Game on November 26, 2021 at 21:30, 1 player
1. 50 pts UUUUUU1115
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 30 30 


13C 32 62 


D7 84 146 


E3 37 183 


8A 39 222 


D1 51 273 


6E 64 337 


4A 66 403 


1D 33 436 


L1 48 484 


14D 56 540 


11A 74 614 


1K 39 653 


15E 44 697 


B2 34 731 


14I 82 813 


O11 36 849 


M9 50 899 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: not rated
1. -
UUUUUU1115 1 1:58 -849 50 1. - UUUUUU1115 1 1:58 -849 50
On 1st draw, BRIEFS H8 30 --- BRIEF to give instructions [v]
Other tops: FIBERS H4 30, FIBRES H4 30, FIERY H4 30, FIERY H8 30, REIFY H8 30
Other moves: BIRSY H8 28, BRIEF H8 28, BRIEFS H4 28, FIBER H4 28, FIBRE H4 28
On 2nd draw, NOWAYS 13C 32 --- NOWAYS in no way [adv]
Other moves: SUBWAY 13H 30, FAWNY 12H 28, BAYOUS 13C 24, BUNYAS 13C 24, SUNBOW 13H 24
On 3rd draw, ZO(R)ILLOS D7 84 --- ZORILLO a small African mammal [n]
Other moves: ZO(R)ILLES 11B 82, ZILL(I)ONS C7 77, Z(I)LLIONS C7 77, ZILLIO(N)S 10G 70, ZO(R)ILLAS F7 70
On 4th draw, THIRAM E3 37 --- THIRAM a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: HERMAI E3 35, IHRAM E4 35, IMARET E5 32, HA 14F 31, HE 14F 31
On 5th draw, BROOMY 8A 39 --- BROOMY abounding in broom (a type of shrub) [adj]
Other moves: SOYA 14D 38, BATTERY 3C 34, BROTHY 4A 34, SEY 14D 32, SOBA 14D 32
On 6th draw, MISCH D1 51 --- MISCH as in misch metal, an alloy of cerium and other rare earth metals, used esp as a flint in cigarette lighters [adj]
Other moves: MICH D2 43, STICH D1 43, SICH D2 39, TICH D2 39, HOIST D1 38
On 7th draw, RODEOING 6E 64 --- RODEO to participate in a rodeo (an exhibition of cowboy skills) [v]
Other moves: RODEOING 9H 62, NOSODE 14B 41, DEIGN C2 38, GOOSED 14A 38, NOOSED 14A 36
On 8th draw, TROCHLEAE 4A 66 --- TROCHLEA a pulley-like structure through which a tendon passes [n]
Other tops: TRACHEOLE 4A 66
Other moves: AEROLITE J1 60, LEEAR C2 32, RESOLE 14B 32, ALEE C1 28, ENTERAL K5 28
On 9th draw, MINKE 1D 33 --- MINKE a small whale [n]
Other tops: MAIKO 1D 33
Other moves: KAEING L1 32, KAIM 1A 30, KENTIA A1 30, KOAN 5J 29, KEA 5J 27
On 10th draw, JIV(I)NG L1 48 --- JIVE to dance to jazz or swing music [v]
Other tops: J(I)VING L1 48
Other moves: JE(E)ING L1 42, J*w*NGJE(W)ING L1 42, JU(K)ING L1 42, J(E)EING L1 42, UN(R)IVEN K5 36
On 11th draw, SEX 14D 56 --- SEX to determine the sex (the property by which organisms are classified according to reproductive functions) of [v]
Other moves: XU 14F 55, JEUX 1L 54, AJUGA 1K 39, JAGA 1L 36, JUGA 1L 36
On 12th draw, UNPLEATED 11A 74 --- UNPLEATED
Other moves: UNADEPT K5 44, UNSTATED 3B 42, UPSTAND 3B 40, JAPE 1L 39, JAUP 1L 39
On 13th draw, AJUGA 1K 39 --- AJUGA a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: ANGULAR K5 36, JAGA 1L 36, JUGA 1L 36, JARL 1L 33, JURA 1L 33
On 14th draw, DERVS 15E 44 --- DERV fuel for a diesel engine road vehicle [n]
Other tops: INVERTS K5 44
Other moves: DUVETS A10 42, DERV 15E 41, DEVS 15E 41, STRIVER B2 36, DEIST 15E 35
On 15th draw, DARAF B2 34 --- DARAF an electrical inverse unit of capacitance [n]
Other moves: ONSTEAD 3B 32, FADE 3G 30, FADO 3G 30, FANTAD A1 30, FANTOD A1 30
On 16th draw, EPURATE 14I 82 --- EPURATE to purify [v]
Other moves: PATTEE A1 36, PREVUE 3I 35, PARVE 3I 33, PERVE 3I 33, PREVE 3I 33
On 17th draw, OWLET O11 36 --- OWLET a young nocturnal bird [n]
Other tops: CLEW O12 36
Other moves: TOWLINE O8 33, WIEL O12 33, WIN 15M 31, WIT 15M 31, WON 15M 31
On 18th draw, QUINOA M9 50 --- QUINOA a weedy plant [n]
Other moves: FIQUE 12H 37, QI A1 36, QI N10 33, QUERN L11 30, QUIRE L11 30
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