Game on December 2, 2021 at 21:57, 10 players
1. 162 pts moonmonkey
2. 126 pts roocatcher
3. 126 pts sunshine12
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 76 76 


13C 110 186 


K9 88 274 


8A 74 348 


E4 98 446 


L3 77 523 


15G 36 559 


I1 64 623 


1F 48 671 


2B 40 711 


14F 40 751 


A6 60 811 


M2 30 841 


N1 54 895 


4A 52 947 


F4 32 979 


F10 52 1031 


D12 26 1057 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
moonmonkey 4 2:35 -895 162 1.7566 moonmonkey 4 2:35 -895 162
roocatcher 2 3:21 -931 126 2.7088 roocatcher 2 3:21 -931 126
sunshine12 2 5:20 -931 126 3.7481 sunshine12 2 5:20 -931 126
Mycophot 2 1:55 -973 84 4.7503 Mycophot 2 1:55 -973 84
queen66 2 2:23 -973 84 5.7565 queen66 2 2:23 -973 84
6. -
YYYYYY1117 1 1:13 -1005 52 6.7210 GLOBEMAN 0 1:35 -1039 18
7. -
XXXXXX1118 1 1:46 -1005 52 Group: not rated
8. -
UUUUUU1115 1 1:47 -1005 52 1. - YYYYYY1117 1 1:13 -1005 52
GLOBEMAN 0 1:35 -1039 18 2. - XXXXXX1118 1 1:46 -1005 52
10. -
chunk88 0 1:57 -1039 18 3. - UUUUUU1115 1 1:47 -1005 52
4. - chunk88 0 1:57 -1039 18
On 1st draw, SERFAGE H7 76 --- SERFAGE serfdom [n]
Other moves: SERFAGE H2 74, SERFAGE H3 74, SERFAGE H4 74, SERFAGE H6 74, SERFAGE H8 74
On 2nd draw, ARMOZEEN 13C 110 --- ARMOZEEN material for clerical gowns [n]
Other moves: ARMOZEEN 13B 92, ARMOZEEN 8B 72, ROMANZA 11E 72, ARMOZEEN 8C 70, FAZE 10H 36
On 3rd draw, OBLASTI K9 88 --- OBLAST an administrative division of Russia [n]
Other moves: SAILBOAT 11B 70, SAILBOAT 11G 70, ORBITALS 9G 65, OBLASTI G1 64, OBLASTI I1 64
On 4th draw, (C)ARRIOLE 8A 74 --- CARRIOLE a small open carriage [n]
Other moves: RA(C)LOIR L3 66, AR(M)ORIAL 11B 64, RAILROA(D) 11B 64, RA(S)ORIAL 11B 64, (V)ARIOLAR 11B 64
On 5th draw, CENTIMOS E4 98 --- CENTIMO any of various small coins [n]
Other moves: CENTIMOS 15G 95, EMOS 14E 49, MOSE 14F 47, MOST 14F 47, MOS 14F 44
On 6th draw, BLUEI(S)H L3 77 --- BLUEISH somewhat blue [adj]
Other moves: BLUEI(S)H I1 75, HELIBU(S) L3 75, BLUEI(S)H J3 68, HELIBU(S) J3 64, HELIBU(S) 15H 42
On 7th draw, PODGIER 15G 36 --- PODGY short and fat [adj]
Other moves: PIERID 15G 33, REDIP 15H 33, PO 14F 31, DIRIGE 15H 30, DOPIER 15H 30
On 8th draw, CANTEST I1 64 --- CANT lively [adj]
Other tops: CANTATES B4 64, CANTLETS 4H 64, CASTANET B4 64
Other moves: SCEATT M1 30, ANE 14E 27, SCANTER M9 27, SCATTER M9 27, ATTENT 14J 26
On 9th draw, WATCHER 1F 48 --- WATCHER one that watches [n]
Other moves: AHA 14E 45, AWA 14E 45, AWE 14E 45, AWATCH 1E 42, WRETCH 1E 42
On 10th draw, VIVAED 2B 40 --- VIVA to examine orally [v]
Other moves: VIVACE 4A 36, IDE 14E 33, ODA 14E 33, ODE 14E 33, VADE 12A 31
On 11th draw, FE 14F 40 --- FE a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: FA 14F 40
Other moves: OAF F8 31, OOF F8 31, EF 14E 30, OF 14E 30, OATEN M3 29
On 12th draw, EN(C)ODING A6 60 --- ENCODE to put into code [v]
Other moves: DEIGN M2 29, DOE J9 21, ELOIN G7 21, GED K5 21, GOD K5 21
On 13th draw, QI M2 30 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QUAD 5K 28, QUATE 5K 28, QUID 5K 28, QUIET 5K 28, QUITE 5K 28
On 14th draw, KIDLET N1 54 --- KIDLET a little child [n]
Other moves: KIDEL N1 48, KITED N1 47, KID N1 44, KITE N1 43, KIT N1 41
On 15th draw, JOUNCY 4A 52 --- JOUNCY marked by a jouncing motion [adj]
Other moves: JOURNO D10 39, JOUR D10 33, JA 12C 31, JO 12C 31, (S)OJA 8L 30
JOUNCY 4A 52 moonmonkey, YYYYYY1117, UUUUUU1115
KO 1N 18 roocatcher, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, chunk88
On 16th draw, YAY F4 32 --- YAY an affirmative vote [n]
Other tops: YAP K5 32
Other moves: WO F10 28, YO F10 28, KY 1N 27, TWAY 14K 27, (S)WAY 8L 27
YAY F4 32 moonmonkey, Mycophot, queen66, sunshine12, roocatcher
On 17th draw, XI F10 52 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: AX K4 38, AX L11 38, OX L11 38, WOX 10D 29, POX 10D 28
XI F10 52 roocatcher, moonmonkey, sunshine12, Mycophot, queen66, XXXXXX1118
On 18th draw, PROW D12 26 --- PROW brave [adj] --- PROW the forward part of a ship [n]
Other tops: AROW D7 26
Other moves: WRAP D12 24, (S)OWP 8L 24, (S)PAW 8L 24, (S)WAP 8L 24, (S)WOP 8L 24
AROW D7 26 moonmonkey
(S)PAW 8L 24 roocatcher, sunshine12
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