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Game on December 9, 2021 at 10:25, 2 players
1. 54 pts YYYYYY1117
2. 45 pts QQQQQQ1118

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aiprtv   H4    78    78   private
 2. adeeinr   4H    74   152   pindaree
 3. aefrrwy   8D    71   223   wayfarer
 4. elnnoot   3I    30   253   looten
 5. aaeorst  11F    76   329   aerosat
 6. aeiiltu   5K    20   349   ate
 7. cdefgin  10F    33   382   feed
 8. ajkrstu  12A    48   430   jurats
 9. aginouw  A12    36   466   jong
10. aghinou  12I    35   501   hoaing
11. cdilpsu   E2    76   577   cuspidal
12. deilmow   2M    29   606   wem
13. ?bhinnu   2B    40   646   bunch
14. moostvz   4A    52   698   zooms
15. ?eiikst   1F    85   783   ekistic
16. eeillov  N10    34   817   vegie
17. aeglnoy   A4    54   871   zygal
18. diloqux   O4    45   916   equid
19. beilnox   1A    49   965   box

Remaining tiles: ceiln

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  FileYYYYYY1117  1  1:58  -911   54     1.  -  YYYYYY1117  1  1:58  -911   54 
  2.  -  FileQQQQQQ1118  1  1:57  -920   45     2.  -  QQQQQQ1118  1  1:57  -920   45 

On 1st draw, PRIVAT(E) H4 78 --- PRIVATE a soldier of lower rank [n] --- PRIVATE secluded from the sight, presence, or intrusion of others [adj] --- PRIVATE secluded from the sight, presence or intrusion of others [adj]
Other tops: PRAVIT(Y) H4 78
Other moves: PRAVIT(Y) H2 74, PRAVIT(Y) H3 74, PRAVIT(Y) H7 74, PRAVIT(Y) H8 74, PRIVAT(E) H2 74

On 2nd draw, PINDAREE 4H 74 --- PINDAREE an Indian mercenary [n]
Other moves: REINVADE 7D 64, RETAINED 9F 63, DETAINER 9F 62, AERIED 11F 26, AIRNED 11F 26

On 3rd draw, WAYFARER 8D 71 --- WAYFARER a traveller [n]
Other moves: WAYFARER 8G 68, WAYFARER L3 68, FREEWAY N2 48, FREEWAY O1 48, FREEWAY O2 48

On 4th draw, LOOTEN 3I 30 --- LOOT to plunder [v]
Other moves: OLENT 5K 24, OLENT 3K 23, OVEN 7G 20, OLEO 3K 19, LENO 3L 18

On 5th draw, AEROSAT 11F 76 --- AEROSAT a satellite for use in air-traffic control [n]
Other tops: AEROSAT 11D 76
Other moves: AERATORS 5B 69, AERATORS K6 66, ASTARE L7 33, OSETRA L7 33, SEARAT L8 33

On 6th draw, ATE 5K 20 --- ATE blind impulse or reckless ambition that drives one to ruin [n]
Other tops: AUE 5K 20, EAT 5J 20, EAU 5J 20, ETA 5K 20
Other moves: ELUATE O4 18, LEAT 9E 18, LINEATE N1 18, LITAI 12K 18, TAUIWI D4 18

On 7th draw, FE(E)D 10F 33 --- FEED to give food to [v]
Other moves: FE(E)N 10F 31, FINED 12I 31, ICED 2J 30, CEDING 12A 29, CONFINED J2 29

On 8th draw, JURATS 12A 48 --- JURAT a statement on an affidavit [n]
Other moves: JARK 12D 43, SKATT L8 39, JARKS 12B 38, JAUKS 12B 38, JARKS 10K 37

On 9th draw, JONG A12 36 --- JONG friend (Afrikaans) [n]
Other tops: JUGA A12 36
Other moves: GOWAN 12I 34, WIGAN 12I 34, JIAO A12 33, JOIN A12 33, OUTGNAW L9 30

On 10th draw, HOAING 12I 35 --- HOA to stop [v]
Other moves: HOGAN 12I 34, HINAU 12I 31, HOING 12K 31, ENOUGH O4 30, HOARING C9 30

On 11th draw, CUSPIDAL E2 76 --- CUSPIDAL having a cusp [adj]
Other moves: PUGILS N10 30, PUGIL N10 28, EPICS O4 27, CUSP 13G 26, PLUS 6J 25

On 12th draw, WEM 2M 29 --- WEM a womb [n]
Other moves: MEW 2M 28, MOW 2M 28, WEIRDO C9 28, WED 2M 27, EMO 2L 26

On 13th draw, BUNCH 2B 40 --- BUNCH to gather together [v]
Other tops: BUNCH(Y) 2B 40, B(R)UNCH 2A 40
Other moves: BI(R)CH 2B 38, BI(T)CH 2B 38, BU(N)CH 2B 38, BU(T)CH 2B 38, B(E)NCH 2B 38

On 14th draw, ZOOMS 4A 52 --- ZOOM to move with a loud humming sound [v]
Other moves: ZOO 1A 42, MOZOS 4A 38, ZO 1A 37, OMOVS 1F 35, MIZ 6D 34

On 15th draw, EKISTI(C) 1F 85 --- EKISTIC relating to ekistics [adj] --- EKISTICS a science dealing with human habitats [adj]
Other moves: ZI(N)KES A4 54, (O)ZEKIS A3 54, ZE(R)KS A4 51, ZI(N)KE A4 51, Z(O)ISITE A4 45

On 16th draw, VEGIE N10 34 --- VEGIE a vegetable [n]
Other tops: VOGIE N10 34
Other moves: NOVELLE 14A 24, OVERLIE C9 22, EVOE 7G 20, LOUIE B10 20, VIELLE 6G 20

On 17th draw, ZYGAL A4 54 --- ZYGAL formed like the letter [adj]
Other tops: ZYGON A4 54
Other moves: ZOEAL A4 42, ZONAE A4 42, ZONAL A4 42, GLUEY B10 38, YOGA 1A 37

On 18th draw, EQUID O4 45 --- EQUID an animal of the horse family [n]
Other moves: LOX 1A 43, LIQUID 6D 36, XI O14 36, XU O14 36, DOUX B7 33

On 19th draw, BOX 1A 49 --- BOX to put in a box (a rectangular container) [v]
Other moves: LOX 1A 43, NOX 1A 43, XI O14 36, EXO 13C 35, LUXE B11 35

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