPOSITIVE A1 51, EDICTS 14A 45, DICTS 14B 43
On 10th draw, JUDOGI J6 35 --- JUDOGI a judo costume [n]
Other moves: ADJIGO J8 31, JINGO J10 31, JAG 14B 30, JOG 14B 30, G*DJ*GADJO 10J 29
On 11th draw, CORIA 2J 39 --- CORIUM leather armour [n]
Other tops: CONIA 2J 39, CORNI 2J 39
Other moves: DACRON 8J 36, ANCORA 2H 33, ACORN 14A 29, CAIRN 14A 29, ACARI K4 28
On 12th draw, RELEARNT L2 68 --- RELEARN to learn again [v]
Other moves: ENTERAL 14G 63, ETERNAL 14G 63, TELERAN 14G 63, ELATER K4 28, LEANER K4 28
On 13th draw, HEAP 14B 35 --- HEAP to pile up [v]
Other tops: HEPT 14B 35
Other moves: CAFE E3 33, PHT 1M 33, HAP 1M 31, HEP 1M 31, FAH 4F 30
On 14th draw, QUERY 7I 31 --- QUERY to question [v]
Other moves: IRONY M2 29, GEY 1M 26, ONERY 12K 26, YEN 15A 26, YON 15A 26
On 15th draw, CAFE E3 33 --- CAFE a small restaurant [n]
Other moves: GIF 15A 32, FAG A13 31, FAG 15A 30, FEG 15A 30, FIG 15A 30
On 16th draw, HAM A13 34 --- HAM to overact [v]
Other moves: HAG A13 31, HAM 1M 31, HAG 15A 30, MIHA M1 30, HAIN F6 29
On 17th draw, TYG 1M 28 --- TYG an old drinking-cup [n]
Other moves: TIVY 14G 22, VEINY 5K 22, INTI F3 21, TIGE C5 21, IVY 12K 20
On 18th draw, VEZIR 5K 34 --- VEZIR a minister [n]
Other moves: REZ 6D 32, ZEIN 5K 26, ZERO 5K 26, REZ 5K 24, RITZ K9 19
On 19th draw, WRUNG O4 39 --- WRING to twist so as to compress [v]
Other tops: WRONG O4 39
Other moves: GROWN O4 33, NOWN 8L 26, ENG 3L 21, NONG 8L 20, MOW 15A 19
WRONG O4 39 Chelsea
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