Game on November 18, 2021 at 11:26, 7 players
1. 163 pts Chelsea
2. 159 pts moonmonkey
3. 125 pts sicilianc5
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 44 44 


9G 26 70 


J8 77 147 


15J 72 219 


12D 86 305 


11C 39 344 


8L 45 389 


4H 30 419 


5K 43 462 


O3 64 526 


13I 36 562 


3M 30 592 


6B 65 657 


F1 62 719 


3C 56 775 


1C 48 823 


4A 26 849 


6K 28 877 


8A 24 901 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 0 6:45 -738 163 1.7547 Chelsea 0 6:45 -738 163
moonmonkey 2 4:03 -742 159 2.7770 moonmonkey 2 4:03 -742 159
sicilianc5 2 2:17 -776 125 3.7721 sicilianc5 2 2:17 -776 125
HollyIvy 1 2:58 -776 125 4.7710 HollyIvy 1 2:58 -776 125
Mycophot 1 3:48 -779 122 5.7704 Mycophot 1 3:48 -779 122
6. -
WWWWWW1118 1 1:57 -856 45 Group: not rated
7. -
UUUUUU1115 1 1:45 -877 24 1. - WWWWWW1118 1 1:57 -856 45
2. - UUUUUU1115 1 1:45 -877 24
On 1st draw, JASPE H4 44 --- JASPE rayon cloth with a shaded effect [n]
Other tops: JAPES H4 44
Other moves: JAPES H8 30, JASPE H8 30, JAPES H5 28, JAPES H6 28, JAPES H7 28
On 2nd draw, DRONGO 9G 26 --- DRONGO a tropical bird [n]
Other moves: DROOG 9G 25, DROOL 9G 24, LOORD 9E 24, DOORN 9E 23, LORD 9F 23
On 3rd draw, ENVELOPS J8 77 --- ENVELOP to cover completely [v]
Other moves: PELVES 10C 38, ELVES 10D 35, LOVES 10D 35, EVES 10E 34, EVOS 10E 34
On 4th draw, SEQ(U)IN 15J 72 --- SEQUIN a shiny ornamental disk [n] --- SEQUIN to affix sequins (shiny ornamental disks) to [v]
Other moves: EQ(U)INES 11E 60, QIS 10F 51, QI(S) 10F 49, Q(I)S 10F 49, SEQ(U)INS 15D 48
On 5th draw, (L)IFEHOLD 12D 86 --- LIFEHOLD held for life [adj]
Other tops: (W)IFEHOOD L4 86
Other moves: (W)IFEHOOD L3 80, (W)IFEHOOD 13E 72, (W)IFEHOOD 13D 66, HEF(T) 8L 48, HO(O)F 8L 48
On 6th draw, OEDEMA 11C 39 --- OEDEMA edema [n]
Other moves: AMIDE 11D 38, AMIDO 11D 38, EDEMA 11D 37, MADE 8L 37, MAID 8L 37
On 7th draw, WADI 8L 45 --- WADI the bed of a usually dry watercourse [n]
Other tops: WADT 8L 45, WAID 8L 45, WARD 8L 45
Other moves: WAIR 8L 42, WAIT 8L 42, WART 8L 42, WRIT 8L 42, DAWT 8L 35
On 8th draw, JUBATE 4H 30 --- JUBATE maned [adj]
Other tops: BOAST 13I 30, BOATS 13I 30, BOETS 13I 30
Other moves: BASTA I3 29, BASTE I3 29, ABATES 13A 28, JUBAS 4H 28, JUBES 4H 28
JUBATE 4H 30 moonmonkey, Mycophot, HollyIvy
On 9th draw, BOX 5K 43 --- BOX to put in a box (a rectangular container) [v]
Other moves: OX 5J 40, GOX 5K 39, XI 14N 38, XI 5K 38, OX 14M 37
OX 5J 40 HollyIvy, Mycophot, moonmonkey
On 10th draw, CLIFTIER O3 64 --- CLIFTY broken into cliffs [adj]
Other tops: CLIFTIER O6 64
Other moves: CLEFT 13C 43, LEXICA M3 36, CLEF 13C 33, REF 3M 32, RIF 3M 32
CLEFT 13C 43 moonmonkey
On 11th draw, MOORY 13I 36 --- MOORY marshy [adj]
Other moves: GYRO 6J 33, ROC 3M 30, RUC 3M 30, TOC 3M 30, TYRO 6J 30
YGO 6K 29 HollyIvy
On 12th draw, TIC 3M 30 --- TIC an involuntary muscular contraction [n] --- TIC to have an involuntary muscle contraction [v]
Other tops: YAG 3I 30
Other moves: YEX M3 26, YAG 6J 24, GAY 6J 22, NEXT M3 22, YA 3I 22
YEX M3 26 HollyIvy
On 13th draw, SWALIEST 6B 65 --- SWALY shady [adj]
Other moves: WAITES 13A 30, WALES 13B 28, WELTS 13B 28, WILES 13B 28, WILTS 13B 28
WAITES 13A 30 Mycophot
On 14th draw, TANGOING F1 62 --- TANGO to perform a Latin-American dance [v]
Other moves: ANT 6K 22, GAG 3I 22, GAN 3I 20, GAT 3I 20, GNAWN C3 20
ANT 6K 22 Mycophot
NO 10F 19 Chelsea
On 15th draw, KRANZ 3C 56 --- KRANZ a precipice [n]
Other moves: RITZY 1D 54, KITTY 1D 51, ZIT 7M 46, KA 10F 43, KI 10F 43
RITZY 1D 54 Chelsea
KITTY 1D 51 sicilianc5
On 16th draw, CHITALS 1C 48 --- CHITAL an Asian deer [n]
Other moves: CHITAL 1C 45, CITRALS 1D 36, CRITHS 1C 36, SLATCH 1C 36, AITCH 1D 33
CHITALS 1C 48 sicilianc5
LATCH 1D 33 Chelsea
On 17th draw, UVAE 4A 26 --- UVA a grape [n]
Other moves: ANT 6K 22, EAVE 11J 22, VAE 4B 22, VAUTE 13A 22, NA 10F 19
UVAE 4A 26 sicilianc5
VAE 4B 22 Chelsea
On 18th draw, YET 6K 28 --- YET up to now [adv]
Other moves: YET 7M 22, REFRY F10 21, YITE 13B 20, DYER N8 19, RE 10F 19
YET 7M 22 moonmonkey, Chelsea
On 19th draw, RUNRIG 8A 24 --- RUNRIG a form of land-tenure [n]
Other tops: URNING 8A 24
Other moves: INRUN A1 15, VIN 10J 15, REI G5 13, TIRO I6 13, URTEXT M1 13
URNING 8A 24 moonmonkey, UUUUUU1115
TIRO I6 13 Chelsea
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