Game on November 26, 2021 at 08:37, 5 players
1. 107 pts moonmonkey
2. 75 pts HollyIvy
3. 75 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 74 74 


4H 20 94 


L4 63 157 


12F 106 263 


5B 75 338 


D1 42 380 


9A 61 441 


1D 107 548 


2H 82 630 


A9 36 666 


H12 24 690 


8D 60 750 


2A 50 800 


A1 33 833 


J10 42 875 


10E 56 931 


1M 24 955 


3C 32 987 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
moonmonkey 3 2:10 -880 107 1.7798 moonmonkey 3 2:10 -880 107
HollyIvy 2 1:43 -912 75 2.7793 HollyIvy 2 1:43 -912 75
Mycophot 2 2:00 -912 75 3.7780 Mycophot 2 2:00 -912 75
4. -
YYYYYY1117 1 1:52 -937 50 4.7653 Chelsea 0 0:51 -964 23
Chelsea 0 0:51 -964 23 Group: not rated
1. - YYYYYY1117 1 1:52 -937 50
On 1st draw, CAULINE H4 74 --- CAULINE pertaining to a stem [adj]
Other moves: CAULINE H2 70, CAULINE H3 70, CAULINE H6 70, CAULINE H7 70, CAULINE H8 70
On 2nd draw, COLICS 4H 20 --- COLIC severe abdominal pain [n]
Other tops: CADDIS 5G 20, COLICS 4D 20
Other moves: IDOLS I7 19, ALCIDS 5H 18, CISCO 4H 18, COLIC 4D 18, COLIC 4H 18
On 3rd draw, CREMATOR L4 63 --- CREMATOR one that cremates [n]
Other moves: RAMET 3G 32, TAME 3G 29, OMERTA 3C 28, REMORA 3C 28, REAM 3F 27
On 4th draw, SHMEARS 12F 106 --- SHMEAR an aggregate of related things [n]
Other moves: MARSHES 12F 102, MARSHES 12I 102, MASHERS 12F 102, SHAMERS 12F 102, SMASHER 12I 102
On 5th draw, (Z)INDABAD 5B 75 --- ZINDABAD imperative long live, used in slogans, cF MURDABAD [v]
Other moves: B(R)ANDIED 10B 71, BLADDIN(G) J3 65, DI(S)BANDS F5 65, (Z)INDABAD J8 65, (Z)INDABAD J6 63
On 6th draw, JURANT D1 42 --- JURANT one that takes an oath [n]
Other moves: JURAT 11J 37, JURAT K10 37, JARTA 8K 36, JURA 11J 35, JURA K10 35
On 7th draw, DELATION 9A 61 --- DELATION the act of delating [n]
Other moves: JAILED 1D 42, JILTED 1D 42, JOLTED 1D 42, JODEL 1D 39, JOLED 1D 39
On 8th draw, JI(N)GKOES 1D 107 --- JINGKO an ornamental tree [n]
Other moves: GOD(L)IKE A7 51, JI(N)GKO 1D 51, JOKIES(T) 1D 51, JOKI(N)G 1D 51, DO(C)KISE A9 48
On 9th draw, INTONER 2H 82 --- INTONER one that intones [n]
Other moves: INDENTOR A7 80, INTONER 2I 76, INORNATE J7 62, DONNERT A9 27, ENDIRON A7 27
On 10th draw, DOWLIER A9 36 --- DOWLY (English dialect) dull, low-spirited [adj]
Other moves: EWE 8A 34, OWE 8A 34, LEWDER A6 30, TEW 6D 30, TOW 6D 30
On 11th draw, MOPE H12 24 --- MOPE to act in a dejected or gloomy manner [v]
Other tops: MOOP H12 24, MOUP H12 24, PEG 1M 24, PORGE 11J 24, PORGE K10 24, PUG 1M 24, PURGE 11J 24, PURGE K10 24
Other moves: GEEP B7 23, GROUP 3C 22, GORP K10 21, PEG 8D 21, PET 1M 21
On 12th draw, ZAPTIEH 8D 60 --- ZAPTIEH a turkish policeman [n]
Other moves: HAZE 8B 56, HAZER K8 56, AZERTY 11I 53, AZERTY K9 53, ZAP 8D 51
On 13th draw, AGOUTY 2A 50 --- AGOUTY a burrowing rodent [n]
Other moves: GOUTY 2B 48, EGOITY 14A 36, GOETY 10F 34, YAY 1M 34, YOU 6F 31
On 14th draw, WAVE A1 33 --- WAVE to move freely back and forth or up and down [v]
Other moves: EWE B9 32, VIEW B7 31, WAB 1M 31, WEB 1M 31, TAW 6D 30
WAVE A1 33 moonmonkey, Mycophot, HollyIvy
On 15th draw, QUAYD J10 42 --- QUAYD daunted [adj]
Other moves: AQUA 8L 39, QUOAD 10J 39, YAUD 6F 38, QUEY B7 37, QUAY J10 36
QUAYD J10 42 HollyIvy, Mycophot, moonmonkey
On 16th draw, EX 10E 56 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: TAX 6D 54, TEX 6D 54, TIX 6D 54, EX B9 50, OX 10A 50
On 17th draw, BUG 1M 24 --- BUG to annoy [v]
Other tops: BEG 1M 24
Other moves: GENE I11 22, GENU I11 22, BEN 1M 21, BUN 1M 21, NEB B8 21
On 18th draw, FRAE 3C 32 --- FRAE from [prep]
Other moves: NIEF B7 28, NEF 3M 27, NEF B8 27, EF B9 26, OF 10A 26
FRAE 3C 32 moonmonkey
FAE B13 23 Chelsea
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