Game on November 19, 2021 at 16:59, 7 players
1. 247 pts queen66
2. 247 pts moonmonkey
3. 247 pts sicilianc5
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H3 32 32 


4A 86 118 


A4 83 201 


B10 40 241 


A13 26 267 


B2 24 291 


C10 37 328 


5H 70 398 


O2 36 434 


J4 66 500 


N5 31 531 


2J 46 577 


1G 44 621 


L2 24 645 


12J 29 674 


I9 44 718 


N10 36 754 


H10 35 789 


15L 39 828 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
queen66 3 8:05 -581 247 1.7819 queen66 3 8:05 -581 247
moonmonkey 3 8:39 -581 247 2.7875 moonmonkey 3 8:39 -581 247
sicilianc5 3 9:04 -581 247 3.7697 sicilianc5 3 9:04 -581 247
4. -
rrrrrr1112 1 0:39 -796 32 Group: not rated
5. -
AAAAAA1116 1 1:03 -796 32 1. - rrrrrr1112 1 0:39 -796 32
6. -
WWWWWW1118 1 1:29 -796 32 2. - AAAAAA1116 1 1:03 -796 32
7. -
LLLLLL1116 1 1:52 -796 32 3. - WWWWWW1118 1 1:29 -796 32
4. - LLLLLL1116 1 1:52 -796 32
On 1st draw, WHALER H3 32 --- WHALER a person engaged in whaling [n]
Other tops: AWHILE H3 32, AWHIRL H3 32, WHALER H4 32
Other moves: WHALE H4 30, WHARE H4 30, WHEAL H4 30, WHEAR H4 30, WHILE H4 30
WHALER H4 32 rrrrrr1112, AAAAAA1116, WWWWWW1118, LLLLLL1116
On 2nd draw, FAINTISH 4A 86 --- FAINTISH somewhat faint [adj]
NAIFS 9D 25 moonmonkey, sicilianc5, queen66
On 3rd draw, FALT(E)RED A4 83 --- FALTER to hesitate [v]
Other tops: DEFLAT(E)R A2 83, DEFLAT(O)R A2 83, D(E)FLATER A2 83, FALTER(E)D A4 83, LEFT(W)ARD A2 83, REFLAT(E)D A2 83, R(E)FLATED A2 83
Other moves: TREADL(E)R 8A 77, TR(E)ADLER 8A 77, WAR(S)TLED 3H 74, WRA(S)TLED 3H 74, L(Y)RATED 9G 73
DEFLAT(E)R A2 33 queen66, sicilianc5, moonmonkey
On 4th draw, DORMY B10 40 --- DORMY being ahead in golf by as many holes to be played [adj]
Other moves: DIRTY B10 36, DORTY B10 36, MYOID 9G 31, DORMY 9D 30, DOMY 9E 29
MOY B10 27 moonmonkey, sicilianc5, queen66
On 5th draw, OBE A13 26 --- OBE a form of sorcery of African origin [n]
Other tops: BOWIE G7 26, OBI A13 26, OBO A13 26, WEB G7 26
Other moves: BELOW 6F 24, BOW G7 24, EMBOW 13A 24, EUOI C12 23, BOI 3C 22
OBO A13 26 queen66, moonmonkey
OBI A13 26 sicilianc5
On 6th draw, PIANO B2 24 --- PIANO a musical instrument with a keyboard [n]
Other moves: POI 3C 22, LOID 3C 21, POIND G7 21, DIPLON C3 20, DOWP 3F 20
On 7th draw, HOES C10 37 --- HOE to use a hoe (a gardening tool) [v]
Other moves: HES C11 31, SHAVIE 5F 31, HOVES G7 30, HOVE G7 29, DOVEISH 11A 28
HES C11 31 moonmonkey, queen66, sicilianc5
On 8th draw, AVANTI(S)T 5H 70 --- AVANTIST an avant-garde artist, writer or musician [n]
Other tops: V(O)LITANT 6F 70
Other moves: TANTIV(Y) G7 66, TA(S)TEVIN 7D 65, NATIVIT(Y) F1 64, NATIVI(S)T F1 64, VI(S)ITANT F1 64
On 9th draw, REPTANT O2 36 --- REPTANT creeping or crawling [adj]
Other moves: PANIER C1 30, PATTERN O2 30, PATTERN O3 30, TRAPT O1 30, ENTRAP O3 27
TRAPT O1 30 sicilianc5, queen66, moonmonkey
On 10th draw, TAGALONG J4 66 --- TAGALONG one that follows another [n]
Other moves: TAGALONG J2 64, GATING C1 31, LATINO C1 26, WAGGON 3H 24, GONIA C1 23
On 11th draw, (S)YES N5 31 --- SYE to strain [v]
Other moves: (S)YE N5 28, ESNE D9 27, SAYNE 12J 27, SEYEN 12J 27, YEANS I9 27
(S)YES N5 31 moonmonkey, sicilianc5, queen66
On 12th draw, WICKER 2J 46 --- WICKER a slender, pliant twig or branch [n]
Other moves: MECK M7 29, WEM M7 28, KI D11 27, MECK G7 27, MEW M7 26
On 13th draw, AQUA 1G 44 --- AQUA water [n]
Other moves: QUA 1H 41, QUEAN 10F 34, QUATE E1 28, QUOTA E1 28, QUOTE E1 28
AQUA 1G 44 queen66, moonmonkey, sicilianc5
On 14th draw, CUITERED L2 24 --- CUITER to wheedle [v]
Other moves: IDE 3M 23, DEIL K9 21, CULTIER L2 20, EIDER K10 20, IDEE 3B 20
On 15th draw, SIECLE 12J 29 --- SIECLE a century, period or era [n]
Other moves: ISLE D9 27, SIEGE C3 25, SLICE 12J 25, SCOLD 9H 24, CLEGS 9D 23
On 16th draw, ZO I9 44 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZO A1 37, JO I9 36, MOZ G7 36, JOCUND M10 32, ZOL 6F 32
On 17th draw, VULGAR N10 36 --- VULGAR a common person [n] --- VULGAR crude [adj]
Other moves: MAGG 11H 34, OGAM 11I 34, VALOUR N10 34, VULGO N10 34, VALOR N10 32
On 18th draw, BOUDIN H10 35 --- BOUDIN a spicy Cajun sausage [n]
Other moves: BOX G7 32, XU A1 31, BIRD 15L 30, BORD 15L 30, BURD 15L 30
On 19th draw, FIRM 15L 39 --- FIRM to become stable [v] --- FIRM unyielding to pressure [adj]
Other tops: FERM 15L 39, FORM 15L 39
Other moves: FOX G7 36, OXIME G11 36, FIRE 15L 33, FORE 15L 33, OXIM G11 33
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