Game on December 7, 2021 at 16:11, 8 players
1. 189 pts moonmonkey
2. 189 pts Mycophot
3. 189 pts sicilianc5
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 28 28 


8A 101 129 


4H 76 205 


O4 30 235 


N9 34 269 


H1 48 317 


15I 101 418 


13I 54 472 


5G 25 497 


C7 46 543 


B6 36 579 


A11 39 618 


12K 37 655 


K9 24 679 


14C 51 730 


3C 24 754 


E5 36 790 


4A 32 822 


2D 25 847 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
moonmonkey 1 5:14 -658 189 1.7570 moonmonkey 1 5:14 -658 189
Mycophot 1 5:41 -658 189 2.7498 Mycophot 1 5:41 -658 189
sicilianc5 1 6:17 -658 189 3.7786 sicilianc5 1 6:17 -658 189
4. -
WWWWWW1119 1 1:57 -808 39 Group: not rated
5. -
FFFFFF1118 1 0:43 -819 28 1. - WWWWWW1119 1 1:57 -808 39
6. -
TTTTTT1113 1 1:08 -819 28 2. - FFFFFF1118 1 0:43 -819 28
7. -
EEEEEE1116 1 1:34 -819 28 3. - TTTTTT1113 1 1:08 -819 28
8. -
DDDDDD1115 1 1:56 -819 28 4. - EEEEEE1116 1 1:34 -819 28
5. - DDDDDD1115 1 1:56 -819 28
On 1st draw, FOOTED H4 28 --- FOOT to walk [v]
Other moves: FATED H4 26, FOOTED H7 24, DEFAT H4 22, FATED H8 22, FOOTED H3 22
On 2nd draw, PRECAV(A)E 8A 101 --- PRECAVA a vein in higher vertebrates [n]
Other tops: PREC(A)VAE 8A 101
Other moves: OVERPAC(K) 5H 78, OVERPAC(K) 6H 72, PRACT(I)VE 7D 67, PREC(A)VAE 8F 65, PRECAV(A)E 8F 64
On 3rd draw, FEATU(R)ED 4H 76 --- FEATURE to give special prominence to [v]
Other moves: CU(N)EATED D8 74, A(B)DUCTEE D4 70, DE(N)ATURE B2 70, ECAUD(A)TE D7 70, EC(A)UDATE D7 70
AE(R)ATED E5 28 moonmonkey, Mycophot, sicilianc5
On 4th draw, DEBONES O4 30 --- DEBONE to remove the bones from [v]
Other moves: BENES 5J 27, BONES 5J 27, DEBONE O4 27, DOBSON O4 27, BENDS O1 24
On 5th draw, BARNEY N9 34 --- BARNEY a noisy argument [n] --- BARNEY to quarrel loudly [v]
Other tops: BINARY N9 34
Other moves: BEANERY C7 32, EBAYER N4 32, NEARBY N9 32, BAYE 3J 31, EYEBAR C8 30
BINARY N9 34 sicilianc5, Mycophot, moonmonkey
On 6th draw, HOTFOOTED H1 48 --- HOTFOOT to hurry [v]
Other moves: WHEY 3I 38, HEW O13 37, HEY O13 37, HOW O13 37, HOY O13 37
WHEY 3I 38 moonmonkey, Mycophot, sicilianc5
On 7th draw, AMYLOSE 15I 101 --- AMYLOSE the relatively soluble component of starch [n]
Other moves: PLAYSOME A8 98, RAMOSELY B8 88, ATMOLYSE K3 76, AMYLOSE I9 68, MAYPOLES A5 66
YEAS O12 49 sicilianc5, Mycophot, moonmonkey
On 8th draw, QUAERED 13I 54 --- QUAERE to inquire or question [v]
Other moves: QUAERE 13I 50, EXEDRA C8 44, AXED 3K 40, QUAERED C3 40, QUOAD 2F 39
AXED 3K 40 moonmonkey, Mycophot, sicilianc5
On 9th draw, CORGI 5G 25 --- CORGI a short-legged dog [n]
Other moves: CIERGE L8 24, GRIECE C3 24, CIERGE C3 22, CIGARET 3B 22, CORIA 5G 22
On 10th draw, SEXTAIN C7 46 --- SEXTAIN a stanza of six lines [n]
Other tops: ANTISEX C3 46
Other moves: GITANAS E5 32, AXIONS 2E 31, ATAXY K11 30, RAXING B8 30, TAXINGS E7 30
On 11th draw, HEROIN B6 36 --- HEROIN an addictive narcotic [n]
Other moves: HONE 12L 32, HOGAN 6G 31, HOGEN 6G 31, ANIGHT 3C 28, HOAGIE L8 28
On 12th draw, AWARE A11 39 --- AWARE having perception or knowledge [adj]
Other moves: WANE 12L 32, WEIR 12A 32, WENA 12L 32, ARENA 12K 24, AWEARY K10 24
On 13th draw, JEON 12K 37 --- JEON a monetary unit of South Korea [n]
Other moves: PINOLE A1 32, JO 12K 31, JEEP N2 30, JIVE F6 30, POLJE 2G 30
On 14th draw, OUIJA K9 24 --- OUIJA a board used in seances [n]
Other tops: RIOJA K9 24
Other moves: IGLU 14F 19, LOUN D11 18, LOUR D11 18, LOU(R)ING M1 18, NOUL D11 18
On 15th draw, SWIZ 14C 51 --- SWIZ to defraud [v]
Other moves: SAZ D12 30, SWIZ 11I 28, SAZ 14C 27, WIZ 11J 27, ZAS A4 27
On 16th draw, KIDULT 3C 24 --- KIDULT a film for children or adults [n]
Other tops: DROUK 2F 24
Other moves: IRKED N1 23, LIKED N1 23, DIKER N1 22, ADUKI E8 20, LIKER N1 20
On 17th draw, TAMARIN E5 36 --- TAMARIN a South American monkey [n]
Other moves: MINERAL N1 32, MATIN 4B 29, MINAR 4B 29, MAIN 4A 28, TREMA N2 28
On 18th draw, FLIT 4A 32 --- FLIT to move lightly and swiftly [v]
Other moves: IF 4C 26, FIN 4B 22, FIT 4B 22, FLIT D1 22, LIEF N2 19
On 19th draw, PIG 2D 25 --- PIG to give birth to cloven-hoofed mammals [v]
Other moves: GIG 2D 23, IGG J9 21, LIG 2D 21, GIVEN N1 20, PING J7 20
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