Game on November 18, 2021 at 12:12, 7 players
1. 299 pts Chelsea
2. 135 pts moonmonkey
3. 129 pts queen66
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 68 68 


G7 26 94 


13C 30 124 


D8 78 202 


F8 34 236 


15D 45 281 


C3 30 311 


D1 42 353 


1C 39 392 


2G 69 461 


1L 63 524 


K1 34 558 


E5 44 602 


4F 72 674 


14J 61 735 


L6 79 814 


K10 43 857 


J6 35 892 


F4 23 915 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 2 4:24 -616 299 1.7520 Chelsea 2 4:24 -616 299
moonmonkey 2 3:24 -780 135 2.7826 moonmonkey 2 3:24 -780 135
queen66 1 4:03 -786 129 3.7819 queen66 1 4:03 -786 129
HollyIvy 1 4:41 -786 129 4.7710 HollyIvy 1 4:41 -786 129
sicilianc5 1 2:53 -813 102 5.7721 sicilianc5 1 2:53 -813 102
6. -
BBBBBB1113 1 1:57 -854 61 Group: not rated
7. -
LLLLLL1116 1 1:57 -881 34 1. - BBBBBB1113 1 1:57 -854 61
2. - LLLLLL1116 1 1:57 -881 34
On 1st draw, (I)NTRUDE H7 68 --- INTRUDE to thrust or force oneself in [v]
Other tops: DENTUR(E) H4 68, D(A)UNTER H4 68, D(E)NTURE H4 68, N(A)TURED H6 68, RETUND(S) H7 68, RETUN(E)D H6 68, R(E)TUNED H6 68, TENUR(E)D H6 68, TRUND(L)E H8 68, TRUN(K)ED H6 68, T(E)NURED H6 68, T(H)UNDER H8 68, UNDRE(S)T H2 68, UNR(A)TED H6 68, UNTRE(A)D H6 68, UNTR(I)DE H7 68, UNTR(I)ED H6 68, UNT(I)RED H6 68, U(P)TREND H6 68, (B)RUNTED H6 68, (G)RUNTED H6 68, (P)RUNTED H6 68
Other moves: DENTUR(E) H2 66, DENTUR(E) H3 66, DENTUR(E) H7 66, DENTUR(E) H8 66, D(A)UNTER H2 66
On 2nd draw, PAEON G7 26 --- PAEON a metrical foot of four syllables [n]
Other moves: EUPNOEA 13C 22, NAPE G11 21, NIPA G11 21, NOPE G11 21, EUPNOEA 13H 20
On 3rd draw, CROOVE 13C 30 --- CROOVE a pen or sty [n]
Other moves: COVER 14D 26, PROVE 14G 26, COOPER 14C 24, CORVEE 13C 24, COPE I5 23
On 4th draw, ANG(S)TROM D8 78 --- ANGSTROM a unit of length [n]
Other moves: MONTAG(E) I2 71, AG(A)MONT I2 70, (A)GAMONT I2 70, MOAT(I)NG I1 69, TO(N)GMAN I2 69
On 5th draw, ELF F8 34 --- ELF a small, often mischievous fairy [n] --- ELF to entangle (hair) [v]
Other moves: FLAME 15A 30, FLUME 15A 30, OOF 14D 29, FILM 15A 27, FLAM 15A 27
ELF F8 34 LLLLLL1116
On 6th draw, MEDIACY 15D 45 --- MEDIACY the act of mediating [n]
Other moves: MIDYEAR 15D 39, MYRICA 15D 39, MERCY 15D 36, MYRIAD 15D 36, CRIMED 15A 33
CRIMED 15A 33 moonmonkey, HollyIvy, queen66
On 7th draw, DEWLAP C3 30 --- DEWLAP a fold of loose skin under the neck [n]
Other moves: WARPED C3 29, PAWA 8A 27, PRAWLE C3 26, DEWLAP I2 25, DAWDLER 12H 24
On 8th draw, EVOHE D1 42 --- EVOHE expressing Bacchic frenzy [interj]
Other moves: THETE D1 30, HETE D2 26, HOTE D2 26, VETO D2 26, VOTE D2 26
On 9th draw, JETTON 1C 39 --- JETTON a piece of metal used as a counter [n]
Other moves: JETE 1A 33, JOG 10B 27, JETON I3 26, JONG I4 21, EGO E5 20
JETTON 1C 39 moonmonkey
JETE 1A 33 queen66, HollyIvy
On 10th draw, HOLSTER 2G 69 --- HOLSTER a case for a pistol [n] --- HOLSTER to put in a holster (a case for a pistol) [v]
Other tops: HOSTLER 2G 69
Other moves: HOSTELRY J8 68, SHORL 14B 36, ESTRO E3 32, EROS I10 31, TRES I10 31
On 11th draw, MAZE 1L 63 --- MAZE to bewilder [v]
Other tops: MOZE 1L 63
Other moves: BAIZE 14J 57, MAIZE 14J 57, BEZ E5 44, BIZ E5 44, MIZ E5 44
MAZE 1L 63 Chelsea, queen66, HollyIvy
MOZE 1L 63 moonmonkey
On 12th draw, STINGED K1 34 --- STING to prick painfully [v]
Other tops: STEDING K1 34
Other moves: SLUEING I1 32, SEND E4 28, SNED E4 28, SNIG E4 28, SNUG E4 28
DIG E5 24 Chelsea
On 13th draw, XU E5 44 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: KEX 14J 43, KEX 3M 42, KEX I5 41, EAUX I4 38, SEX E4 38
XU E5 44 Chelsea
KEX I5 41 sicilianc5
On 14th draw, TRIBUNAL 4F 72 --- TRIBUNAL a court of justice [n]
Other tops: TURBINAL 4F 72
Other moves: BRUTAL 14J 41, BURIAL 14J 41, BALTI 14J 39, BLART 14J 39, BLURT 14J 39
BLART 14J 39 Chelsea
On 15th draw, KBARS 14J 61 --- KBAR a unit of atmospheric pressure [n]
Other tops: KRABS 14J 61
Other moves: BARKS 14J 47, BIRKS 14J 47, BRAKS 14J 47, BRIKS 14J 47, BRISK 14J 47
KRABS 14J 61 sicilianc5, BBBBBB1113
BARKS 14J 47 Chelsea
On 16th draw, EARWIGS L6 79 --- EARWIG to insinuate against in secret [v]
Other moves: EARWIGS J6 72, WEIR 15L 46, WAGERS J6 36, WAGER J6 35, WAGES J6 35
WEIR 15L 46 Chelsea
On 17th draw, QUA K10 43 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: QUINOA 10J 37, QUINA 10J 36, QUINE 10J 36, QUINO 10J 36, FOEN J6 33
QUINE 10J 36 Chelsea
On 18th draw, FOY J6 35 --- FOY a parting entertainment or gift [n]
Other moves: FOEN J6 33, FOIN J6 33, FONE J6 33, FOE J6 32, FON J6 32
On 19th draw, TEN F4 23 --- TEN a number [n]
Other moves: NIPA 8A 18, TE F4 16, WEXE 5C 16, EN I10 12, IN 3M 12
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