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Game on November 12, 2021 at 20:53, 4 players
1. 223 pts moonmonkey
2. 208 pts Mycophot
3. 189 pts sicilianc5

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. cehipqt   H8    32    32   pitch
 2. aegltwz  12G    38    70   ghazel
 3. aeimnov   H8    51   121   pitchmen
 4. aabeers   L6    61   182   erasable
 5. ??cilos  15A    83   265   leucosin
 6. egintxy  M13    36   301   xi
 7. anostwy  15K    37   338   nasty
 8. adefrrt   M2    81   419   drafter
 9. anooqrt   4K    48   467   tranq
10. aehlouw   O4    42   509   quale
11. efimnou   2J    36   545   fondue
12. eilnory   1G    34   579   riley
13. aehijko  11D    53   632   hijack
14. eiooprt  K10    34   666   poet
15. addeiot   2B    77   743   iodated
16. deirsuv   3E    40   783   divers
17. aginuvw  12A    38   821   wigan
18. beimouw   1A    58   879   embow
19. egnoouv   4A    34   913   vogue

Remaining tiles: inoou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7799 Filemoonmonkey  1  5:54  -690  223     1.7799 moonmonkey  1  5:54  -690  223 
  2.7685 FileMycophot    1  6:35  -705  208     2.7685 Mycophot    1  6:35  -705  208 
  3.7735 Filesicilianc5  1  5:05  -724  189     3.7735 sicilianc5  1  5:05  -724  189 
  4.  -  FileNNNNNN1115  0  1:56  -871   42            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  NNNNNN1115  0  1:56  -871   42 

On 1st draw, PITCH H8 32 --- PITCH to throw [v]
Other moves: PITCH H4 30, ETHIC H8 26, THEIC H8 26, PITCH H5 24, PITCH H6 24

On 2nd draw, GHAZEL 12G 38 --- GHAZEL a Persian or Arabic verse form [n]
Other moves: HAZEL 12H 34, ZETA 10F 33, ZETA I7 33, GLAZE I4 29, WIZ 9G 29

On 3rd draw, PITCHMEN H8 51 --- PITCHMAN a salesman of small wares [n]
Other tops: PITCHMAN H8 51
Other moves: MONIE 13I 42, AMOVE 13J 37, AMINE 13J 31, AMINO 13J 31, ANOMIE 13J 31
MONIE 13I 42 moonmonkey, NNNNNN1115

On 4th draw, ERASABLE L6 61 --- ERASABLE able to be erased [adj] --- ERASE to efface or rub out [adj]
Other moves: ABASER M9 38, ABASE M9 36, BASER M10 34, BASE M10 32, BEARES M7 32

On 5th draw, L(E)(U)COSIN 15A 83 --- LEUCOSIN a cereal albumen [n]
Other moves: OS(S)ICLE(S) 14B 78, O(S)SICLE(S) 14B 78, O(S)(S)ICLES 14B 78, (B)I(N)OCLES 14B 78, (C)(A)LICOES 14B 78

On 6th draw, XI M13 36 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: NIXY M8 36, XI G9 36
Other moves: ZEX J12 35, NIXY K3 33, EXIT M7 30, NEXT M6 30, NIXE M8 30

On 7th draw, NASTY 15K 37 --- NASTY offensive to the senses [adj] --- NASTY something that is offensive [n]
Other tops: SWY 15M 37, TOEY K10 37
Other moves: ASTONY N10 36, NOWAY K4 34, SAYON N10 34, TAWNY 8K 33, WANTY 8K 33

On 8th draw, DRAFTER M2 81 --- DRAFTER one that drafts [n]
Other moves: RAFTERED 6H 72, DRAFTIER 9C 66, RAFTERED 6F 66, TAED K10 31, FARRED M3 30
FARED 8K 27 Mycophot
FATED 8K 27 sicilianc5

On 9th draw, TRANQ 4K 48 --- TRANQ a drug that tranquilizes [n]
Other moves: TRANQ 10J 36, QAT 10F 32, QAT I7 30, QANAT 4J 28, QAT K4 27
QAT I7 30 moonmonkey, Mycophot
QANAT 4J 28 sicilianc5

On 10th draw, QUALE O4 42 --- QUALE a property considered apart from things having the property [n]
Other moves: HOE N6 34, WALDO 2J 34, NAH N4 33, MHO 13H 32, HE N6 30
QUALE O4 42 Mycophot, sicilianc5, moonmonkey

On 11th draw, FONDUE 2J 36 --- FONDUE a dish of melted cheese [n] --- FONDUE to cook a fondue, pr p FONDUING, FONDUEING [v]
Other tops: FUNDIE 2J 36
Other moves: FONDU 2J 34, FUNDI 2J 34, OFT N13 32, FUME G7 29, MIMEO 13F 29
OFT N13 32 moonmonkey, Mycophot, sicilianc5

On 12th draw, RILEY 1G 34 --- RILEY angry [adj]
Other tops: LINEY 1G 34
Other moves: NY 1N 32, OY 1N 32, NEROLI 1G 31, YBORE 11K 30, ROYNE 1F 29
OY 1N 32 sicilianc5, Mycophot
NY 1N 32 moonmonkey

On 13th draw, HIJACK 11D 53 --- HIJACK to seize a vehicle while in transit [v]
Other moves: JOKE G7 45, KHOJA 5G 42, HOKA G7 37, HOKE G7 37, HOKI G7 37
JOKE G7 45 moonmonkey, Mycophot

On 14th draw, POET K10 34 --- POET one who writes poems [n]
Other moves: ROMEO 13F 33, PERI 12A 28, PORE 12A 28, POTE 12A 28, POTHER D8 28
PORE 12A 28 sicilianc5

On 15th draw, IODATED 2B 77 --- IODATE to treat with iodine [v]
Other tops: TOADIED 2B 77
Other moves: IODATED I3 72, TOADIED I3 72, DATED 12A 31, DITED 12A 31, DOTED 12A 31

On 16th draw, DIVERS 3E 40 --- DIVER one that dives [n]
Other moves: VIRED 12A 39, VISED 12A 39, VIRES 12A 36, DIVES 12A 34, VIDE 12A 34

On 17th draw, WIGAN 12A 38 --- WIGAN a stiff fabric [n]
Other moves: VAGI 1A 36, VAGI 12A 34, VAW 1A 34, VIGA 12A 34, VINA 12A 32

On 18th draw, EMBOW 1A 58 --- EMBOW to bend or arch [v]
Other moves: UMBO 1A 39, MOBE 1A 37, EMBOW A8 36, OW 1N 32, WEMB 13F 32

On 19th draw, VOGUE 4A 34 --- VOGUE to imitate poses of fashion models [v]
Other tops: VOUGE 4A 34
Other moves: VEG 4D 26, OVEN 4C 25, EGO 3A 24, GUENON N1 23, NOG 13B 23

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