Game on November 19, 2021 at 15:31, 2 players
1. 75 pts ZZZZZZ1118
2. 75 pts rrrrrr1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 40 40 


4H 38 78 


8A 86 164 


O1 54 218 


E5 86 304 


7H 68 372 


O7 36 408 


F4 40 448 


M7 20 468 


5J 43 511 


D11 37 548 


L7 41 589 


B2 98 687 


2J 36 723 


K11 24 747 


15J 75 822 


C12 27 849 


15C 27 876 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: not rated
1. -
ZZZZZZ1118 1 1:24 -801 75 1. - ZZZZZZ1118 1 1:24 -801 75
2. -
rrrrrr1112 1 1:52 -801 75 2. - rrrrrr1112 1 1:52 -801 75
On 1st draw, JUNTA H4 40 --- JUNTA a political or governmental council [n]
Other tops: JAUNT H4 40
Other moves: UNJAM H8 34, UNJAM H4 30, UNJAM H5 28, UNJAM H6 28, UNJAM H7 28
On 2nd draw, JA(N)NOCK 4H 38 --- JANNOCK oaten bread [n]
Other tops: JACK(E)D 4H 38, JAN(N)OCK 4H 38
Other moves: JACK(S) 4H 34, JACK(Y) 4H 34, JOCK(O) 4H 34, JOCK(S) 4H 34, J(O)CKO 4H 34
On 3rd draw, BEDSONIA 8A 86 --- BEDSONIA a virus [n]
Other moves: NOBODIES L1 63, NOBODIES L3 62, BEDS O1 45, BIDS O1 45, BODS O1 45
On 4th draw, WOWS O1 54 --- WOW to excite to enthusiastic approval [v]
Other moves: LOWSE O1 48, SOWLE O4 48, LOWS O1 45, OWES O1 45, OWLS O1 45
On 5th draw, TABOULI(S) E5 86 --- TABOULI a Lebanese salad containing bulgur wheat, tomatoes, parsley, onions, and mint [n]
Other tops: BAILOUT(S) E4 86, TAB(B)OULI E4 86, TA(B)BOULI E4 86
Other moves: (D)UTIABLE B1 80, (S)UITABLE B1 80, BUC(K)TAIL M2 76, BACULIT(E) M2 74, BAIL(O)UTS D1 74
On 6th draw, THALLIUM 7H 68 --- THALLIUM a metallic element [n]
Other moves: HAKIM N2 55, HAKU N2 37, MULLAH F1 36, MULLAH D1 35, HAULM D11 33
On 7th draw, MADMEN O7 36 --- MADMAN a man who is insane [n]
Other moves: MAKE N2 33, MAK N2 31, DEMAN F4 30, MAVEN O7 30, MEAD 6J 30
On 8th draw, TOYING F4 40 --- TOY to amuse oneself as if with a toy (a child's plaything) [v] --- TOYING the act of toying [n]
Other moves: AYONT F5 37, YANG F6 36, YAK N2 35, YOK N2 35, AYIN F5 34
On 9th draw, INGENER M7 20 --- INGENER an engineer [n]
Other tops: GRENNED C2 20
Other moves: GENET D11 19, GENRE D11 19, GERNE D11 19, ETRENNE B2 18, ETRENNE B8 18
On 10th draw, YEX 5J 43 --- YEX to hiccup [v]
Other moves: PIXY D11 38, PYXE(S) 12A 38, PYXI(S) 12A 38, YEX L12 38, YIPE L10 35
On 11th draw, QIS D11 37 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: PAISE 14J 35, QI D11 35, PAILS 10B 28, PEAG L12 28, PEALS 10B 28
On 12th draw, LOAFED L7 41 --- LOAF to pass time idly [v]
Other moves: AEFALD L10 40, FOAL 3I 38, AFALD L11 36, DEAF L12 32, DELF L12 32
On 13th draw, ARCHFOES B2 98 --- ARCHFOE a principal foe [n]
Other moves: FROSH 14J 47, ARCHFOE B2 46, CRASH 14J 41, HOAS 3I 38, HOKA N2 37
On 14th draw, VIRAGO 2J 36 --- VIRAGO a noisy, domineering woman [n]
Other moves: RIVAL K11 26, TAKI N2 25, VAGI C12 25, VIGA C12 25, RIVA K11 24
On 15th draw, DIOTA K11 24 --- DIOTA an ancient two-handled vase [n]
Other moves: ADDIO C6 23, DIRT K11 22, DITA K11 22, DOAT K11 22, DOIT K11 22
On 16th draw, RAZURE 15J 75 --- RAZURE the act of scraping [n]
Other moves: AZOTE 15K 72, AZURE 15K 72, ZETA 15H 39, ZOEA 15H 39, KUZU N4 37
RAZURE 15J 75 ZZZZZZ1118, rrrrrr1112
On 17th draw, VEEP C12 27 --- VEEP a vice president [n]
Other moves: PERV C12 26, PI 3I 23, PRIVET 14F 23, VEER C12 23, VIER C12 23
On 18th draw, PETITE 15C 27 --- PETITE a clothing size for short women [n]
Other tops: PETTER 15C 27, PITTER 15C 27, POTTER 15C 27, PROTEI 15C 27, TIPTOE 15A 27
Other moves: REPOT 15A 24, TOPEE 15A 24, TOPER 15A 24, ER N9 21, REPO 15A 21
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