Game on December 12, 2021 at 14:12, 7 players
1. 228 pts Mycophot
2. 222 pts moonmonkey
3. 209 pts sicilianc5
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. ![?](./l/bl1.png)
H8 24 24 ![t](./l/t1.png)
2. ![a](./l/a1.png)
G7 24 48 ![r](./l/r1.png)
3. ![a](./l/a1.png)
F7 40 88 ![a](./l/a1.png)
4. ![d](./l/d1.png)
13H 40 128 ![s](./l/s1.png)
5. ![?](./l/bl1.png)
N9 85 213 ![k](./l/k1.png)
6. ![b](./l/b1.png)
O6 51 264 ![j](./l/j1.png)
7. ![a](./l/a1.png)
M3 79 343 ![r](./l/r1.png)
8. ![c](./l/c1.png)
E1 71 414 ![s](./l/s1.png)
9. ![a](./l/a1.png)
L4 29 443 ![d](./l/d1.png)
10. ![d](./l/d1.png)
1A 149 592 ![d](./l/d1.png)
11. ![a](./l/a1.png)
15L 66 658 ![z](./l/z1.png)
12. ![e](./l/e1.png)
B1 44 702 ![i](./l/i1.png)
13. ![a](./l/a1.png)
K8 41 743 ![b](./l/b1.png)
14. ![a](./l/a1.png)
L11 39 782 ![h](./l/h1.png)
15. ![a](./l/a1.png)
4G 74 856 ![d](./l/d1.png)
16. ![a](./l/a1.png)
A7 41 897 ![f](./l/f1.png)
17. ![a](./l/a1.png)
B10 42 939 ![p](./l/p1.png)
18. ![g](./l/g1.png)
15A 45 984 ![v](./l/v1.png)
Remaining tile: ![h](./l/h0.png)
Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Mycophot 2 5:00 -756 228 1.7436 Mycophot 2 5:00 -756 228
moonmonkey 3 5:02 -762 222 2.7507 moonmonkey 3 5:02 -762 222
sicilianc5 3 5:32 -775 209 3.7792 sicilianc5 3 5:32 -775 209
HollyIvy 1 1:13 -906 78 4.7802 HollyIvy 1 1:13 -906 78
SQUAW1 0 1:06 -942 42 5.7641 SQUAW1 0 1:06 -942 42
6. -
BBBBBB1113 1 1:35 -943 41 Group: not rated
7. -
WWWWWW1119 1 1:38 -944 40 1. - BBBBBB1113 1 1:35 -943 41
2. - WWWWWW1119 1 1:38 -944 40
On 1st draw, TOX(I)N H8 24 --- TOXIN a poisonous substance [n]
Other tops: TOX(I)N H4 24, T(A)XON H4 24, T(A)XON H8 24
Other moves: TOX(I)N H5 22, TOX(I)N H6 22, TOX(I)N H7 22, T(A)XON H5 22, T(A)XON H6 22
On 2nd draw, RUGA G7 24 --- RUGA an anatomical fold or wrinkle [n]
Other moves: GARI I7 22, NAIRU I6 21, URARI I6 21, RANI I7 20, AGIN G10 19
On 3rd draw, ARAME F7 40 --- ARAME an edible seaweed [n]
Other moves: RAMEE F8 38, RAMIE F8 38, RAMI F8 37, RAM F8 36, REM F8 36
On 4th draw, SWOUND 13H 40 --- SWOUND to faint [v]
Other moves: WOUNDS 12A 36, WOUNDS 13C 36, STOWND 13H 34, SUNDOWN 12F 30, DONUTS 13C 28
SWOUND 13H 40 sicilianc5, WWWWWW1119
On 5th draw, KEELSO(N) N9 85 --- KEELSON a beam in a ship [n]
Other moves: KEELSON(S) L7 74, KEEL(S)ONS L7 74, SKELE(T)ON L6 74, SLOKENE(D) L8 74, (V)ELSKOEN L6 74
KELSO(N) N10 49 moonmonkey, Mycophot, sicilianc5
On 6th draw, JOEY O6 51 --- JOEY a young kangaroo [n]
Other moves: JOY O7 48, BE(N)J 15L 45, BYRE O8 40, BYTE O8 40, YBORE O7 40
JOEY O6 51 sicilianc5, moonmonkey, Mycophot
On 7th draw, RITUALS M3 79 --- RITUAL a system of rites [n]
Other moves: RITUALS E1 67, RITUALS I2 63, STRAD M9 24, ALURES 10J 23, ARTIES 10J 23
On 8th draw, SECTILE E1 71 --- SECTILE capable of being cut smoothly [adj]
Other moves: EEL(I)EST 11E 30, CIELS L1 28, LECTI(N)S 15I 27, SCE(N)E 15K 27, SCE(N)T 15K 27
On 9th draw, DINNA L4 29 --- DINNA (Scots) do not (no inflections) [v]
Other moves: IDANT D4 27, NID I9 26, DAINED 2A 24, DANTED 2A 24, DINNED 2A 24
DINNA L4 29 Mycophot, moonmonkey
On 10th draw, DIGESTOR 1A 149 --- DIGESTOR an apparatus which softens substances [n]
Other moves: STODGIER 1E 83, GOITRED D7 75, GOITERED 2A 74, ERODI(N)G 15I 30, GID I9 30
DIGESTOR 1A 99 Mycophot
DORTI(N)G 15I 27 moonmonkey
On 11th draw, ZO(N)E 15L 66 --- ZONE to arrange in zones (areas distinguished from other adjacent areas) [v]
Other tops: ZO(N)A 15L 66
Other moves: ZOEAL 12J 48, OZAE(N)A 15J 45, ZOA 12J 41, TROOZ J10 36, ZETA N2 35
ZO(N)E 15L 66 moonmonkey
On 12th draw, IMPROVE B1 44 --- IMPROVE to make better [v]
Other moves: IMPROV B1 42, VOMITER 4A 32, PIVOTER 4A 30, IMPROVE J9 28, MOVER E11 28
PROVE E11 28 sicilianc5
On 13th draw, BAROQUE K8 41 --- BAROQUE a bold decorative style [n]
Other moves: ARBA 8A 36, BRAE 8A 36, BARQUE K9 34, ARB 8A 30, AREA 8A 30
BAROQUE K8 41 sicilianc5, BBBBBB1113
On 14th draw, HIN L11 39 --- HIN a Hebrew unit of liquid measure [n]
Other moves: BIGHA A7 37, BIN L11 36, BAGH A7 34, DIN L11 33, HABU A7 32
HIN L11 39 HollyIvy
On 15th draw, DEACIDIFY 4G 74 --- DEACIDIFY [v]
Other moves: FAYED A7 41, FYCE A7 41, DEIFY A7 39, EDIFY A7 38, FACED A7 38
DEIFY A7 39 HollyIvy
On 16th draw, FIBULA A7 41 --- FIBULA a bone in the leg [n]
Other moves: FLAB A7 32, FLUB A7 32, FIBULA D7 31, FLAY O1 30, FAB A7 29
On 17th draw, PINETA B10 42 --- PINETUM a plantation of pine trees [n]
Other tops: PANTIE B10 42, PATINE B10 42
Other moves: PAINT B10 40, PATEN B10 40, PATIN B10 40, PIETA B10 40, PINTA B10 40
On 18th draw, VAWTING 15A 45 --- VAWTE to attain great success [v]
Other moves: HAVING 15A 42, HAWING 15A 42, WAVING 15A 42, GATH 15A 36, HIVING K1 36
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