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Game on November 29, 2021 at 10:13, 6 players
1. 220 pts Chelsea
2. 180 pts Mycophot
3. 180 pts sicilianc5

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. cdegios   H7    26    26   geodic
 2. aeklrst  11D    98   124   larkiest
 3. aenpqrr  12C    20   144   pane
 4. ?aeemns  13A    87   231   examens
 5. ?imorty   8H    95   326   enormity
 6. adeehit   K1    74   400   deathier
 7. beloqsu   M5    80   480   obliques
 8. bdegilr   A6    89   569   begirdle
 9. aehnrtu  13I   118   687   haunter
10. aailntz   2J    70   757   zeatin
11. ceirsuw  14A    40   797   sice
12. egilptw   N8    35   832   tipt
13. aefijru   G9    42   874   jak
14. ilnorww  14H    35   909   wow
15. aeinnov   4E    74   983   innovate
16. fgilorx  15G    67  1050   fox
17. diloovy   B2    49  1099   doily
18. afgorrv  O12    36  1135   frog

Remaining tiles: arruuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7656 FileChelsea     1  7:02  -915  220     1.7656 Chelsea     1  7:02  -915  220 
  2.7619 FileMycophot    3  3:56  -955  180     2.7619 Mycophot    3  3:56  -955  180 
  3.7710 Filesicilianc5  3  4:18  -955  180     3.7710 sicilianc5  3  4:18  -955  180 
  4.7722 Filemoonmonkey  3  1:58 -1008  127     4.7722 moonmonkey  3  1:58 -1008  127 
  5.  -  FileFFFFFF1118  1  1:53 -1068   67     5.7695 queen66     1  1:26 -1093   42 
  6.7695 Filequeen66     1  1:26 -1093   42            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  FFFFFF1118  1  1:53 -1068   67 

On 1st draw, GEODIC H7 26 --- GEODIC pertaining to a geode (a type of rock) [adj]
Other moves: COGIES H4 24, COSIED H4 24, GEODIC H4 24, CEDIS H4 22, CIDES H4 22
CODES H4 22 Chelsea

On 2nd draw, LARKIEST 11D 98 --- LARKY playful [adj]
Other moves: TACKLERS 12F 78, STALKIER 11C 74, STARLIKE 11C 74, ARKITES 11E 44, KARITES 11E 44
KAT G9 28 Chelsea

On 3rd draw, PANE 12C 20 --- PANE a sheet of glass for a window [n] --- PANE to insert panels in [v]
Other tops: PARE 12C 20, PARLE D8 20
Other moves: ARPEN 12K 18, NAPE 10C 18, PEAN 12B 18, PEAR 12B 18, PEE I9 18
PANE 12C 20 Chelsea

On 4th draw, E(X)AMENS 13A 87 --- EXAMEN a critical study of conscience [n]
Other moves: EASEMEN(T) 8H 86, NEMES(I)A B8 85, ENSEAME(D) 8H 80, EMA(C)SEN B8 77, (K)AMSEEN B9 77
NAMES 13B 33 Chelsea

On 5th draw, E(N)ORMITY 8H 95 --- ENORMITY a grave offense against decency [n]
Other moves: EMI(C)TORY 8H 89, TRI(S)OMY I3 84, MORTI(F)Y I3 83, M(O)ROSITY J7 72, RIMOS(I)TY J7 72
TIMER(S) A10 30 Chelsea

On 6th draw, DEATHIER K1 74 --- DEATHY like death [adj]
Other moves: THEED A11 39, HEAD A12 36, HEED A12 36, HEID A12 36, HIDE 14A 35
THEED A11 39 Chelsea

On 7th draw, OBLIQUES M5 80 --- OBLIQUE to slant [v]
Other moves: SUQ J4 70, BOSQUE A8 54, EQUALS 3H 50, QUOTES 4H 50, QUALE 3I 48
QUODS 1H 48 Chelsea

On 8th draw, BEGIRDLE A6 89 --- BEGIRDLE to surround [v]
Other moves: BEGIRDLE 2D 68, BRIDGED 1H 42, BRIDGE 1H 36, BRIDGE A8 36, BRIDGED 1E 36

On 9th draw, HAUNTER 13I 118 --- HAUNTER one that haunts [n]
Other moves: UNTHREAD 1D 89, HAUNTER B1 82, URETHAN B1 82, EARTHNUT 4D 80, HAUNTER 14G 67

On 10th draw, ZEATIN 2J 70 --- ZEATIN a chemical compound found in maize [n]
Other tops: ZELANT 2J 70
Other moves: BLINTZ 6A 39, RIZ O13 36, LAZE 2H 33, NAZE 2H 33, ZEAL 2J 33

On 11th draw, SICE 14A 40 --- SICE a male servant in India [n]
Other moves: SCREW O11 39, CREW O12 36, REWS 14H 35, SIRE 14A 34, SURE 14A 34

On 12th draw, TIPT N8 35 --- TIPT having a tip [adj]
Other moves: EWT 14I 34, PEW 14H 34, WRIT O12 33, LEW 14H 32, TEW 14H 32

On 13th draw, JAK G9 42 --- JAK a type of fruit [n]
Other tops: INJERA O1 42, INJURE O1 42
Other moves: ENUF O1 33, FRAE O12 33, FRAU O12 33, INFARE O1 30, RAJ O13 30
JAK G9 42 moonmonkey, Mycophot, queen66, sicilianc5

On 14th draw, WOW 14H 35 --- WOW to excite to enthusiastic approval [v]
Other tops: LOWN 14H 35
Other moves: OWN 14I 34, LOW 14H 32, NOW 14H 32, ROW 14H 32, OW 14I 31
WOW 14H 35 sicilianc5, Mycophot

On 15th draw, INNOVATE 4E 74 --- INNOVATE to introduce something new [v]
Other moves: NOVENA 15E 54, EONIAN 15H 48, VEIN 15G 48, VENA 15G 48, AVION 15E 45
VINE 15E 36 Mycophot
VINO 15E 36 sicilianc5

On 16th draw, FOX 15G 67 --- FOX to outwit [v]
Other moves: GOX 15G 61, LOX 15G 58, OX 15H 55, FOIL 15G 48, FLOG 15F 46
FOX 15G 67 sicilianc5, Mycophot, FFFFFF1118

On 17th draw, DOILY B2 49 --- DOILY an ornamental napkin [n]
Other tops: DOOLY B2 49
Other moves: VI(N)Y I6 35, IDYL B4 33, INLY O1 33, ODYL B4 33, ONLY O1 33
DOILY B2 49 moonmonkey

On 18th draw, FROG O12 36 --- FROG to hunt frogs (web-footed, tailless amphibians) [v]
Other tops: FRAG O12 36
Other moves: FAVOR H1 33, FRENA F10 33, GROOFS J6 31, GRAV O12 30, FAG A1 27
FRAG O12 36 moonmonkey

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