Game on December 13, 2021 at 11:30, 5 players
1. 88 pts Chelsea
2. 38 pts moonmonkey
3. 38 pts sicilianc5
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 76 76 


15B 107 183 


B10 36 219 


D8 84 303 


C2 83 386 


A4 81 467 


I3 66 533 


D1 24 557 


H1 47 604 


E2 35 639 


J2 40 679 


E8 28 707 


14H 35 742 


F10 34 776 


15K 35 811 


N10 34 845 


L9 32 877 


K11 38 915 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 1 2:48 -827 88 1.7714 Chelsea 1 2:48 -827 88
moonmonkey 1 0:16 -877 38 2.7512 moonmonkey 1 0:16 -877 38
sicilianc5 1 0:29 -877 38 3.7800 sicilianc5 1 0:29 -877 38
queen66 1 1:03 -877 38 4.7400 queen66 1 1:03 -877 38
5. -
UUUUUU1115 1 1:47 -877 38 Group: not rated
1. - UUUUUU1115 1 1:47 -877 38
On 1st draw, (H)ARDBAG H8 76 --- HARDBAG a type of rock music with a heavy beat [n] --- HARDBAG fibrous tissue in a ewe's udder [n]
Other tops: GAB(B)ARD H2 76
Other moves: GAB(B)ARD H4 74, GAB(B)ARD H6 74, GA(B)BARD H4 74, GA(B)BARD H6 74, (H)ARDBAG H6 74
On 2nd draw, TOSSERS 15B 107 --- TOSSER one that tosses [n]
Other tops: TOSSERS 15F 107
Other moves: TOSSERS 15E 104, GROSSEST 14H 72, OSSETRAS 13B 70, STRESSOR 10A 62, STRESSOR 10F 62
On 3rd draw, BRIGHT B10 36 --- BRIGHT a light-hued tobacco [n] --- BRIGHT emitting much light [adj]
Other moves: HAGG 14F 32, BAGGIT 14F 30, HAG 14F 30, AH 14E 28, BAGH 14F 28
On 4th draw, FAMILLES D8 84 --- FAMILLE a type of Chinese porcelain [n]
Other moves: FAMILLES E8 76, FAMILLE C4 68, FAMILLE G2 65, FAMILLE I2 65, FAMILLE 13G 38
On 5th draw, OUTPACE C2 83 --- OUTPACE to surpass in speed [v]
Other moves: OUTPACE E2 77, OUTPACE G3 70, OUTPACE G2 66, OUTPACE I2 66, COTEAU A6 30
On 6th draw, DO(U)LEIA A4 81 --- DOULEIA veneration of saints and angels [n]
Other moves: (H)ALIDO(M)E 8H 77, (M)ELODIA A4 75, (H)IL(L)OAED 8H 74, (H)I(L)LOAED 8H 74, DATOLI(T)E 4A 72
On 7th draw, RAMILIE I3 66 --- RAMILIE a type of wig [n]
Other moves: RAMILIE G2 62, RAMILIE I2 62, LIMIER D1 34, REMAIL D1 34, EMAIL D2 30
On 8th draw, SOREE D1 24 --- SOREE a South American bird [n]
Other tops: RESEE D1 24
Other moves: REES D3 20, REOS D3 20, ROES D3 20, ROUE H1 20, SEER D3 20
On 9th draw, GOEY H1 47 --- GOEY anxious to go [adj]
Other moves: KEX H4 43, EXO I12 42, GOOKY 2B 42, EXON H1 41, OXEN H1 41
On 10th draw, TEARY E2 35 --- TEARY tearful [adj]
Other moves: YAGER 14F 34, ROOTY 2B 32, YAGI 14F 31, YAG 14F 30, QAT G7 29
On 11th draw, PEKIN J2 40 --- PEKIN a silk fabric [n]
Other moves: KEPI J2 35, KNOP F4 33, KENO J4 30, KEP J2 30, KINO J4 30
On 12th draw, TIED E8 28 --- TIE to fasten with a cord or rope [v]
Other moves: TUNDED F5 27, DIED F4 26, DIET F4 25, DAUNTED 13G 24, DIE F4 24
On 13th draw, GAZON 14H 35 --- GAZON a sod in fortification [n]
Other moves: NAZE F12 33, BONZA 12H 32, DIAZO 11H 30, MIZ 5I 28, ZOOT 2B 26
MIZ 5I 28 Chelsea
On 14th draw, WEN F10 34 --- WEN a benign tumor of the skin [n]
Other moves: WE F10 33, YAKOW 4H 30, BOWFIN 12H 28, ENOW 15L 27, ENUF 15L 27
WOF 13K 25 Chelsea
On 15th draw, HAUNT 15K 35 --- HAUNT to visit frequently [v]
Other tops: HAINT 15K 35, HUTIA 15K 35
Other moves: TOOTH 2B 32, AHI B1 30, HI B2 28, AH B1 24, UH B1 24
HAUNT 15K 35 Chelsea
On 16th draw, WONTON N10 34 --- WONTON a pork-filled dumpling used in Chinese cooking [n]
Other moves: YAKOW 4H 30, VOW F5 27, WOOTZ J10 25, OF B1 24, OW B1 24
On 17th draw, QUININA L9 32 --- QUININA an alkaloid [n]
Other moves: PUNJI 2J 28, QUINA L11 28, QUINO 11J 28, JINNI 12K 26, QUIN 12K 26
On 18th draw, XU K11 38 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: FIXT 13K 37, XU A12 37, MIX 5I 24, XU O11 22, DICT 13K 21
XU K11 38 moonmonkey, sicilianc5, queen66, UUUUUU1115
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