Game on December 8, 2021 at 13:08, 8 players
1. 140 pts Mycophot
2. 140 pts HollyIvy
3. 76 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H2 68 68 


5E 102 170 


9B 76 246 


6F 31 277 


B7 80 357 


2E 83 440 


A3 62 502 


A11 53 555 


1A 49 604 


J2 25 629 


1K 44 673 


10F 32 705 


G1 25 730 


13A 22 752 


C3 24 776 


3L 29 805 


12D 24 829 


O3 51 880 


N6 64 944 


M7 24 968 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Mycophot 3 3:01 -828 140 1.7487 Mycophot 3 3:01 -828 140
HollyIvy 3 3:21 -828 140 2.7843 HollyIvy 3 3:21 -828 140
moonmonkey 2 1:16 -892 76 3.7597 moonmonkey 2 1:16 -892 76
4. -
QQQQQQ1118 1 0:48 -904 64 4.7791 sicilianc5 2 1:35 -915 53
5. -
IIIIII1116 1 1:09 -904 64 Group: not rated
sicilianc5 2 1:35 -915 53 1. - QQQQQQ1118 1 0:48 -904 64
7. -
NNNNNN1116 1 1:56 -917 51 2. - IIIIII1116 1 1:09 -904 64
8. -
LLLLLL1116 1 1:40 -944 24 3. - NNNNNN1116 1 1:56 -917 51
4. - LLLLLL1116 1 1:40 -944 24
On 1st draw, R(E)DROOT H2 68 --- REDROOT a perennial herb [n]
Other tops: DORTO(U)R H4 68
Other moves: DORTO(U)R H2 66, DORTO(U)R H3 66, DORTO(U)R H6 66, DORTO(U)R H8 66, R(E)DROOT H4 66
On 2nd draw, CHOREGU(S) 5E 102 --- CHOREGUS a leader of a choir [n]
Other moves: COUGHER(S) 2B 92, G(R)OUCHED 4A 82, GROUCHE(D) 2G 80, GROUCHE(S) 2G 80, COUGHER(S) 5B 76
On 3rd draw, REVAMPS 9B 76 --- REVAMP to make over [v]
Other moves: REVAMPS I7 75, VAMPERS 9B 74, REVAMPS 2H 44, R(E)VAMPS 3G 36, RAMPERS 2H 34
On 4th draw, MOOD 6F 31 --- MOOD a person's emotional state at a particular moment [n]
Other moves: EMO 10E 29, MOOT 6F 29, MA 10F 26, MATED 4K 26, ME 10F 26
On 5th draw, THREADED B7 80 --- THREAD to pass a thread (a very slender cord) through [v]
Other moves: THREADED 2F 67, REDHEAD 2H 32, DAH 8A 28, HEAD(S)ET L1 28, REDHEAD B9 28
On 6th draw, NAARTJIE 2E 83 --- NAARTJIE a small sweet orange [n]
Other moves: JANE(S) L1 38, JEAN(S) L1 38, JEAT(S) L1 38, TAENIA A3 38, ANTAE A4 35
On 7th draw, BYRNIE A3 62 --- BYRNIE an armored shirt [n]
Other moves: AYRIE 1K 47, BERAY A11 46, AYRIE A4 44, BARYE 1A 44, INBYE 1A 44
On 8th draw, FEWER A11 53 --- FEW amounting to or consisting of a small number [adj]
Other moves: FROW 1L 51, AFORE 1K 47, WAFER C11 43, FARE 1L 42, FARO 1L 42
On 9th draw, LEUKON 1A 49 --- LEUKON a bodily organ consisting of the white blood cells [n]
Other moves: KETOL 1K 39, KNELT 1K 39, KNOUT 1K 39, TOKEN 1K 35, KEEL(S)ON L1 30
On 10th draw, JONGS J2 25 --- JONG friend (Afrikaans) [n]
Other tops: JOUGS J2 25
Other moves: ISNA M1 24, BASION 3A 22, ISO M1 22, SAI M2 22, SAN M2 22
On 11th draw, TEXAS 1K 44 --- TEXAS the uppermost structure on a steamboat [n]
Other tops: SEXTO 1K 44, TAXES 1K 44, TAXIS 1K 44
Other moves: AXES 1L 39, AXIS 1L 39, EXIT 1L 39, OXES 1L 39, TAXI 1L 39
TAXIS 1K 44 moonmonkey, Mycophot, HollyIvy
On 12th draw, YA 10F 32 --- YA you [pron]
Other moves: AY 10E 30, NY 10E 30, AGLY 4L 26, ALAY 4L 24, VLY 3C 24
YA 10F 32 HollyIvy, Mycophot, moonmonkey
On 13th draw, SAP G1 25 --- SAP to deplete or weaken gradually [v]
Other moves: FINIS C3 22, POS 7G 22, NAPS E8 20, YIPS 4A 18, EFS C9 17
On 14th draw, WEFTE 13A 22 --- WEFTE a waif [n]
Other tops: FAENA C3 22, FITNA C3 22, TAFIA C3 22
Other moves: TAFIA 11G 21, AVANTI D8 20, AVIATE D8 20, WEFT 13A 20, AVANT D8 18
On 15th draw, GUAVA C3 24 --- GUAVA a tropical shrub [n]
Other moves: VIVAT D9 22, ABA 12D 18, BI 2N 18, YABA 4A 18, AB 12D 16
On 16th draw, LUTZ 3L 29 --- LUTZ a jump in figure skating [n]
Other moves: LUZ 3L 27, AQUA N1 26, LUTZ D11 26, ZATI D11 26, QAT D11 24
LUTZ 3L 29 sicilianc5
On 17th draw, ABOIL 12D 24 --- ABOIL boiling [adj]
Other moves: LA 2N 22, NA 2N 22, *B*ABO 12D 18, ALBINO 14D 18, IO 4N 17
On 18th draw, ZONING O3 51 --- ZONE to arrange in zones (areas distinguished from other adjacent areas) [v] --- ZONING division into zones [n]
Other moves: FANGO 11A 32, OWNING 13H 30, WO 11D 26, GWINE 14E 23, ANTING N1 22
On 19th draw, QI N6 64 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI 6N 31, LWEI H12 21, EWE B1 18, LICE H12 18, IWI 6M 14
QI N6 64 QQQQQQ1118, IIIIII1116, Mycophot, HollyIvy
On 20th draw, WILIER M7 24 --- WILY crafty [adj]
Other moves: WEIL M7 22, WEIR M7 22, WIEL M7 22, WILE M7 22, WILI M7 22
WILIER M7 24 sicilianc5, LLLLLL1116
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