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Game on November 22, 2021 at 13:21, 4 players
1. 108 pts moonmonkey
2. 108 pts Mycophot
3. 108 pts queen66

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aacgoor   H4    22    22   cargo
 2. ?hnruuu   4H    20    42   churn
 3. ?acilsw   M1    29    71   caws
 4. ?dfopuw   2J    34   105   fumado
 5. adeefio   6C    68   173   foedarie
 6. adeiloo   1L    38   211   aced
 7. ?beeeev   1F    32   243   bevue
 8. aeilpry   2A    53   296   ripely
 9. bilnors   E5    36   332   reboils
10. aeeinst   A1   131   463   arsenite
11. elnooty   7C    30   493   yebo
12. aginrtz   D1    46   539   zeta
13. adilort   B8    73   612   dilator
14. aeimpqu  D11    54   666   umiaq
15. mnnoosu  A12    28   694   soum
16. eeilnvx  E14    29   723   xi
17. eeklnrt  F12    21   744   eke
18. aehjnot  13F    31   775   khoja
19. giinprt  14J    31   806   gript
20. eginntw  H12    33   839   wont
21. egilnnt  15L    24   863   teil

Remaining tiles: gnnnv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7822 Filemoonmonkey  0  1:57  -755  108     1.7822 moonmonkey  0  1:57  -755  108 
  2.7776 FileMycophot    0  2:03  -755  108     2.7776 Mycophot    0  2:03  -755  108 
  3.7776 Filequeen66     0  2:07  -755  108     3.7776 queen66     0  2:07  -755  108 
  4.  -  FileZZZZZZ1118  1  1:51  -817   46            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  ZZZZZZ1118  1  1:51  -817   46 

On 1st draw, CARGO H4 22 --- CARGO conveyed merchandise [n] --- CARGO to load [v]
Other moves: CARGO H8 18, CARGO H5 16, CARGO H6 16, CARGO H7 16, AGORA H4 14

On 2nd draw, CHURN 4H 20 --- CHURN to stir briskly in order to make butter [v]
Other tops: CHURN(S) 4H 20, CRUN(C)H 4H 20, R(A)UNCH 4D 20, (B)RUNCH 4D 20, (C)RUNCH 4D 20, (E)UNUCH 4D 20
Other moves: RU(S)H 9F 19, UHURU G7 19, UHURU I7 19, UHURU(S) G7 19, UHURU(S) I7 19

On 3rd draw, CAWS M1 29 --- CAW to utter the sound of a crow [v]
Other tops: AS(D)IC M3 29, AS(P)IC M3 29
Other moves: ASWI(R)L M3 27, CW(M)S M1 27, C(A)WS M1 27, C(O)WS M1 27, (D)ISCAL M2 27

On 4th draw, FU(M)ADO 2J 34 --- FUMADO a smoked fish [n]
Other tops: UPD(R)AW 2I 34
Other moves: FOCU(S) 1K 30, FOUA(T) 2J 30, POWA(N) 2J 30, UPWAF(T) 2J 30, UP(L)OAD 2I 28

On 5th draw, FOEDARIE 6C 68 --- FOEDARIE an accomplice [n]
Other moves: ACED 1L 38, ACID 1L 38, ECAD 1L 38, ECOD 1L 38, FOODIE O1 36

On 6th draw, ACED 1L 38 --- ACE to score a point against in a single stroke [v]
Other tops: ACID 1L 38, ECAD 1L 38, ECOD 1L 38
Other moves: EIDOLA 5C 32, CAD 1M 30, CID 1M 30, COD 1M 30, OOIDAL O1 27

On 7th draw, BEV(U)E 1F 32 --- BEVUE a blunder [n]
Other tops: B(R)EVE 1F 32
Other moves: (B)EEBEE 5A 30, VEE(P)EE 1E 29, VEE(P)EE 5A 29, V(I)BE 1G 29, V(I)BE 5B 28

On 8th draw, RIPELY 2A 53 --- RIPE fully developed [adv] --- RIPELY in a ripe manner [adv]
Other tops: PARLEY 2A 53, PEARLY 2A 53, REPLAY 2A 53
Other moves: APERY 2B 51, PARLY 2B 51, REPAY 2B 51, REPLY 2B 51, AERILY 2A 49

On 9th draw, REBOILS E5 36 --- REBOIL to boil again [v]
Other tops: BERLINS E5 36
Other moves: NORIS 3B 32, NEROLIS E5 28, BROILS A1 27, BLINGS 7D 26, BRINGS 7D 26

On 10th draw, ARSENITE A1 131 --- ARSENITE a chemical salt [n]
Other tops: ARENITES A1 131, TRAINEES A1 131
Other moves: RESINATE K4 95, RESINATE A2 77, ETESIAN I8 61, ETESIANS 11B 58, ANISE 3C 32
TRAINEES A1 81 moonmonkey, Mycophot, queen66

On 11th draw, YEBO 7C 30 --- YEBO yes [interj]
Other moves: YGOE 7G 27, BOYG 7E 26, ONELY D11 26, YOB 7C 26, LEY 5J 24
YGOE 7G 27 queen66, Mycophot, moonmonkey

On 12th draw, ZETA D1 46 --- ZETA a Greek letter [n]
Other tops: ZEIN D1 46
Other moves: RAZING B8 38, NAZIR B8 36, NAZI B8 35, RIZA B8 35, RIZ B8 34

On 13th draw, DILATOR B8 73 --- DILATOR one that dilates [n]
Other moves: DILATOR G8 63, DILATOR I8 63, TOROIDAL 8G 61, PAD C2 19, AROID D11 18

On 14th draw, UMIAQ D11 54 --- UMIAQ an open Eskimo boat [n]
Other moves: EQUIP D11 40, OPAQUE 13B 36, EQUIP I8 28, MAP C11 28, MAP A13 27

On 15th draw, SOUM A12 28 --- SOUM to determine the ratio of cattle to pasture [v]
Other tops: SOOM A12 28
Other moves: IONIUMS 9B 22, SOON A12 22, MON A13 21, MOO A13 21, MOS A13 21

On 16th draw, XI E14 29 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: EX 3F 25, EXILE I8 22, EXINE I8 22, EX I8 19, ILEX 13D 19

On 17th draw, EKE F12 21 --- EKE to supplement with great effort [v]
Other tops: ERNE F11 21
Other moves: KELTER G8 18, KERNEL G8 18, STET 3A 18, ENE F12 17, ERE F12 17

On 18th draw, KHOJA 13F 31 --- KHOJA a Middle Eastern title of respect [n]
Other moves: PAH C2 25, PEH C2 25, JETON G8 24, JOHN G8 24, JOHN G9 24

On 19th draw, GRIPT 14J 31 --- GRIP to grasp [v]
Other moves: PIROGI H10 30, PONG H12 30, GORP H12 27, PONT H12 27, PORN H12 27

On 20th draw, WONT H12 33 --- WONT to make accustomed to [v]
Other moves: GOWN H12 30, INTOWN H10 30, NEWING 12J 28, TEWING 12J 28, TWINGE 12J 26

On 21th draw, TEIL 15L 24 --- TEIL a lime tree [n]
Other moves: GENTIL 12J 21, GINNEL 12J 21, NINE C9 20, TINE C9 20, TINGLE 12J 20

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