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Game on December 12, 2021 at 18:00, 1 player
1. 34 pts YYYYYY1117

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aaentt   H8    64    64   tannate
 2. iklprsu  15D    69   133   kilps
 3. adefhru   G9    31   164   hauf
 4. aerrttu  11E    28   192   taunter
 5. dimnosu   E4    72   264   dismount
 6. ?efimxy   8A    66   330   flexo
 7. ennorst   A8    86   416   fornenst
 8. aeirryz   F2    35   451   zea
 9. aelnopy   D3    46   497   poleax
10. eeinoqu   C8    50   547   equine
11. ahiimor  10J    39   586   harim
12. aiinotv  D12    22   608   atok
13. degijov   M9    48   656   jived
14. ddiorsy   O6    38   694   yirds
15. cdeiorr   N2    27   721   credo
16. bcggilo  L12    31   752   bigg
17. elooruw  15J    30   782   reglow
18. abcgouv   I7    24   806   vag
19. beeilnw   3I    26   832   weiner
20. ciloouy   2H    34   866   coy

Remaining tiles: biilou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  FileYYYYYY1117  1  1:58  -832   34     1.  -  YYYYYY1117  1  1:58  -832   34 

On 1st draw, TA(N)NATE H8 64 --- TANNATE a chemical salt [n]
Other tops: E(P)ATANT H2 64, E(P)ATANT H4 64, E(P)ATANT H6 64, E(P)ATANT H7 64, E(P)ATANT H8 64, TAN(N)ATE H2 64, TAN(N)ATE H3 64, TAN(N)ATE H4 64, TAN(N)ATE H6 64, TAN(N)ATE H7 64, TAN(N)ATE H8 64, TA(N)NATE H3 64, TA(N)NATE H4 64, TA(N)NATE H6 64, TA(N)NATE H7 64, TA(R)TANE H3 64, TA(R)TANE H4 64, TA(R)TANE H6 64, TA(R)TANE H7 64, TA(R)TANE H8 64, TETANA(L) H2 64, TETANA(L) H3 64, TETANA(L) H4 64, TETANA(L) H7 64, TETANA(L) H8 64, (C)ANTATE H2 64, (C)ANTATE H3 64, (C)ANTATE H6 64, (C)ANTATE H7 64, (C)ANTATE H8 64
Other moves: E(P)ATANT H3 62, E(P)ATANT H5 62, TAN(N)ATE H5 62, TA(N)NATE H2 62, TA(N)NATE H5 62

On 2nd draw, KILPS 15D 69 --- KILP large brown seaweed [n]
Other moves: KURIS 15D 63, PULKS 15D 63, PIKULS 15C 60, SPRUIK 15H 60, PRUSIK 15E 57

On 3rd draw, HAUF G9 31 --- HAUF (Scots) half [n]
Other moves: FADEUR I7 28, FAH G7 28, FAH I7 28, FEH G7 28, FEH I7 28

On 4th draw, TAUNTER 11E 28 --- TAUNTER one that taunts [n]
Other moves: TUART F7 20, TART F8 19, TREAT F6 19, ARETT I6 18, ART F9 18

On 5th draw, DISMOUNT E4 72 --- DISMOUNT to get down from an elevated position [v]
Other moves: MODIST 13C 32, MOUNDS 10J 31, OMITS I8 31, INMOST 13C 30, MONIST 13C 30

On 6th draw, F(L)EXO 8A 66 --- FLEXO a method of rotary letterpress printing [n]
Other moves: XY(L)EM D1 58, FIXED(L)Y 4A 48, (S)IXMO 8A 48, FIXE(S) 12A 47, F(O)XIE D3 47

On 7th draw, FORNENST A8 86 --- FORNENST directly opposite [adv]
Other moves: ENTERONS 14H 70, TENDRONS 4B 70, TENONERS C3 70, TENONERS C7 70, STONERN 7H 67

On 8th draw, ZEA F2 35 --- ZEA the stigma of a cereal plant [n]
Other moves: IZARS 6A 34, RAZE D1 34, RAZEE J8 34, RAZER J8 34, RIZA D1 34

On 9th draw, POLEAX D3 46 --- POLEAX to strike with an axlike weapon [v]
Other moves: POLEYN 10J 37, PEONY 10J 36, POLEY 10J 36, PONEY 10J 36, YAPON 10J 35

On 10th draw, EQUINE C8 50 --- EQUINE a horse [n]
Other moves: QUEP 3A 30, QUIP 3A 30, QUOP 3A 30, EQUINE 3F 26, QUEEN I5 25

On 11th draw, HARIM 10J 39 --- HARIM a group of wives and concubines [n]
Other moves: MATH I9 34, HARM 10J 32, HOMA 10J 32, HAM 10J 31, HOM 10J 31

On 12th draw, ATOK D12 22 --- ATOK a skunk [n]
Other tops: INVITA(L) B2 22
Other moves: VAN G1 21, VAT G1 21, AVO C1 20, MAVIN N10 20, VAN I7 20

On 13th draw, JIVED M9 48 --- JIVE to dance to jazz or swing music [v]
Other moves: JIVED I5 33, JIG I7 32, JOG I7 32, JOG 9K 30, JOE I7 28

On 14th draw, YIRDS O6 38 --- YIRD earth [n] --- YIRD to bury [v]
Other tops: SORDID O10 38
Other moves: DIDY L12 35, DOYS O7 35, DROIDS O5 35, DRYS O7 35, Y*DS O7 35

On 15th draw, CREDO N2 27 --- CREDO a creed [n]
Other tops: DOC C2 27
Other moves: CREED 12K 25, DECO L12 25, DICE L12 25, ROC C2 25, COD G1 24

On 16th draw, BIGG L12 31 --- BIGG a four rowed barley [n]
Other tops: BLOC C1 31
Other moves: BIOG L12 29, BOIL L12 25, BIGG M4 24, BIG L12 23, BOG L12 23

On 17th draw, REGLOW 15J 30 --- GLOW to emit light and heat [v] --- REGLOW to glow again [v]
Other moves: LEW I7 26, LOW I7 26, REW I7 26, ROW I7 26, WOOLER 3I 26

On 18th draw, VAG I7 24 --- VAG a vagrant [n] --- VAG to arrest someone for vagrancy, VAGS, VAGGED, VAGGING [v]
Other tops: COUGAR 3I 24
Other moves: BAC M4 22, BAG I7 22, BOCAGE 4I 22, BOG I7 22, CAG I7 22

On 19th draw, WEINER 3I 26 --- WEINER a frankfurter [n]
Other tops: BLEW 4L 26, WIENER 3I 26
Other moves: BEELINE 4H 24, EWE M3 24, WEB M4 24, WEBINAR K5 24, BELIER 3I 22

On 20th draw, COY 2H 34 --- COY bashful [adj] --- COY to caress [v]
Other moves: LOY 2H 32, OY 2I 31, YOU 2J 31, YO 2J 28, YONIC L1 28
COY 2H 34 YYYYYY1117

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