Game on November 22, 2021 at 15:46, 9 players
1. 215 pts Mycophot
2. 167 pts moonmonkey
3. 167 pts HollyIvy
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 26 26 


5C 66 92 


7C 60 152 


9A 61 213 


A2 116 329 


8J 35 364 


1A 93 457 


2F 74 531 


1L 51 582 


M7 76 658 


10H 38 696 


11J 31 727 


B1 34 761 


13G 66 827 


H12 48 875 


4D 32 907 


3K 37 944 


4K 41 985 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Mycophot 2 7:07 -770 215 1.7731 Mycophot 2 7:07 -770 215
moonmonkey 1 5:51 -818 167 2.7788 moonmonkey 1 5:51 -818 167
HollyIvy 1 6:19 -818 167 3.7772 HollyIvy 1 6:19 -818 167
4. -
CCCCCC1115 1 1:18 -937 48 Group: not rated
5. -
HHHHHH1116 1 1:41 -937 48 1. - CCCCCC1115 1 1:18 -937 48
6. -
MMMMMM1111 1 0:42 -959 26 2. - HHHHHH1116 1 1:41 -937 48
7. -
IIIIII1114 1 1:08 -959 26 3. - MMMMMM1111 1 0:42 -959 26
8. -
GGGGGG1115 1 1:32 -959 26 4. - IIIIII1114 1 1:08 -959 26
9. -
EEEEEE1116 1 1:56 -959 26 5. - GGGGGG1115 1 1:32 -959 26
6. - EEEEEE1116 1 1:56 -959 26
On 1st draw, MIDGIE H4 26 --- MIDGIE a small biting insect such as a midge or sandfly [n]
Other tops: MINGED H4 26
Other moves: MIDGE H4 24, MINGED H7 24, DENIM H8 22, GEMINI H4 22, MEDII H4 22
On 2nd draw, RELATION 5C 66 --- RELATION a significant association between two or more things [n]
Other tops: ORIENTAL 5F 66, TAILERON 5F 66
Other moves: ORIENTAL 8F 59, RELATION 8C 59, TAILERON 8F 59, RELIANT 5E 28, RETINAL 5E 28
On 3rd draw, (P)ROLOGUE 7C 60 --- PROLOGUE to preface [v]
Other moves: EN(C)OLOUR J4 59, LOO(S)ER K2 26, LOU(S)ER K2 26, EORL(S) K1 24, EURO(S) K1 24
On 4th draw, IN(D)UVIAE 9A 61 --- INDUVIAE persistent withered leaves on some plants [n]
Other moves: VINA(S) K1 30, AVI(D)IN 8J 29, UVA(S) K2 28, VAN(S) K2 28, VAU(S) K2 28
VINA(S) K1 30 moonmonkey, Mycophot, HollyIvy
On 5th draw, FORZANDI A2 116 --- FORZANDO a suddenly emphasised passage of music [n]
Other moves: DIAZO A8 48, FRIZ A7 48, ZONAE D1 48, AZIDO A7 45, DARZI A5 45
FRIZ A7 48 HollyIvy, Mycophot, moonmonkey
On 6th draw, RAMULI 8J 35 --- RAMULUS a little branch [n]
Other moves: FUMARIC 2A 32, LAURIC 8J 29, CAM B1 28, FAMULI 2A 26, FULCRA 2A 26
CAM B1 28 moonmonkey, HollyIvy, Mycophot
On 7th draw, STADIA 1A 93 --- STADIA a method of surveying distances [n]
Other moves: STADE 1A 90, SAID 1A 87, SATED 1A 87, SITED 1A 87, STAID 1A 87
On 8th draw, ENTAYLE 2F 74 --- ENTAYLE to carve [v]
Other moves: ENTAYLE 2D 73, TYEE B1 34, TYNE B1 34, ANY 2D 32, YENTA 2F 31
On 9th draw, WOFS 1L 51 --- WOF a nobody,a fool (a waste of flesh) [n]
Other moves: FEES 1L 42, FOES 1L 42, WEES 1L 42, WOES 1L 42, FES 10F 40
On 10th draw, DUETTING M7 76 --- DUET to perform a duet, DUETS, DUETED, DUETTED, DUETING, DUETTING [v]
Other moves: TEIND 3I 30, DENIM 4D 28, FETING N1 28, FITTED N1 28, DAEING K7 26
On 11th draw, SOJA 10H 38 --- SOJA the soybean [n]
Other tops: SIJO 10H 38
Other moves: FEIJOA N1 36, INJERAS J4 32, JOLE N6 32, JOLS N6 32, LAPSE K2 32
On 12th draw, OBITS 11J 31 --- OBIT a date of death [n]
Other moves: BEIGES 14J 30, LIBS K2 30, LOBS K2 30, BECOME L4 29, OBIT 11J 29
OBITS 11J 31 Mycophot, HollyIvy, moonmonkey
On 13th draw, TYNE B1 34 --- TYNE to lose [v]
Other tops: AGENCY 4J 34
Other moves: YEAN 3I 33, YUAN 3I 33, CAGY 12H 32, YAG 10B 32, CAGEY 12G 30
On 14th draw, PERCEANT 13G 66 --- PERCEANT piercing [adj]
Other moves: CARPET 11C 32, PREACT 11C 32, RECEPT 11C 32, TEMPERA 4F 32, CREPT 11D 30
PARGET 14J 30 moonmonkey, HollyIvy, Mycophot
On 15th draw, HECH H12 48 --- HECH an exclamation of surprise [interj]
Other moves: HEH 14H 39, HEH 4D 35, EECH H12 30, EH 14I 30, HE 14J 30
HECH H12 48 Mycophot, CCCCCC1115, HHHHHH1116
On 16th draw, WEB 4D 32 --- WEB to provide with a web (an interlaced fabric or structure) [v]
Other moves: OW 6E 30, BOKE 3L 28, KEMBO 4F 27, BOK 3L 26, EWK 3L 26
On 17th draw, OXER 3K 37 --- OXER an ox-fence [n]
Other moves: FOXIER N1 36, GOIER 3I 34, XI 3L 31, FIXER N1 30, FOREX N1 30
On 18th draw, PE 4K 41 --- PE a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: WEXE L1 28, FIRK N1 22, UP 1H 22, INK B8 20, PICE 14F 20
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