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Game on December 5, 2021 at 19:55, 2 players
1. 60 pts YYYYYY1117
2. 60 pts PPPPPP1115

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abeefor   H4    28    28   before
 2. enrstuv   5G    72   100   ventures
 3. adhiltw   N1    42   142   dawish
 4. aaeilnz   1K    75   217   azide
 5. ?aeilor   O6    76   293   airhole
 6. eghiosw   N9    39   332   shew
 7. ciinrst  13I    92   424   citrins
 8. aceoqru   L8    50   474   quarer
 9. eegmnst   7F    82   556   emongest
10. ?ainntv   F6    70   626   venetian
11. aadnotx   E9    45   671   taxa
12. abfglou  D12    36   707   flub
13. aceloty   D4    81   788   cotylae
14. diklmop  15A    39   827   kimbo
15. adeoppr  14B    28   855   doup
16. aegioor   2H    23   878   orgia
17. degnopy   1D    60   938   podgy
18. deilnou   2A    29   967   doline

Remaining tiles: eju

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  FileYYYYYY1117  1  1:21  -907   60     1.  -  YYYYYY1117  1  1:21  -907   60 
  2.  -  FilePPPPPP1115  1  1:46  -907   60     2.  -  PPPPPP1115  1  1:46  -907   60 

On 1st draw, BEFORE H4 28 --- BEFORE in front of [prep] --- BEFORE previously [adv]
Other moves: BEFORE H3 24, BEFORE H7 24, BEFORE H8 24, FEARE H4 24, AEROBE H8 22

On 2nd draw, VENTURES 5G 72 --- VENTURE to risk [v]
Other tops: VENTURES 5B 72
Other moves: VENTROUS 7C 67, VENTURES 9G 67, VENTURES 9B 64, TUREENS 5E 28, SUBVERT 4F 24

On 3rd draw, DAWISH N1 42 --- DAWISH foolish [adj]
Other moves: HAW G7 37, LATISH N1 34, TAISH N2 32, DAHL G7 30, DAWT G7 30

On 4th draw, AZIDE 1K 75 --- AZIDE a type of chemical compound [n]
Other moves: AVIZE G4 59, ZENAIDA 1I 54, ZEAL G7 50, ZEA G7 49, AIZLE O6 47

On 5th draw, AIR(H)OLE O6 76 --- AIRHOLE a hole for the passage of air [n]
Other tops: ALIE(N)OR O6 76, OARLI(K)E O6 76, OLE(A)RIA O6 76
Other moves: VOLARIE(S) G5 75, RE(T)AILOR 8A 74, RE(T)AILOR 8H 74, AILERO(N) O6 73, ALERIO(N) O6 73

On 6th draw, SHEW N9 39 --- SHEW to show [v]
Other tops: HOWES G7 39
Other moves: HEWS G7 38, HEWS N10 38, HOWE G7 38, HOWS G7 38, HEW G7 37

On 7th draw, CITRINS 13I 92 --- CITRIN a citric vitamin [n]
Other moves: CITRINS 13H 81, CITRINS 2E 65, CITRINES 9B 63, CRINITES 9B 63, CROSTINI 7F 63

On 8th draw, QUARER L8 50 --- QUARE queer [adj]
Other moves: QUA 12J 41, QUARE M7 37, QUATRE J2 37, QUOTER J2 37, CROQUET K7 36

On 9th draw, EMONGEST 7F 82 --- EMONGEST amongst, in the midst of [prep]
Other moves: SEGMENT 2E 66, GEMSTONE 7C 65, STEEMING J8 65, EMETIN 4J 30, EMONGES 7F 30

On 10th draw, VEN(E)TIAN F6 70 --- VENETIAN a flexible window screen [n]
Other tops: VENATI(O)N F6 70
Other moves: INNAT(I)VE 9A 65, (I)NNATIVE 9A 65, (U)NNATIVE 9A 65, INN(O)VATE 9A 62, T(H)IAZIDE 1H 51

On 11th draw, TAXA E9 45 --- TAXON a unit of scientific classification [n]
Other moves: TAX E9 41, AXE M3 39, AX E10 38, TAXA 2I 33, OXIDANT 11D 30

On 12th draw, FLUB D12 36 --- FLUB to bungle [v]
Other tops: FLAB D12 36
Other moves: FLAG D12 32, FLOG D12 32, BAFT K10 31, BUFO D12 30, BLAG D12 28

On 13th draw, COTYLAE D4 81 --- COTYLE an ancient Greek cup [n]
Other moves: ACOLYTE 2E 72, COTYLAE 2E 68, COLBY 15A 36, FAY 6H 35, FOY 6H 35

On 14th draw, KIMBO 15A 39 --- KIMBO to set akimbo [v]
Other moves: BLIMP 15D 33, BIPOD 15D 30, OIK C5 30, OKE M3 30, MODII 4K 29

On 15th draw, DOUP 14B 28 --- DOUP the posterior, or bottom of anything [n]
Other tops: APPRO 2H 28, PARTED K10 28, PORTED K10 28
Other moves: APP C8 26, PEDRO 2H 25, POPERA 2G 25, APE M3 24, APTED K11 24

On 16th draw, ORGIA 2H 23 --- ORGIA a revel of debauchery [n]
Other moves: AGIO 2I 22, AGE M3 21, ERGO 2I 21, FAIR 6H 21, GEO 2J 21

On 17th draw, PODGY 1D 60 --- PODGY short and fat [adj]
Other moves: POGEY 1D 57, PONGY 1D 57, DOPEY 1D 54, PEONY 1D 54, PONEY 1D 54

On 18th draw, DOLINE 2A 29 --- DOLINE a swallow-hole [n]
Other moves: LINED C5 27, DENTIL K10 23, NUDIE 4K 23, LUNTED K10 22, FOIL 6H 21

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